TakasagoThe site is Takasago. When I have gone to the site, there was a train to the city, Hyogo. And there place of that the client, train was put from their childhood. At first, I thought that the train would abolish relaxation for local people. But when I saw in the train there was a letter of appreciation.
Therefore I suggested wasn’t the train was wanted by local people. Therefor I suggested it not to be abolished. It looks like it’s going to start moving at any moment. I thought the berm as firewood place roof, because it let emphasis on metal roof and wall. The north of house is a corridor, and I thought the berm connect train. The north of house is open and close the train. So that was supplied brightness on all day. But here are platform, those aren’t close life. But here are life as new life.
Year 2013
Work finished in 2013
Status Completed works
Type Single-family residence / Interior Design