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Nature, Culture + Justice: The Greenwood Park Master Plan|Sasaki


Project Statement


The Master Plan for the 660-acre Greenwood Park lays out a constellation of cultural and recreational programs that connect seamlessly into a network of preserved and restored ecologies. The plan simultaneously provides community value through flood protection, improved air quality, increased habitat, and reduced maintenance demands. The process brought together over 5,000 citizens, the largest outreach in Baton Rouge’s history, to have a conversation about race and disinvestment in this historically underserved low-income neighborhood. Building alignment and trust in a contentious context, the implementation-minded proposal is complemented by a community impact plan that focuses on equitable development to reverse decades of disinvestment.

▲日常使用场景:该方案为北巴吞鲁日打造出世界级的特色,比如可供人们日常游乐的大型儿童冒险游戏场所,The Everyday: The plan proposes world-class features for North Baton Rouge, such as a large-scale children’s adventure play environment that can be visited daily ©︎ Sasaki


Project Narrative










为了在整个实施过程中持续对抗种族主义和撤资,对格林伍德公园的创纪录的投资对NBR产生了至关重要的作用以及积极影响。项目中提出的社区福利计划(Community Benefits Program)中涵盖了一系列策略来减少移民与搬迁,并减轻了绿色空间中产化的影响。可以说该方案的所有阶段都致力于调和该地区社区撤资的历史模式。

▲巴吞鲁日的气候正义:北巴吞鲁日地区有着悠久的种族隔离和撤资历史,而格林伍德公园正是这些文化挑战的具像化缩影,Climate Justice in Baton Rouge: North Baton Rouge has a long history of segregation and disinvestment. Greenwood Park is a microcosm of these larger cultural challenges ©︎ Sasaki

▲地区隔离和生态退化的历史:公园水文系统的历史改造和退化加剧了2016年百年一遇的洪水对社区的影响,A History of Segregation and Ecological Degradation on Site: Historic manipulations and degradation of the park’s hydrologic systems exacerbated impacts of the record 2016 flood that devastated the community ©︎ Sasaki

▲深思熟虑的参与行动赋予了社区声音:城市历史上最大的参与活动弥合了种族和地理鸿沟,围绕公园项目建立了信任和共识,Thoughtful Engagement that Empowers Community Voice: The largest engagement campaign in the City’s history bridged a racial and geographic divide to build trust and consensus around the park project ©︎ Sasaki, Franklin Associates

▲指导原则:规划过程的核心旨在建立一系列以项目价值和社区原则为核心的集体共识,以指导每个设计决策,Guiding Principles: Core to the planning process was building a collective vocabulary of project values and principles from the community to guide every design decision ©︎ Sasaki

▲格林伍德社区公园总体规划:曾经的公园没有得到充分的利用;而此次总体规划则制定了一种功能,交通和自然相互交织的策略,以充分利用场地的每一平方英尺,Greenwood Community Park Master Plan: Greenwood Park was underused; the master plan establishes a mosaic of program, circulation, and nature that capitalizes on every square foot ©︎ Sasaki

▲水土工程:对现场三个河口的水力分析揭示了洪泛区当前低点与其历史路线之间的直接关联,Working with Land & Water: Hydraulic Analysis of the three bayous on site reveals a direct correlation between current low points in the floodplain and their historic alignment ©︎ Sasaki, CSRS

▲河口恢复:加强上游洪泛区管理,通过河道调整和历史曲流回灌,增加蓄洪能力,Bayou Restoration: Upstream floodplain management is strengthened by increasing capacity for flood storage through stream realignment and recharging historic meanders ©︎ Sasaki

▲接近自然:功能与交通流线融入公园内以前隐藏的自然系统中,为人们提供了探索和教育的理想场所,Access to Nature: Program and circulation are woven into previously hidden natural systems within the park, allowing for exploration and education ©︎ Sasaki

▲恢复生态:如今的场地面临许多生态挑战。总体规划采用了基于自然的解决方案来恢复和管理沼泽、森林和草原,Restoring Ecologies: The site today has many ecological challenges. The master plan uses nature-based solutions for restoring and managing swampland, forest and prairie ©︎ Sasaki

▲功能改造:项目重新利用了18洞的Dumas纪念高尔夫球场,腾出了120英亩土地用于加强公园活动,进而对公众的反馈作出直接的回应,Program Conversions: Repurposing of the 18-hole Dumas Memorial Golf Course frees up 120 acres for enhanced park activities that are a direct result of public feedback ©︎ Sasaki

