发布时间:2019-12-18 23:04:20 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Dayu Park is a 2.6- hectare community park located 4 kilometers west of Baiyun Mountain in Guangzhou, a southern metropolitan city of China. The town center with high-density of population and old infrastructure needs upgrading as so well open spaces, in order to have a better Living conditionin the urban environment. As a result, some land around city skirts for agricultureare transformed and reused as recreational community parks playing different roles during the urbanization process.

▼公园鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of the Dayu Park ©张海


▼场地原貌,基地周边生机勃勃,original situation of the site, the other blocks surrounded are full of vitality ©张唐景观

At the first arrival we found out that the historical memorize of the site have been erased as a flat empty open space being ready for new development. Interestingly the other blocks surrounded are full of vitality: small retails for joint-venture products as clothing accessories, gloves, zippers are opened in the north of the site, suggesting a little background of the area.

▼改造后公园鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of the Dayu Park after renovation ©鲁冰


▼公园分区概念图,program concept ©张唐景观

▼区域设计概念图,concept diagram of the scene ©张唐景观

▼公园自然片段概念图,concept diagram of each zone ©张唐景观

As a fish farm in the past few years, the site carried certain characteristic in landscape perspective view. According to on line research, fish eggs were incubated from one ponduntil seedlings were ready to pick up; the fish retailers purchased, fed and sold them to the markets. The whole process is short but shows typical modern agriculture in the region. Viewing from aerial photo , those grid-shaped ponds with distinct textures and colors look like abstract paintings. The landscape transformed from forests to farmland, fish pond, factories, has a chance now to be back as“forest”as origin again. We want to rehabilitate their fish farm grid and farming process in the landscape design. Even though it was just a short period during the rapid development process, the meaningful context has the value for memorizing by the future community.

▼大鱼公园俯视图,top view of the Dayu Park ©鲁冰


▼公园分区,programs of the park ©张唐景观

Japanese Architect Sou Fujimoto, who’s in charge of housing design for the community, has concept of green covered towers as “forest in future”. In landscape concept we focus on water to recall the specific context, at the same time use fish as the design feature of the park.

▼从湿地花园看亲水平台、草坡地形和儿童活动区,viewing the water platform, grass slopes and children’s playground from the constructed wetland ©鲁冰

▼亲水平台俯视图,top view of the water platform ©张海

▼临水布置的亲水平台,the water platform beside the retention pond ©张海

▼亲水平台,布置有白色的细柱,the water platform with slender white columns ©张海

▼从亲水平台向草坡地形迈进,heading for the grass slopes from the water platform ©张海

▼草坡地形,the grass slopes ©张海

▼草坡地形,周边设有座椅,the grass slopes with seatings arranged on the periphery ©张海

▼人们在草坡上休息或玩耍,people’s are resting or playing on the grass slopes ©张海

▼草坡地形局部鸟瞰图,工业元素与绿植景观相结合,partial bird-eye’s view of the grass slopes, the industrial elements combine with the green landscape ©张海

▼草坡地形里的游乐空间,the recreation area of the grass slopes ©张海


▼儿童活动区俯视图,top view of the children’s playground ©张海

▼儿童活动区远景,distant view of the children’s playground ©张海

▼儿童活动区局部,设有带白色屋顶的游乐设施,partial view of the children’s playground with the recreation facilities covered by white roofs ©张海

▼儿童活动区局部近景,partial close view the children’s playground ©张海

▼儿童活动区局部,孩子们在白色屋顶下玩耍,partial view of the children’s playground, kids are playing under the white roofs ©张海

▼儿童活动区局部,设有沙坑、滑梯和木饰面的围合结构,partial view of the children’s playground with sandpit, children’s slide and enclosures covered by wooden veneer ©张海

▼木制围合结构细节,details of the wooden enclosures ©张海

The design process is complexed with land use, infrastructure, construction access, train road impact etc. that factors uncertain in the future development. However, they are hard to be ignored even at the beginning of concept. The design layout, road system, and entrance are all based on the multi-functional guild lines of the region.Storm water management and run-off control are the basic sewer system in this project. The tropical plants community provides diversity of species and creativity of micro climate. Environmental education combined within the ecological system corresponds daily life of the visitors. Dory park finally indicates a community park model for celebrating the harmony of human habitats with their natural environment.

▼湿地花园,the constructed wetland ©张海

▼湿地花园的水上步道,the path above the water in the constructed wetland ©鲁冰

▼傍晚时分的大鱼公园,the Dayu Park at dusk ©鲁冰

▼大鱼公园夜景,night view of the Dayu Park ©张海

项目名称:广州大鱼公园 景观设计:上海张唐景观设计事务所 设计团队:张东、唐子颖、张卿、杨玉鹏、卞少豪、陈逸帆、杜欣波、王琪、魏劼睿 装置设计:张唐艺术工作室 设计团队:刘洪超、郑佳林、范炎杰、王虎、张喆鑫 水生态设计:张唐自然工作室 设计团队:王墨、徐敏 甲方:广州万科 甲方团队:陈浩、杨康明 施工方:博雅园林 建成时间:2018年10月 摄影:张海 、鲁冰


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