发布时间:2019-08-06 21:03:14 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

非静止建筑:受时尚界纺织艺术的启发,北京时尚创意梦工厂(Beijing Fashion-Factory)将昔日的工业场地改造成一个创意工作空间,专为引领时尚行业和从事文创行业的人士设计。

AntiStatics Architecture: Inspired by the textile arts, the Beijing Fashion-Factory rejuvenates a former industrial site as a creative work space designed for creatives in the fashion industry.

城市更新理念:时尚界的织物 UrbanRenewalConcept:Fashiondesigner’spalette


紫竹药业西厂区改造前效果(2018.12)Pharmaceutical Factory façade before the refurbishment

▼建筑主体公共动线展开分析图 Unfolded Circulation Conceptual Diagram


The courtyard comes together as a diverse collection of techniques, incorporating new built elements, reuse of post-industrial waste and native landscaping all enhanced by intelligent lighting system to provide unique and changing experiences of the spaces throughout the day and into the night. Former industrial facades have been reinvented through specific processes of material expression.

▼A 庭院主楼立面及景观夜景效果 Courtyard A Building façade and Landscape Night Lighting

创新低成本材料运用 Innovative low-budget material implementation

当观者进入 Fashion Factory 时尚创意园区 A 庭院主入口,通道右侧的主视觉是一系列大型钢制纺织品造型,这些金属幕从建筑的外挑屋檐被紧紧地拉到一系列曲线锚上,锚嵌入简单的鹅卵石地面铺装中,使其看起来像是从地面冒出并上升到墙的边缘。在白天提供阴凉和隐私,在夜晚提供戏剧性但柔和的照明效果。入口的钢纺织品特性确立了 12 栋建筑改造的主题。

A1, A2 建筑是原有的车库改造成独栋办公,Building A1,A2 converted two car garage to individual office.


In Building A, steel textiles are used near the entry to the park creating a gently draped shading and privacy screen around the building. The ephemeral nature of the porous material takes a fluid and curvilinear form creating a narrow void between the enclosure and public. Where these ideas of softness and curvature are often difficult to achieve with traditional building materials, the incorporation of the steel coil curtain offers the potentials of fabric as a means of creating elegant drapery, semi-opacities and a soft filtering of light within an interior. In this way the drapery is acting a clothing for the building, adding a thin layer to the otherwise standard formation.

▼建筑周围有一圈柔和私密的遮光幕 A gently draped shading and privacy screen around the building

▼从时尚界提取柔软纱织的材料特性 Taking idea from Fashion: the ephemeral nature of the porous material

▼施工安装工艺示意 Diagram of construction and installation process

原动力车间成为“纺织机“理念输出场所 Historical Coal Power Plant’s new life

继续步入园区,一个更大的原动力车间已被改造成一个大型创意空间,4 层的挑高中庭贯穿建筑内部。几何凸窗的墙面构成了庭院的背景,像整个园区的纺织机,源源不断的输出创新的理念和时尚的图案。通过重新利用一条旧煤炭运输通道成为跨越场地内一条主要人行景观廊道,进一步强调“纺织机”的这种线性运动逻辑。这座桥变成了一座人行天桥,通透的工业钢网包裹着桥体,同时将曾经布满煤痕的墙壁改造成了一条艺术展示廊道。

Beyond the entry a larger former coal power plant has been converted into a large creative works space with a large 4 story atrium visible rising through the building. Creating a backdrop to the courtyard, the punched out windows suggest the linear movement of a looms shuttle within the weaving process. This linear movement is further enhanced and emphasized by the reuse of a former coal conduit spanning across one of the primary pedestrian avenues within the site. This becomes a pedestrian bridge with threads of steel wrapping its length while creating a long enclosed gallery within the once coal scarred walls.

▼建筑外立面开窗与室内的对应关系 Correspondence between exterior facade window opening and interior(Xiazhi)

▼19 米高共享中庭是整个时尚园区的“纺织机”智慧输出站 The 19 meter high shared atrium is the“textile loom”, wisdom output station of the whole Fashion Park

▼更大的开窗引入原工业空间自然光线 Bringing natural lights to the industrial building

原厂房煤库动力站有三个部分,改造后的建筑立面是一个完整的图案与造型的复合拼图,借鉴了拼贴与缝合的理念,从看似不连贯的空间中创造出一个更具凝聚力的整体。几何图形、彩色凸窗与金属编织创造了一个有节奏的建筑语言,跨越三个结构的立面,创造了一个统一而强大的整体,成为园区主要的建筑视角纳入观者的视线。这些几何拼贴通过在建筑物表皮上的切割与嵌入进一步定义内部空间的丰富性,作为入驻企业的展示平台及“时尚橱窗”。通过这种方式,内部的功能性和层次结构通过外部表现出来,大开窗定义了开放的工作空间,小洞口定义了暂停和思考的时刻。在建筑的 19 米挑高中庭中,南立面色彩窗户引入明亮的阳光,像大教堂内产生强烈的对角线和光束的空间感官一样,不同的颜色和色调创造了额外的视觉冲击力,突出了室内在一天中不同时刻散发的独特瞬间。