▲重大时刻:全新的音乐场地和扩建的格林伍德湖吸引了来自整个教区的活动,创造了经济发展机会,Major Moments: A new music venue and expansion of Greenwood Lake attracts events from all over the Parish and creates economic development opportunities ©︎ Sasaki

▲庆典日:林伍德公园被设想为一个区域性的目的地,可以吸引成千上万的人定期到该地区,以刺激经济活动,The Big Day: Greenwood Park is envisioned as a regional destination that could draw thousands of people to the area on a regular basis to spur economic activity ©︎ Sasaki

▲建立社区公平:《社区发展计划?在更大的社区范围内定位了功能、政策和活动,以为当地创造出长期的积极变化,Building Community Equity: A Community Development Program identified programs, policies, and projects within the larger community to create long-term positive change ©︎ Sasaki

▲新核心:50多年来,动物园和公园一直是分开运作的。而在本项目中,动物园的正门被翻转,向公园开放,创造除了新的城市中心,A New Heart: For 50+ years the Zoo and Park functioned separately. The plan flips the front entrance of the Zoo to open into the Park, creating a new civic heart ©︎ Sasaki

▲建立长期的社区归属感和信任感:设计团队不知疲倦地在社区中收集反馈意见,并在总体规划理念中植入了一种集体归属感,Building Long-Term Community Ownership & Trust: The design team worked tirelessly to flip the script within the community and to create a sense of collective ownership in the master plan ideas ©︎ Sasaki

Project Narrative

East Baton Rouge Parks & Recreation Commission (BREC) had years of turmoil after some called for the Zoo to be relocated south of the parish, an overwhelmingly white area. As BREC entertained the idea, public outcry came from North Baton Rouge (NBR), a predominantly Black community. With support from local and state leadership and BREC we decided to keep the Zoo in NBR’s own Greenwood Park and embark on an ambitious master plan to heal historic patterns of disinvestment. After a year of intense community engagement and design, the front page of the paper quoted one of BREC’s former opponents: “It’s like a dream.”

Rooted in Input & Analysis

The team employed a methodical approach to build trust, collaborate with community leaders, and gather input from multiple stakeholders. A rigorous analysis of natural systems, economic performance, user patterns, and infrastructural integrity led to 4 guiding principles: Celebrate Louisiana’s Nature, A Park for Everyday & the Big Day, Open Up & Reach Out, and Welcome & Grow.

A Constellation of Amenities

The plan creates a neighborhood amenity that provides everyday activities for the residents of NBR and the surrounding region. It offers a dynamic set of spaces: an indoor/outdoor sports & recreation center, adventure playground, 6,000-person outdoor event space, woodland retreat & conference center with adventure course, multi-purpose fields, community gardens, cross-country trails and more. A network of trails and nodes nestle into the site support contemplative moments for groups of all sizes. The plan introduces revenue-generating and free programs that foster a more sustainable and accessible operating model. A key component of the plan is reorienting the front entrance of the Zoo to open into the heart of the park, which reduces impacts on the site ecology and utilizes shared infrastructure.

Embedding Resilience

The bayous throughout the site were channelized to facilitate flood waters, cutting off natural hydrologic functions and resulting in invasive species. Additionally, a large urban watershed north of the park degraded the site’s water quality and, with virtually no flood-time benefits downstream, came to life in the devastating 2016 1,000-year flood. We used the park as a model for upstream stormwater management. Through a series of new channels that trace the patterns of the original bayous, the plan recharges historic meanders, lengthens the run of the bayou, and creates spillover areas. This reduces downstream flood waters while treating 100% of stormwater through natural processes.

The site boasts hundreds of acres of swamp and forest. Over time, they were fragmented and overrun with invasive species. The plan uses natural processes to manage this: natural flooding, prescribed burns, and clump reforestation will restore nearly 150 acres of managed turf grass. The design also restores hilltop meadows formed by the spoils of the new bayou and flood storage work, referencing indigenous mound builders and providing habitat for insects and birds.

Community First

For the project to confront racism and disinvestment throughout its implementation, it’s critical that the record-breaking investment into Greenwood Park has positive impacts for NBR. The plan’s Community Benefits Program defines strategies to mitigate displacement and other effects of green gentrification. At all stages, the project is committed to reconciling historic patterns of disinvestment in the community.


2023 ASLA分析规划类荣誉奖:自然、文化 + 正义:格林伍德公园总体规划,美国 / Sasaki
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