发布时间:2020-11-15 18:36:56 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

在哈勒姆市历史城市中新的边缘,建造了一栋新的仓库,其名为De Scheepmaker,是一座八层楼的居住综合体,为荷兰天际线增添了新的一笔。同时,新的建筑遵循当地建造逻辑,与周边环境融为一体。其建筑形式参考仓库,拥有阶梯状的屋顶线条以及垂直玻璃分割,十分醒目。层层后退的露台让阳光可以照射到街道,并且消解了建筑尺度,与周边建筑相融合。立面上的石材细节体现了设计对砖制工业建筑的转译,其丰富的触感亦为行人带来了亲密的体验。

▼从河面看向项目,view to the project from the river

On the border of Haarlem’s historic city centre, a new warehouse has been built. 8-storey residential complex, De Scheepmaker, is a new addition to the Dutch skyline, but is so logical that it looks as if it has been there for years. It is recognisable by its warehouse-inspired typology, stepped roofline, and vertical glass cut. The stepped terraces allow sunlight into the street and compliment the scale of the surrounding architecture. The contemporary translation of industrial brick architecture is discernible by the masonry details in the facade, a tactile feature also made interesting for passers-by up close.

▼设计分析,design analysis

▼建筑与周边的房屋相协调,the building being harmony with the surrounding houses

▼鸟瞰,建筑采用退台的形式,aerial view of the building with stepped terrace

▼后退的露台,stepped terrace

从建设风险中学习:定制化大规模生产Lessons from the construction crisis: customisable mass-production

De Scheepmaker是内城最新的开发项目,其高耸的外观满足了所处城市环境的要求。建筑位于55栋风格各异的住宅之间,这些住宅涵盖了从经济公寓到奢华阁楼的不同类型。尽管项目为规模生产的产物,其中的每个房间都带给人定制的感觉。“我们认为定制化的大规模生产是未来建筑的解决方案。”建筑师Joeri van Ommeren表示。这是他和vanOmmeren建筑事务所从过去的建造风险中学习到的经验。事务所相信每一个住宅都是一个家庭,如同定制房屋一般满足不同的需求。

De Scheepmaker is the latest inner-city development of this stature, appealing to its urban location because of the variety and uniqueness of the 55 dwellings – ranging from starter’s apartments to luxury penthouses. Despite being mass-produced, each house feels as though it is tailor-made. “We see mass-produced customisation as the solution for the future,” says architect Joeri van Ommeren (1987). This is a lesson that he and his office, vanOmmeren architecten (VOA) learned from the construction crisis. VOA believes that every resident is entitled to a home that fits like a tailor-made suit.

▼分解轴测图,定制化公寓,exploded axonometric, customized apartments

▼建筑街景,street view of the building

▼砖与玻璃结合的立面,facade combining bricks and glass

▼立面细部,facade details

▼屋顶露台,terrace on the roof

设计促进个性化Facilitating personalization


In addition to the variety in floor plans, the design includes reasons for the resident to adapt the apartment to their own wishes. A thicker window frame is the place where, in time, a wall could be placed for children’s room, or a daylit corner becomes an attractive seat for reading. Ground level maisonettes boast 5 meter high ceilings, providing opportunity for mezzanine living. It facilitates customisation, and it is up to the user to do it their own way. At VOA they call this ‘Design for Affinity’, in which residents are active participants in adapting their home to their desires.

▼入口通高空间,entrance space

▼明亮的公共空间,public space with plenty natural light

▼走道与标识细部,corridor and details of the signs

▼使用者根据各自的需求设计的风格各异的室内空间,interior spaces in different styles created by the users according to their own desires

▼不同露台空间的使用,uses of terrace space





Project Name: De Scheepmaker

Location: , Netherlands

Architect: vanOmmeren architecten

Team: Joeri van Ommeren, Tsveta Ruseva, Dion Nupoort, Menno van der Hoeven, Laura van Beek

Client: Wibaut Projectontwikkeling

Area: 12 570m2

Year: June 2020

Advisors: Heddes bouw en ontwikkeling, Hosper/Mark van der Heide, Pieters Bouwtechniek, VIAC

Photos: Eva Bloem

Video link:


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