发布时间:2023-08-25 13:34:42 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
在保留基地文脉根源与场地记忆的同时,引入 111 棵大树,将古老的街区焕发出新的生命力,成功实现了历史文化与现代生活方式的探索性联系。



The southeastern district of Datong Ancient City represents a completely new exploration in the transformation of the ancient city. The design focuses on preserving the essence of the site’s historical context and its spatial memories while incorporating a more diverse range of use scenarios. A creative initiative was introduced by planting 111 large trees within the ancient streets, a move that contributed to revitalizing the area. This transformation allowed for an exploratory connection between the cultural heritage of the past and the contemporary lifestyle. After the updates, the revitalized district offers both local residents and visitors a fresh historical and cultural experience along with high-quality commercial and recreational spaces. Through the close collaboration of various teams, the project was able to realize these visionary goals.

▼项目概览,Overall view © 象界设计机构

▼项目鸟瞰,Bird’s eye view © 象界设计机构


场地背景 Site Background

大同是著名的历史文化名城,早在作为北魏拓跋氏的都城的时候,就已经修筑有规模宏大的城池。曾作为北魏时期的首都,为中国九大古都之一。“四大街、八小巷,七十二条绵绵巷”的棋盘式里坊格局是大同古城标志性的风格特色。现存大同城墙为明洪武五年(公元 1372 年),大将军徐达奉命依辽、金、元旧城基础增筑新城,略呈方形,东西长 1.8 公里,南北长 1.82 公里,周长 7.24 公里,占地 3.28 平方公里。2008年,大同市全面实施了历史文化复兴与古城保护工程,大同古城墙得以再度修复,东城墙、南城墙依明代大同城规制修复完毕,并对游客开放。本案位于古城东南角,北邻和阳街,南邻仓门街,西邻李怀角街,东邻东门大巷。

▼古城东南邑城市区位,site plan of the Ancient City © 象界设计机构

▼古城东南邑街景,street scenes of the southeastern district of the ancient city © 象界设计机构

Datong is a renowned historical and cultural city that boasts an extensive history dating back to the time when it served as the capital of the Northern Wei dynasty. It has a distinctive grid layout with “Four Main Streets, Eight Small Alleys, and Seventy-Two Meandering Lanes,” which is a hallmark of Datong Ancient City. The existing city walls of Datong were constructed during the Ming Hongwu period in 1372 AD, and efforts have been made to restore and preserve the ancient city walls. The project is situated in the southeastern corner of the ancient city, bordered to the north by Heyang Street, to the south by Cangmen Street, to the west by Lihuaijiao Street, and to the east by Dongmen Lane.

▼古城东南邑改造前后,before and after transformation of the southeastern district of the ancient city © 象界设计机构

设计挑战 Design Challenges


▼多维体系搭接,有重要空间节点,水系,包台体系,植物体系等维度修复提升,multidimensional system integration, enhancing restoration across dimensions: spatial nodes, water systems, platform systems, plant systems, etc. © 象界设计机构

The challenge of this design was to uncover the authentic historical and cultural core while seamlessly integrating it with modern lifestyles, thereby breathing new life into the ancient district. The goal was to bring the ancient streets to life once more and attract a continuous flow of people. By approaching urban preservation and renewal with an alignment to the natural progression of modern life, the design aimed to revive the district’s rich cultural history. To address this complex issue, a systematic approach was taken, involving considerations for circulation systems, architectural restoration, cultural nodes, and natural elements.

▼节点街景,On-site construction reality © 象界设计机构

街区的灵魂 Soul of the District

厚重的文化沉淀及市井生活氛围是这片街区的灵魂,而残存文物与历史建筑,老包台,电线杆,高音喇叭及老物料可以很好地预的过去。设计希望引导人们对街区文化的保护与尊重。大同传统民居是大同古城的文化载体,是古城传统生活的写照,保护大同历史街区, 体验原汁原味的⼤同古城⽂化体验。基于文化传承、城市功能提升、居民需求的升级,为广府角历史街区赋予居住、商业配套,重新焕发活力。打造宜居宜业宜游生活片区。体现大同历史文化名城特色与人文特色的。

▼街区重要节点分析,analysis of key nodes in the district © 象界设计机构

The profound cultural heritage and the atmosphere of everyday life form the soul of this district. Remaining relics and historical buildings, such as old platforms, utility poles, street speakers, and antique materials, vividly evoke the past. The design seeks to guide the protection and respect for the cultural identity of the district. Traditional folk houses in Datong serve as carriers of its cultural heritage, reflecting the traditional way of life in the ancient city. The project aims to enhance the historical and cultural experience of Datong by preserving its historic streets and revitalizing the historical district, creating a livable, commercial, and vibrant area that embodies the distinctive characteristics of Datong’s history and culture.

