This resort’s entire program recognizes the importance of a triple bottom line, where ultimate success is measured by economic, ecological, and community factors. The importance of creating an appropriately handcrafted and sustainable development within the host community was another focus of the master plan.
The developer was attracted to our firm’s design reputation for handcrafting resort projects. It was agreed that a best-practices sustainable approach would be incorporated into the Punta Sayulita planning and design effort.
Determining that 62 private residences and a 1,000-square-meter clubhouse would be the optimum carrying capacity, we sought to integrate the project into the site with the least environmental and visual impact. Homes are sited to blend into the environment, roadways are sized for carts and low retaining walls of local stone masonry terrace the hillsides for minimal environmental disturbance. Xeriscape landscaping promotes water conservation.
The club’s individual palapa pavilions are nestled under canopies of oil palms and gumbo-limbo trees, with views of the bay and Sayulita Village. Four single-family residential prototypes were designed in keeping with the regional vernacular.