Patrick Hughes
Appreciation towards
Patrick Hughes
for providing the following description:
1964年Patrick创作了第一件“反向视角”作品—“伸出的房间”。时隔20年后,他再次回归。Patrick对悖论、视觉矛盾修饰法和光学幻象有着毕生的兴趣。在其职业生涯的初期,Patrick的创作焦点为空间和彩虹的固化,到了20世纪80年代,他回归到“伸出的房间”并开始以反向的视角创作大量的绘画作品。Patrick还撰写了一些著作,如Paradoxymoron, Left to Write, Upon the Pun, and Vicious Circles and Infinity。
Patrick made his first ‘reverspective’ in 1964 with his Sticking Out Room and he returned to the idea twenty years later. He has a life-long interest in the paradox, visual oxymorons and optical illusions. At the beginning of his career he made spaces and rainbows solid and in the 1980s he returned to his Sticking Out Room and began reversing perspective which resulted in many of the works that I have attached. Patrick has also written a number of books including Paradoxymoron, Left to Write, Upon the Pun, and Vicious Circles and Infinity.
1939年10月,Patrick Hughes在英国伯明翰出生。1961年举办了第一次画展,1964年创作了第一件“反向视角”作品。自1970年开始,Patrick的作品便一直在Flowers画廊展出。目前,他已经编写整理了三本关于视觉/语言修辞的著作。其作品充满讽刺。Patrick的画作以视觉的角度呈现一个固化的世界,看上去栩栩如生。爱神Aphrodite为雕塑大师Pygmalion雕刻的石像赋予了生命,成为美丽的少女Galatea。而Hugh创造出凸起的固态空间,赏画人的目光便赋予它们生命。Patrick的作品是“雕刻”出的画作,呈现的是固化的空间。
Patrick Hughes was born in Birmingham, England in October 1939. His first exhibition was in 1961 and his first reverspective was made in 1964. He has been exhibiting with Angela Flowers Gallery (now Flowers Galleries) since 1970. He has written and collated three books on visual and verbal rhetoric. Hughes’ work is full of irony. By creating a world solidified into perspective he makes pictures that come alive before our eyes. In the myth of the sculptor Pygmalion makes a stone woman, whom Aphrodite brings to life as Galatea. Hughes makes wooden lumps of space and you bring them to life by looking at them. It is sculpted painting, solid space.
Patrick’ painted reliefs baffle his audience, demonstrating how deceptive appearances can be. As one walks towards the seemingly flat paintings they instead loom out. Preconceived assumptions of eye and brain are challenged. Patrick’ witty illusions are not meant to confuse us, but aim to clarify our relation to reality.
Patrick shows his work around the world and is showing in the group show Visual Deception II: Into The Future which will be touring Japan from August.
Patrick Hughes