Pelle Cass
Appreciation towards
Pelle Cass
for providing the following description:
艺术家Pelle Cass希望在自己的照片上融入更多的人物,时间,生命,信息。为了实现这个目的,他把相机安置在三脚架上,对一个地点进行约一小时的上百次重复拍摄,然后将这些照片上出现的部分事物精妙的整合在一张照片中。这种专注的方式客观的呈现出来另外一个有趣的视界。
I want to get more life, more people, more time, and more information into my photographs. To do this, I put my camera on a tripod, and take hundreds of pictures as people pass by. Back in the studio, I choose what to leave in and make no other alterations. Each of my images captures about an hour’s time and is a composite of hundreds of exposures. My process mirrors the way the mind focuses attention on one thing but not another. A person thinking about photography, for example, tends to notice people carrying cameras more than other people. So in my pictures objective facts—the faces and bodies of people on the street—become something new and more subjective. Above all, I want to show a surprising world that is visible only with a camera.—Pelle Cass
Lawn I, 2013
Lagoon (bikes), 2013
Amory Park, Brookline, Massachusetts, 2012
Bethesda Fountain I, New York City, 2013
Rose Kennedy Greenway II, Boston, 2009
Cypress Field, Brookline, Massachusetts, 2008
Cypress Field (football), Brookline, Massachusetts, 2008
Frog Pond, Boston Common, 2009
Government Center Steps, Boston, 2008
From the High Line I, New York City, 2013
Quincy Market, Spring, Boston, 2012
Pelle Cass
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