发布时间:2021-08-20 11:45:17 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Space never simply serves as a container for physical form. But houses soul and spirit. We construct our home with poetic quality. While our home composes part of us with subtlety.


Sun rises and sets; the wheel of city life keeps rolling over relentlessly. The tension and pressure have been lingering around the metropolitan worker for long and never fade away. Under such circumstance, what kinds of qualities should we value in the design of working space which occupies 1/3 of our day?The answer from MUDA is straightforward: the space is to be poetic, gentle, heart-warming, and inspiring.

▼160 米高空全景晚霞,160m high panoramic sunset©形在摄影 HereSpace

慕达建筑成都新办公室的选址位于东二环高架旁的华润大厦,38 层 160 米的高度,270 度的高空视野,西边远眺大雪山,成都主城的天际线和城市肌理也尽收眼底。高层写字楼下是错落有致的老式居民区,成都的市井文化在此体现得淋漓尽致;二环高架上的车辆川流不息。城市的动与静、新与旧、自然与人文的景象,都共存于慕达建筑的视野中。

▼场地区位,location©MUDA 慕达建筑

At the height of 160 meters and with a 270-degree view, MUDA new office-site is located at the 38th floor of Chengdu China Resources Building, right next to the eastern viaduct of the second ring road.

When you look around, you can appreciate the gorgeousness of snow mountains on the west, and the well constructed city skyline and urban footprint.

Meanwhile, when you look down, the combination of dynamic and static, modern and ancient, can all be found in the old neighborhood and the traffic streaming along the viaduct.

▼空间与城市框景,Space and city framing©形在摄影 HereSpace


Full-height glazing blur the boundary between the cityscape and office-interior, while the mullions and columns framing the city views with different dimensions and perspectives. MUDA hope its design strategies could be inspired under such scenarios.

全景玻璃幕墙,Full-height glazing©形在摄影 HereSpace

融合而通透的场景,Transparent Scenarios©形在摄影 HereSpace

慕达建筑将写字楼原有的标准化装饰拆除,解构和重建空间的秩序。4.2 米的建筑层高被设备层占用了近 1 米的空间,设计采用整体镂空的方格木纹吊顶,既保留了建筑原始层高,又形成了统一而有序的空间肌理。

▼原始空间,Original condition©MUDA 慕达建筑

In the original condition, the mechanical equipments occupies almost 1m of the 4.2m floor height. To rebuild the order and invigorate the space, MUDA first removed all the standardized decoration of the office and then added the suspended ceiling with hollowed-out wooden texture grids. In this way, the primitive floor height was preserved, and a well-organized spatial texture was achieved.

▼开放办公区,the open working area©形在摄影 HereSpace


The main consideration for the spatial design was comfortability. To begin with, MUDA selected the wood color as the base and performed it with different materiality on the ceiling, floor and interior façade. At the same time, the white office tables revitalize the space; the bare concrete columns empower its sense of potency and time; the well-designed furniture system and flexible space divisions, compose a contemporary urban Shan-shui painting.

▼从办公区看会客区,View of The Salon from the working area©形在摄影 HereSpace


Following the principle of less is more, the harmony between sensibility and rationality was achieved by the design of material and function, which leads to a heart-warming, pure and tranquil atmosphere. When night falls, cold natural light smoothly transitions into warm interior light, while the translucent wooden louvers providing a sense of ambiguity. In this way, a poem about office space has been well-written.

▼空间长轴画卷,Scroll of space©形在摄影 HereSpace

智能化与办公场景的结合是慕达建筑在新办公室中进行的一次成功尝试,公共区域的灯光由 400 颗智能 LED 灯泡组成矩阵,手机 APP 可控制冷暖调色与亮度调节,无线连接实现了对每一颗灯泡的定点调节控制。多种场景模式的不同灯光设定,实现了日间办公、午休、夜景办公、会议模式、演讲模式、派对模式等多种情景的自由切换与定时切换,使得科技、功能和美学得以融合呈现。

Intelligent office design is another key feature MUDA achieved. The lighting system in the public area was composed by 400 smart LED lightbulbs. The light temperature and intensity of every single smart LED lightbulb could be remotely controlled by smart phone application with precision. Moreover, the lighting presets enable the office space to freely and automatically switch among daytime mode, lunchbreak mode, nighttime mode, meeting mode, presentation mode and party mode etc… Thus, a fusion of technology, functionality and aesthetic has been accomplished.

