发布时间:2022-05-01 02:29:48 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


In the continuous evolution of the city, the overlap of the old and the new is the inevitable product. It is not so much the new city is booming, the old city is the sunset, rather, the new city is the sun’s photosphere, dazzling, the old city is the core of the sun, silent and deep, but full of energy accumulation of urban development.



▼项目鸟瞰,Aerial view©前方空间摄影 罗志宗

Hand back to the 20th century, Jiangmen is a veteran industrial town in Guangdong. Since 1902, when Jiangmen was opened as a foreign treaty port, the booming industry has made it a shining pearl in Southern Guangdong. Among them, Jiangmen Sugar Cane Chemical Factory (referred to as “Jiangman Gan Hua Factory”), once the largest sugar factory in Asia, is the pride of countless Jiangmenites. Ganhua Plant witnessed the rapid development of Jiangmen industry in the 20th century, and became a ring of memory of the development of modern city. Now, the prosperity of Gan Hua Factory is quiet, leaving only a few empty old buildings.

场地变迁,Site development©BOX盒子实践

▼原始场地,The existing site©BOX盒子实践

城市前言 CITY QUESTION全世界众多滨水城市共同面临的复杂问题:城市化、发展、韧性危机和生态退化。而公共空间恰恰能成为解决问题的关键突破口,通过对滨水景观的重新规划,利用自然过程的力量来培育丰富的区域生态、提升生态系统服务、提高公众健康和增加休闲设施。让其具有社会包容性、文化特性和生态价值,并展现其独特魅力。▼分析动图,Analysis©BOX盒子实践

Many waterfront cities around the world face complex issues: urbanization, development, resilience crisis and ecological degradation. Public space can be a key breakthrough to solve the problem, through the replanning of the waterfront landscape, using the power of natural processes to cultivate rich regional ecology, enhance ecosystem services, improve public health and increase leisure facilities. Make it socially inclusive, culturally specific and ecologically valuable, and show its unique charm.

▼重新规划后的场地 The site after replanning©前方空间摄影 罗志宗



Today’s Gan Hua Factory, the industrial machinery was still there, but the noise had long since ceased. Leaving only a wild vegetation and the old factory surrounded by creeper.

Decades of time passed quickly, the factories that were built in the pioneering land.

Finally, the land was given back to nature.

文化墙,Cultural wall©前方空间摄影 罗志宗



The key point of thinking in the early stage is how to deal with the relationship between the memory of Ganhua Sugar Factory and the transformation. How to arouse the older generation of residents of Gan Hua Sugar Factory that share emotional memories; What form of rebirth to drive the daily life of Jiangmen people; How to effectively use the historical remains of the old factory area; Giving them new meaning and function while protecting them is the first realistic problem to be solved in this project.

▼景观全貌©前方空间摄影 罗志宗 Overall view landscape plan

▼全新的景观体验©前方空间摄影 罗志宗 A new way to experience the riverbank

▼眺望台,Viewing platform©前方空间摄影 罗志宗

残存记忆藏于残骸之中 Residual memory Hidden in the wreckage


The Connection of Context in the Old and New Times is the Origin of Thinking. the broken landscape elements are everywhere in the grinding of time. Showing the tenacious vitality, retain the memory of the industrial civilization and site. Adds a unique flavor to the old sugar factory, let this field complete the blend of old and new time and space.

▼从滨江绿地望向老糖厂建筑©前方空间摄影 罗志宗 View to the old sugar factory from the green area

新旧交融时间微妙的碰撞Blending old and newThe subtle collision of time


All things are looking for their own survival law or the change of cities or the evolution of industry in the age of civilization. Design is also constantly trying new ways. Let the city truly emotional renewal and return.

