发布时间:2017-08-26 23:12:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
局部元素莲花造型,增加自行车和行人通道,减少雨水径流,广场中心的喷泉设计,SUDS(可持续的城市排水系统) 的应用,透水材料的运用,支持可渗透的街道系统。


The design adopts the symbolic shape of a typical local element: the Lotus lake. Featuring distinctive ‘Lotus flower’ and ‘Lotus leaf’ canopies, the square aims to increase bike and pedestrian access, along with decreasing water runoff in Da Nang’s rain-filled location. Using its canopy-like shade structure, the Lotus Square will host a playground, market, and water feature symbolic of its chosen motif.

Courtesy of HUNI Architectes


Courtesy of HUNI Architectes


Courtesy of HUNI Architectes



Our goal is to create a unique space combining aesthetics, comfort and functionality, in the heart of Da Nang, for the people of Da Nang – HUNI Architectes.

Courtesy of HUNI Architectes


Courtesy of HUNI Architectes


广场的莲花状的檐篷作为视觉连接的底层和地下水平的广场。设计为径向钢结构,由中央柱支撑,冠层由基于莲花叶花瓣的单个单元组成。8 种主要的“花瓣”作为正方形中间最宽的屋顶元素,在向边缘移动时变得更尖。

The square’s lotus-like canopies serve as visual connections between the ground floor and the underground levels of the square. Designed as a radial steel structure supported by central columns, the canopy is comprised of single-units based on the petals of a Lotus flower leaf. 8 primary “petals” serve as the widest roof elements in the middle of the square, becoming more pointed while moving towards the edges. Courtesy of HUNI Architectes


Courtesy of HUNI Architectes



The lotus-motif continues in the square’s circular flooring and new pink lotus playground, “designed to create a place for the community.” Says HUNI: “The colorful playground is visible from afar, yet it’s a world of its own. It will become a place where children can always drop by to enjoy some playtime after school.” To achieve coherency within the large area covered by the square, a pattern of granite circles knits public space together.

因此,新的莲花广场可以有一种智能循环的方法来为公共空间元素提供水-Huni 建筑。

The new Lotus Square can therefore have an intelligent cyclic approach to water provision for the public space elements – HUNI Architectes.

Courtesy of HUNI Architectes


通过广场的设计,Huni 建筑师也试图保护现有的建筑工地。汉市场虽然不是一座遗产建筑,但却是大娘历史的重要组成部分。该项目的目的是保持现有的结构和翻新的内部和外部部分。该市场将继续是“附近地区的支撑点”,吸引游客和当地人。

Through the design of the square, HUNI Architects also sought to preserve existing buildings on site. The Han Market, though not a heritage building, forms a significant part of the history of Da Nang. The project aims to keep the existing structure and refurbish the interior and the exterior parts. The market will continue to remain an “anchor point for the neighborhood”, drawing tourists and locals alike.

Courtesy of HUNI Architectes


Courtesy of HUNI Architectes



In an effort to reduce traffic, overground car parks are replaced with underground facilities, and the reconfigured open surface of the Lotus Square provides easy access and crossing for pedestrians. Cyclists have their own lanes shared with public transport, with bike sharing facilities forming part of proposed “Mobility Hubs” at the market hall, at a new subway station entrance/canopy, and on the first floor of the new underground Parking.

Courtesy of HUNI Architectes


Courtesy of HUNI Architectes


广场上的两个新的水设施将被设计为 SUDS(可持续的城市排水系统)。广场中心的主要水景将有 50 多个喷泉。尽管它体积很大,但水位设计得很浅,可以容纳孩子们使用它作为游泳馆。这两个功能可以全年使用,并将提供照明和表演集,供公众在活动中欣赏。

Two new water features on the square will be designed as SUDS (sustainable urban drainage systems). The main water feature in the square’s centre will contain over 50 fountains. Despite its large size, the water level is designed to be shallow to accommodate children using it as a playing pool. Both features can be used all year round and will feature lighting and performance sets for the fountains for the public to enjoy at events. Courtesy of HUNI Architectes


Huni 建筑师在选择材料时说,广场设计的主要目标之一是减少流入大娘综合暴雨和污水下水道系统的水流量。清除像沥青这样的不透水表面,用透水材料 (如透水铺路和植被) 代替它们,可以大大减少城市径流。广场周围的一种新的林荫道树框架将种植在收集雨水的大型树坑中,以支持可渗透的街道系统。

One of the primary goals of the square design is to decrease water runoff into Da Nang’s combined storm and waste water sewer system, says HUNI Architects on their choice of materials. Removing impervious surfaces like asphalt, and replacing them with pervious materials like permeable paving and vegetation, can substantially reduce urban runoff. A new framework of avenue trees around the square will be planted in large tree pits that collect rainwater, supporting the permeable street system.

Courtesy of HUNI Architectes


它的设计和建设将成为到 2030 年把这个城市改造成越南最现代化的城市中心的总体计划的一部分。

Its design and construction will form part of Da Nang’s master plan to transform the city into Vietnam’s most modernized urban hub by 2030.

Hải Ch u, ĐàNẵng,南建筑师,负责 Huni 建筑工程顾问

Architects HUNI Architectes

Location Hải Châu, Đà Nẵng, Vietnam

Architect in Charge HUNI Architectes

Engineering Consultant Boydens Engineering

Collaborators OMG Designer, Hydroscan, Ney & Partner

Area 44000.0 m2Project Year 2017


Information Courtesy of: HUNI Architectes.

OMGEVING 和合作伙伴赢得了越南“绿色走廊”河滨修复设计大赛,“绿色连接”和“绿色项目”正在越南第三大城市大港举行。总部位于安特卫普的设计公司 OMGEVING 和合作伙伴获得了 39 名申请者的联合一等奖,以参加大港汉江总计划的设计竞赛,估计费用为 8500 万欧元。

OMGEVING and Partners Win Design Competition to Restore Riverfront in Vietnam

’Green corridor,’ ’green connections,’ and a ’green program’ are coming to Vietnam’s third largest city, Da Nang. Antwerp-based design company OMGEVING and partners was awarded a joint first place prize - out of 39 applicants -for the design competition for Da Nang’s Han Riverfront master plan that has an estimated cost of 85 million euros.


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