勒·柯布西耶曾说过:“房屋一定是生活的珠宝盒” Le Corbusier once said that the house is the jewel box of life
家给我的概念就是人们可以寄托灵魂的场所,可以无拘无束,肆意欢笑;可以卸掉所有的铠甲,身处其中更美好的感受生活享受生活。 Home gives me the idea of a place where people can place their souls,Can be unfettered, wanton laughter You can remove all armor Be in it better feel life enjoy life
每一次的烹饪、摆盘、拍照再享受的吃掉;每一次拖着疲惫的倦体无所顾忌的躺在地毯上沙发上放松下来 Cooking, platting, photographing and eating every time。Every time dragging the tired body unscrupulous lying on the carpet sofa to relax
居住环境所营造的氛围让生活在其中的人们,更好的感受生活享受生活、更热爱生活,才是家的味道。 The atmosphere created by the living environment makes people living in it better feel life enjoy life, more love life, is the taste of home