40 rue François Iᵉʳ的空间在比利时建筑师Bernard Dubois的领导下重新开放,其愿景是纪念这个历史悠久的Courrèges地址,并配以现代建筑姿态。
The space 40 rue François Iᵉʳ reopens following on a renovation led by Belgian architect Bernard Dubois, with a vision honoring the memory of this historic Courrèges' address paired with a contemporary architectural gesture.
Bernard Dubois为Courrèges设计的项目探索了该品牌的一系列历史代码,以一种前所未有的方式对它们进行了组合和重构。位于François 1er街的历史旗舰店因此被完全重新设计,以探索和加强这个地方的空间质量。一个大的视角被创造出来,指向专门用于更衣室的后面空间。
Bernard Dubois' project for Courrèges explores a series of historical codes of the brand, assembling and recomposing them in an unprecedented way. The historic flaghip store on rue François 1er has thus been completely redesigned in order to explore and enhance the spatial qualities of the place. A large perspective is created, directed towards the back space dedicated to the dressing rooms.
气氛是单色的,声音被地板上的地毯和覆盖所有墙壁和天花板的织物所消减。为了回应商店的舒适气氛,还创造了一个镜子游戏,其灵感来自于俱乐部的代码,代表了一个充满了Nicolas Di Felice的代码的宇宙。该项目通过创造清晰的体量、圆形的形状和具有柔和气氛的试衣间,赋予空间结构。
The atmosphere is monochrome, the sound is muffled by the carpet on the floor and the fabric that covers all the walls and ceilings. In response to the cozy atmosphere of the store, a mirror game inspired by the codes of clubbing was also created, representing a universe filled with codes dear to Nicolas Di Felice, The project gave structure to the space by creating clear volumes, rounded shapes and fitting rooms with a muted atmosphere.