Three parts of the previous coal power plants act as a composite patch work of patterns and forms, taking from the ideas of quilting and stitching to create a more cohesive whole from seemingly disconnected inputs. The shared patterning of boxes and punch outs create a rhythmic language across the façades of the three structures creating a unified and strong language to the initial views and entry to the sight. These patched geometries add further architectural definition by interfacing beyond the shell of the buildings and defining spatial qualities of the interiors. In this way the functional performance and hierarchies of the interior are expressed through the exterior, with large swaths defining openly programmed work spaces and small punch outs defining moments of pause and reflection. In the large atrium spaces of the buildings, small colored windows are used to create an additional spatial condition, through these southern facing windows bright sunlight is able to stream through creating strong diagonals and beams of light within the cathedral like spaces, the varied colors and hues creates an additional patchwork of visual stimulation highlighting moments in the interior uniquely at different times of the day.

▼外凸式彩色窗口用于创建更多元的共享空间与室内光效 Small pop-out colored windows are used to create an additional spatial condition

▼不同的色调通过南立面彩色窗创造了多元的视觉 The varied colors and hues creates an additional patchwork of visual through the southern windows

“时尚界”纺织品“在建筑空间的三维运用“Textile”applied to an architectural space


由煤炭运输带改造而成的工业观景桥 An Industrial Viewing Bridge converted from the coal transportation Belt

▼从编织遮阳的下沉花园看到的景观连桥 Looking towards the slopped viewing bridge a shaded sunken garden

折叠的时尚编织半室外空间成为了 A 庭院的主要视觉,也是公共景观与半私密下沉庭院的屏障 The Folded fashion weaving semi-outdoor space has become the main visual of courtyard A, also act as the barrier between public landscape and private sunken garden.

联排 LOFT 工作室 A7 栋最突出的展示面是沿街道一侧,它对公众采取了新的开放姿态,不是传统的封闭园区的做法。该建筑将公共空间定义为前院和聚会场所,向公众展示建筑及室内的活动。此外,编织的立体结构继续延续至 B2 栋建筑的北立面,作为通过剖面定义空间感官的一种手段。通过对现有结构的下挖,并引入下沉式花园,建筑步入的方式由景观庭院开始,引导客户步入建筑内部一层与架高的二层空间。下沉花园的挖掘采用土壤在景观上的循环利用,以创造其他区域高于地面的立体景观,在场地的既定平坦坡度和不同地形之间创造一个恒定的规则。

建筑沿街开放外立面,时尚编织造型成为沿街展示的“橱窗”The facade of the building is open along the street, and the fashionable woven canopy has become the“showcase window“along the street

▼后疫情时期的下沉花园入户的 LOFT 办公户型,建筑造型划分了私密与公共的界限 In Post epidemic period, the sunken garden Loft office with individual entry becomes very popular, and the architectural canopy divides the boundary between privacy and public.

▼采用时尚纺织元素生成的的建筑屏风细节 Details of the architectural screen with fashion weaving textile

景观公共空间成为“时尚”T 台 Landscape public space becomes“Fashion Catwalk”以时尚驱动设计为线索,景观和人行道在空间中有机穿行,创造出能够容纳小型私密时尚拍摄、聚会和私密的谈话区;而在景观中轴线,则可容纳大量人群,更具体地说,是中心时尚 T 台秀场。T 台空间是整个场地的主要步行通道,连接 A 庭院与 B 庭院,同时观景工业廊桥、宽阔的户外台阶和工业艺术装置休闲区为参加时装秀的人群提供了观看空间。打造一个及具有特色的时尚、人文、绿色园区。

Taking cues from the fashion driven program, the landscape and pedestrian pathways weave through the space, creating programmatic spaces capable of accommodating small, intimate fashion shoots, gatherings and private alcoves, while in other areas accommodating large gatherings of people and more specifically, the quintessential catwalk down the central axis. While the catwalk space doubles as the primary pedestrian circulation through the site, it is the bridge, broad staircases and secondary landscape elements that provide space for those attending the fashion show.

在观景连桥上俯瞰 A 庭院景观 T 台 Overlook of the Courtyard A landscape and Catwalk

▼A 庭院景观 T 台夜景效果 Courtyard A landscape and Catwalk night effect


Peppered throughout the landscape, creating the small intimate nooks in spaces are sculptural seating elements created from once derelict remains of the industrial factories on site. Large oil tanks becoming unique seating elements creating exterior living spaces. Piping, valves and diaphragms are reassembled to create sculptural lattices and trellises for shading, plant growth and enclosure. Other raw materials were saved from the buildings to create the planters and landscape walls around the pathways through the site.