▼滨水空间,The waterfront area©前方空间摄影 罗志宗

▼旧船只保留场地记忆©前方空间摄影 罗志宗 The old boatpreserves the memory of the site

追忆西江江景依伴 Remembering Xijiang River Jing Yifan

河堤边吹着晚风,看看那远处的河面上来往船只,如同半世纪前繁忙依旧。时间更迭后的变化, 让人感觉就如昨天般记忆犹新。

The evening breeze was blowing along the riverbank. Look at the boats on the river in the distance. As busy as half a century ago, change after the change of time, it feels like yesterday.

▼河堤视野,Riverbank view©前方空间摄影 罗志宗

▼滨水步道,Riverbankwalking trail©前方空间摄影 罗志宗

▼眺望江岸,Overlook across the river©前方空间摄影 罗志宗

保护江畔生态修复/城市修补 Protect the riverbank Ecological restoration / urban restoration


Under the keynote of “ecological restoration and urban repair,” micro urban renewal and micro transformation have become hot issues in the project. The undulating ribbon language is naturally embedded in the raised terrain, and the original revetment of the pier is retained. The old vessels with memory of the site are integrated into the landscape design, showing a quiet ornamental node. In the form of low intervention, the pier square and urban space coexist, releasing the charm of the collision between the old and the new.

▼保留码头原有驳岸©前方空间摄影 罗志宗 The original revetment of the pier is retained

▼旧船只成为观赏节点©前方空间摄影 罗志宗 The old ship left to become a quiet ornamental node

注入活力全新的体验Inject vitalityA brand new experience

这是一场新与旧的碰撞,不仅有遗存已久的时代记忆 , 更有夜幕后的精彩。年轻人的活力注入其中,这个场地没有历经时间冲刷后没落。它更像是越发生气,充满活力。不同时代的人们共同见证时间巨轮下的兴与衰。

It’s a collision between the old and the new, not only has a long memory of the era, it is more wonderful night behind the scenes. Young people’s energy joins into it. This site has not been washed away by time. It’s more like it’s getting more alive, more alive. People of different ages witness the rise and fall of the great wheel of time.

▼夜幕下的景观楼梯,The landscaped stairs by night©前方空间摄影 罗志宗

记录故事感受时代记忆Record storiesFeel the memories of the times


This design is a historical and contemporary connection, the combination of art and industry. Venues have their own unique language in its special way to record the story, retaining the emotion. Perhaps time will inevitably hasten the aging of the building, but the abundance of historical cultural heritage. The value of design is not only to create, it is a skill to continue rebirth.

▼广场展示装置,Installations at the square©前方空间摄影 罗志宗



Factory buildings, warehouses, cane cranes, docks and chimneys are strongly symbolic structures. While improving the land and injecting new vitality into it, we retain the architectural and characteristic elements of the industrial heritage with a strong sense of age. These old objects are the beginning of the beautiful memories of the sugar factory in Jiangmen City. They can also let more young people know the story of the struggle and let the memory continue.

▼保留策略分析,Retention analysis©BOX盒子实践



Today’s Ganhua Sugar Factory, bidding farewell to the former industrial glory, has become a media beyond time and space. The landscape reconstruction redesigned the public domain, respected the original industrial planning pattern, continued the spatial characteristics, historical culture and ecological environment, and also revitalized the old factory and endowed it with the mission of the new era.

滨江空间夜景,Riverbank night view©前方空间摄影 罗志宗




In the past, there was a lack of streets to direct people to the river. The waterfront lacks a macro landscape framework to highlight the importance of the West River. Today, the rebirth of the history of Ganhua Sugar Factory is reflected in the preservation and remodeling of historical relics and the creation of landscape ecological environment. With “memory rebirth” as the design vision, the landscape design respects the original spatial pattern of the old factory area, The layout of the public space of the site is rearranged, the environmental style of the factory is restored, the old things are given new life through the transformation, and the participation of the river is increased, and more flexible space can be reserved for different activities.

▼场地模型,Site model ©BOX盒子实践

▼总平面图,Master plan


项目名称 | 粤海江门甘化滨江艺术公园

项目业主 | 粤海置地

景观设计 | BOX盒子实践(BOX博克斯林景观事务所)建筑设计 | 博万建筑事务所


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