▼现场建造实景,On-site construction reality © 象界设计机构

▼街巷实景,On-site construction reality © 象界设计机构

▼休息区,On-site construction reality © 象界设计机构

多功能系统 Multifunctional Systems


▼古井广场分析,analysis of gujing square © 象界设计机构

The relationship between the site and its buildings in the historical district is complex, and the abandoned spaces in the original streets and alleys further complicate the task of maintaining the overall appearance while integrating new functions. The old platforms are a crucial cultural feature of the entire district but were severely damaged. The platforms were categorized into functional and reconstructive types.

▼古井广场,Gujing square © 象界设计机构

▼艺术装置,Art installations © 象界设计机构

▼古井,Gujing © 象界设计机构

▼古井石材,Gujing stone © 象界设计机构


▼街区包台扶壁的再造提取,Reconstruction and Extraction of District’s Platform Walls © 象界设计机构

Functional platforms involved integrating eight forms based on historical documents and old photographs, and combining them with the remnants of old materials found on-site. Consideration was given to rainwater management systems and lighting fixtures. Architectural differences were emphasized based on the varying construction and usage periods of different buildings. This approach effectively protected and supported vulnerable structures.

▼街区包台扶壁再生,Reconstruction and Extraction of District’s Platform Walls © 象界设计机构

▼包台扶壁细部,Details of District’s Platform Walls © 象界设计机构


Reconstructive platforms introduced interactive designs, breaking away from flat patterns and incorporating light and shadow relationships. Artistic lighting and materials like glass bricks were integrated to create visually appealing effects. The railing system, while being human-centric, carefully considered its relationship with cultural buildings, minimizing visual barriers and coordinating with the colors of the cultural structures.

▼街区水系,Water systems in the district © 象界设计机构

▼阶梯改造,Ladder transformation © 象界设计机构

弹性共享空间与生长性的街区 Flexible Shared Space and Growing District


Public spaces are especially valuable and serve as important venues for community gatherings and leisure activities. By injecting contemporary artistic vitality while maintaining spatial flexibility, leaving room for activities to naturally emerge, the design aimed to foster continuous growth. A creative move was made by introducing 111 large trees throughout the district, not only adding green natural elements to the ancient streets but also enhancing the comfort and leisure of the space. The project also repurposed many old materials that were removed from the district, including cobblestones, blue bricks, roof tiles, and stone troughs. These materials were creatively reused, such as utilizing idle drainage outlets to create dynamic water features and reconstructing ancient wells with cobblestones, blending stones and tiles to form platform walls. Both reused and new materials were thoughtfully incorporated, such as local stones, washed stones, steel, and glass bricks, which were innovatively combined with the historical fabric of the city. The emergence of new elements required adjustments on the foundation of the old, respecting the history of the ancient city while integrating with modern life.

▼夜览,Night view © 象界设计机构

▼广府角入口水景详图,Detailed Image of Entrance Water Feature in Guangfu Corner © 象界设计机构

▼古井广场水景详图,Detailed Image of Ancient Well Plaza Water Feature © 象界设计机构

▼材料肌理,Current Material Texture © 象界设计机构

项目地址:山西大同 项目类型:景观设计 业主名称:华夏江鸿(大同)文化旅游开发有限公司 设计方:象界设计机构 建筑设计:重庆联创建筑规划设计有限公司 施工单位:泸州洪茂工程项目管理有限公司 设计时间:2021年 建成时间:2023年7月 项目规模:2.2公顷

Project Details: Location: Datong, Shanxi Project Type: Landscape Design Client: Huaxia Jianghong (Datong) Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. Design Firm: Bigvision Design Agency Architectural Design: Chongqing Lianchuang Architectural Planning and Design Co., Ltd. Construction Contractor: Luzhou Hongmao Engineering Project Management Co., Ltd. Design Period: 2021 Completion Date: July 2023 Project Size: 2.2 hectares


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