▼车库门通道景观连接 A 庭院与 B 庭院 Operable gateway connect A courtyard to B courtyard

▼连续的“管道状”装置连带公共座椅与工业回收雕塑 Continuous“Pipe”form with seating and Industrial reuse sculpture

整个园区在不同的庭院为企业提供了一系列的便利设施。这里设有实验剧场和放映空间、挑高礼堂、时尚跑道/T 台秀场、美术馆和休闲音乐吧、布鲁克林风格地下展厅等,可适应大中小企业活动。这些功能通过场地的改造与重新挖掘提供了不同尺度的共享空间; 这样,Fashion Factory 园区就成了北京市的一个景点及时尚地标,不仅仅只是达到一个办公园区的目的,而是可以体现城市巨大创造力和生产力的文化基地。

The public spaces of the site offer further amenities to both on site users as well as outside parties. Featuring theater and screening spaces, auditorium, fashion runways, art galleries and music venues, the site is adaptable to both large and small scale events. In this way, the park operates as an attraction point within the city, not simply a destination for work, but rather a cultural destination expressive of the immense creativity and production of the city.

▼大型油罐成为独特的公共座椅 Large oil tanks becoming unique seating elements


There are several shared activity spaces in the park: the glass art museum is transformed from the truss of raw water purification and treatment


Beijing Fashion Factory 吸引了时尚界的众多从业者,很快就成为北京本土时尚界的新聚集点。


Through these diverse techniques and processes the space comes together as a unified quilt of texture, pattern and form. Used by a wide range of practitioners within the fashion industry the site has quickly become a new gathering point for the burgeoning homegrown Beijing fashion scene. An example and guiding set of principles looking outside of architecture for inspiration while seeking to inspire others to look at reusable materiality and sustainable practices as a way forward.


The truss crane of the original factory is partially repaired as old, which has become the inspiration source of fashion designers in the community.

金属网“管道形式”艺术装置和回收工业艺术的细节 Details of the metal mesh“Pipe form”art installation and recycled industrial art

▼时尚创意工厂入口门与“Dream”标识 Fashion factory entrance door and“dream”logo

▼时尚”印花”效果墙面与金属“织物”屏风的交叠效果 The overlapping effect of fashion“printing”wall and metal“fabric”screen

▼时尚”印花”效果墙面制作工艺 Production techniques of fashionable“printing”effect wall

▼原 19 米高锅炉房改造成 4 层办公与共享大厅 19 meter-tall office atrium after renovation program

▼原制药厂改造后功能分区与公共景观 Factory Renovation diagram and public amenity

▼时尚创意园区规划总平面(A 庭院+B 庭院)Fashion Factory Overall planning (A-Courtyard+ B-Courtyard)

▼ A 庭院主楼立面改造立面 Courtyard A Main building Renovation Elevation

▼ A 庭院 LOFT 工作室下沉花园与编制遮阳屏风示意图 Courtyard A Loft studio sunken garden and woven screen diagram

项目名称:“织物构建”Fashion Factory 创意工厂-A 庭院城市更新,北京

项目地址:北京,朝阳北路甲 27 号

项目完成年份:2020 年

建筑面积(平方米): 18,000

建筑事务所:非静止建筑设计 AntiStatics Architecture

主创建筑师:MoZheng 郑默、Martin Miller(美)、Christopher Beckett (英)、Theodorius E. D. Santoso (印尼) Annie Liu 刘宣灼、Yasser Hafizs(印尼)、Arthur Yang 杨轩、韩雪、Chengxuan Li 李承轩


合作方:施工单位:深圳市聚豪装饰工程有限公司(总承建单位)深圳长田建设工程有限公司(幕墙施工单位)领住智造(A3 栋室内施工单位)业主:菁英梦谷集团

Project name: “Textiles as Constructs “Beijing Fashion Factory A courtyard

Project location: Beijing, Chaoyang District, Changying Area

Completion Year: 2020

Gross Built Area (square meters): 18,000 sqm

Architect’ Firm: AntiStatics Architecture

Design Team: (in ‘first name last name’ order) Martin Miller, Mo Zheng, Christopher Beckett, Theodorius E. D. Santoso, Annie Liu, Arthur Yang, Xue Han, Chengxuan Li

Photo credits: Xiazhi

Other participants:Contractor: Shenzhen Ju Hao Engineer

Façade Fabricator: Shenzhou Chang Tian Construction

A3 Building Interior: InDeco_

Valley Elite Group

审稿编辑 任廷会 – Ashley Jen


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