该项目是Mesura事务所为时装品牌Javier Simorra在其成立40周年之际打造的旗舰店。该门店位于巴塞罗那著名的格拉西亚大道,与高迪的标志性作品“米拉之家”(Casa Mila)隔街相望。本项目借助新的设计元素,使既有建筑对周围环境形成独具特色的回应。
After the Interior Design Guidelines for fashion designer Javier Simorra, the brand opened a store on the famous Passeig de Gracia in celebration of its 40th birthday. Located right in front of Casa Mila, one of the emblematic modernist buildings by the hand of Antoni Gaudí, a new element came into play, turning the design of the venue into a symbolic answer to its surroundings.
▼门店外观,exterior view
Architecture is never an autonomous element but rather one which always belongs to the site where it is built. With Casa Mila on the other side of the pavement of the concept store, a dialogue between the two buildings became inevitable, and was translated by incorporating materials of Casa Mila onto the new Simorra store.
▼门店与米拉之家隔街对话,the store dialogues with Casa Mila on the other side of the pavement
▼室内元素,retail space elements
We used limestone, similar to Casa Mila’s curved facade material, and black iron for all store finishings made out of metal. These referenced to Casa Mila ́s balconies, innovative in their function as a spine across the entire Gaudí building, and, when combined with the Javier Simorra walnut, create a symbiosis between two very distinct materials.
▼入口空间,entrance area
▼室内概览,interior overview
▼室内设计融合了品牌惯用的胡桃木元素,the design is combined with the Javier Simorra walnut
▼多种材料在对比中产生共鸣,a symbiosis between two very distinct materials
▼展示区细部,display area detailed view
▼展台细部,furnishing detailed view
▼结构平面图,structural plan
CLIENT Javier Simorra LOCATION Barcelona PHOTOGRAPHY Salva Lopez