发布时间:2019-09-01 07:10:44 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

FINE FAN是FINE品牌旗下集杂货铺与餐厅于一身的新店铺,位于上海老洋房区的乌鲁木齐中路上。店内装饰采用复古雅致的胡桃木,呈现老上海旧商铺的历史感。设计师运用巧妙的空间处理,在窄小的两层店堂内容纳货品展示与就餐和厨房区域。在这家小而精致的店铺里,每一处角落都值得细细品味。顾客一进店门就可见从地板直通二楼楼顶的展示架,颇似《哈利波特》电影中的Ollivanders魔杖店。木架隔层大小不一,形制多样,显得丰富有趣而不凌乱。牺牲入口处的宝贵空间设计了这些展示架是为了能陈设更多的商品,让顾客上楼用餐或在入口处等候时可以仔细欣赏,同时也打通了上下两层空间,使整个店铺成为一体。


FINE FAN, a new store of the FINE franchise, is located among old villas on Wulumuqi Road in Shanghai. It is a zakka as well as a canteen, decorated with walnut wood reminiscent of the 1930s Shanghai. By ingenious design of the space, the tiny two-storeyed store accommodates enough shelves for products display as well as dining area and a kitchen. Small but exquisite, every detail in this store deserves your attention. The first thing one perceives upon entering the store is the set of tall shelves from the ground to the ceiling of the second floor, like the inside of Ollivanders in Harry Potter films. The shelves of various sizes and shapes are designed, at the expense of the precious space at the entrance, to display more products for customers to appreciate while going upstairs or waiting for takeaways. At the same time, the two storeys are integrated into one whole.

▼店铺外观,exterior view

▼一进店门就可见从地板直通二楼楼顶的展示架,the set of tall shelves from the ground to the ceiling of the second floor


In order to save space, the kitchen and storage room are hidden under the stairs. Dishes are sent to the dining area upstairs via a dumbwaiter. Old-styled awning windows are installed on the second floor to ensure good ventilation. The whole space of the store appears open and communicative. Solid walnut wood is used for the decoration of the store as well as all the tailor-made tables and chairs. Painted with simple wax oil to preserve its elegant grain and colour, the wood gives an air of retro-styled solidness and will increase its beauty through time and touch of human hands. At the same time, the tone of the dark colour is lightened by polishing and mouldings.

▼由楼梯上至二层就餐区,2nd floor dinning area

▼装饰和桌椅均采用全实木的胡桃木,solid walnut wood is used for the decoration of the store as well as all the tailor-made tables and chairs

▼老式翻窗保障良好的通风,old-styled awning windows are installed on the second floor to ensure good ventilation


The store is renovated from an old residence. Some parts of the original walls are preserved to expose concrete blocks, rebar and slabs. The ceiling is renovated according to the same principle: apply putty then remove it in order to cover traces of pipes but keep the texture of the original slabs. The entrance of the ground floor is paved with washed stones common in old Shanghai architecture. With white as the main colour, it contrasts the dark wood and brightens the space. A large number of pendant lamps of various styles are hanging unevenly from the ceiling.

▼保留了部分原始墙面,并露出砌块砖和钢筋,some parts of the original walls are preserved to expose concrete blocks, rebar and slabs

▼老上海建筑中常用的白色水洗石地面,washed stones common in old Shanghai architecture

▼原始的墙面、天花管道、错落有致的吊灯,original walls, ceilings, and pendant lamps

▼剖面手绘图,section sketches

▼一层平面图,1st floor plan

▼二层平面图,2nd floor plan


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