▼点阵智能灯泡动图,Smart light bulbs matrix©形在摄影 HereSpace

多种场景营造–演讲模式动图,Different scenarios: speech©形在摄影 HereSpace


The lighting system design of the new office is an exploration for the positive impact of smart technology on energy efficient system, environment friendly design, and good quality of life. The many possibilities of intelligent design will continuously be explored by Muda in the upcoming working experience.

▼环境冷光与室内暖光相映成趣,Light contrast©形在摄影 HereSpace

▼灯光细部,Details of theLight©形在摄影 HereSpace


▼轴测图 Axonometric drawing©MUDA 慕达建筑

The office space has been divided into several functional dimensions, including entrance, individual office, standard working space, exhibition area, bar, salon and multi-functional meeting area. Different spots of working area could obtain distinctive views of the city thanks to the open spatiality. Other than the views, the sliding division system provide flexibility for the meeting area and reception area. Besides, the electronic wooden louvers enable the spatiality freely transformed among close, semi-close/semi-open and open.

▼入口,Entrance©形在摄影 HereSpace

▼入口-- 镜面里的“平行世界”,Parallel world”in the mirror©形在摄影 HereSpace

走廊,Aisle©形在摄影 HereSpace

▼吧台区-- 可变色的发光膜,Bar-variable color luminous film©形在摄影 HereSpace

▼会客区,The Salon©形在摄影 HereSpace


The design of the meeting area was aimed to be creative and revolutionary due to the low efficiency of the conventional meeting room. In this way, the meeting area of the MUDA new office could accommodate different activities such as salon, entertainment (ping-pong), party, model making, material demo, and storage besides holding meetings. Thus, the meeting room becomes the most popular space in the whole office.

▼多功能会议室 Multi-functional Room©形在摄影 HereSpace

▼从多功能会议室看向办公区,view from theMulti-functional Room©形在摄影 HereSpace

空间整体的木色,包含了吊顶-- 木纹铝方通、木百叶窗帘、强化木地板、定制木柜等多种质地。空间再配以混凝土粗糙的质感与艺术涂料的细腻素雅,白色的工作台面,半透明的玻璃隔断,大小别致的建筑模型,适量的软装点缀色彩和品质。

▼ 天花构造详图,Detail of ceiling construction©MUDA 慕达建筑

The wooden color serving as the main tone of the space, comes from the wooden suspended ceiling, wooden louvers, reinforced wooden flooring, and customized wooden cabinet etc. Moreover, the roughness of bare concrete and the delicacy of artistic paint composes a gentle melody with white table surfaces, translucent glass divisions, crafty architecture models, and moderate soft decorations.

▼ 木纹、混凝土与白色,Wood, concrete and white color ©形在摄影 HereSpace


The spatial design of MUDA new office was aimed to reconsider and build up the ambiguity of the space in physical form, from the contemporary aspects of openness, comfortability and intellectualization. “We are only able to construct after to survive; housing is the biological expression of human beings, which suggests the desire to seek for the origin. A working space highly associated with city development would help MUDA to better incorporate its understanding towards humanity, architecture, nature and city within future globalization and design practice.

▼木纹铝方通与混凝土立柱 Wood grain aluminum tube and bare concrete column©形在摄影 HereSpace

▼长虹玻璃与木纹百叶;玻璃、不锈钢与黑色皮革 Curved glass and wooden louvers;Glass, stainless steel and black leather©形在摄影 HereSpace

▼剖透视,perspective section©MUDA 慕达建筑

▼平面图,Floor Plan©MUDA 慕达建筑

软装,Furnishing©MUDA 慕达建筑

项目地点:中国成都 – 华润大厦

项目类型:办公空间 – 室内设计

设计面积:350 平方米


建筑事务所:慕达建筑 MUDA-Architects



灯光设计:BPI 照明设计


摄影:形在空间摄影 贺川

Location: Chengdu, China – China Resources Building

Project Type: Interior Design-Office Space

Design Area: 350 sqm

Design Period: 2021.03 – 2021.05

Architecture Firm: MUDA-Architects

Principal Architect: Lu Yun

Design Team: Li Aidong, Lv Chenyu, Rong Dian

Lighting Design: BPI Lighting Design

Construction Team: Sichuan Chu Feng Architectural Decoration Design Co.

Photography: HereSpace – He Chuan


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