发布时间:2022-03-26 20:50:31 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

新建成的格兰皮峰步道 (GPT) 已完成第二阶段的施工,并已向世界开放。同时这一项目也为文化生态旅游树立了新标杆。

McGregor Coxall为格兰皮峰设计了一个全新的徒步营地,以及沿途160 公里的山林步道,沿着原始的 Gariwerd (Grampians) 荒野,通过步行串联起保护区内独特的美景,同时到达峰区的生态核心区域。主营地采用了简约露营地的形式,在规划区域内设计了11个平台,其设施仅限于帐篷平台、公共区域、避难所和厕所等基本设施,为游客提供基本的徒步保障并增强体验。

从北部的零山向南行进,小径经过包括山顶等多个打卡点,最后到达 Dunkeld。多样化的越野路线涵盖了从一日游到 13 天的专业赛事,为包括户外运动爱好者、家庭等在内的众多用户量身定制。


McGregor Coxall 的项目总监兼墨尔本联合工作室负责人 Nick Griffin 表示,McGregor Coxall 的景观方案希望可以“温柔的”触碰地面,最大限度地减少建设开发对环境的影响,并保持 Gariwerd 标志性的生物多样性景观。

“我们与 Noxon Giffen 密切合作,设计了一系列建筑,并与场地边界、阳光、风环境和生态系统和谐呼应,” Griffin说。


Noxon Giffen 的设计总监 Justin Noxon 表示,自始至终我们都使用了天然材料,以响应每个露营地的特定性质、颜色和纹理。

“有机覆层的分层模仿了植被的顺序,烧焦的木材在历史丛林大火烧毁的树木中提供了屏障,银色的木质庇护所从岩石露头延伸出来,氧化低碳钢具有独特的红色氧化砂岩,” Noxon说。“这些结构轻轻地坐落在地形中,随着时间的推移,随着时间的推移和风化,它们将被植被所吞没,并延续场地的原有色彩。”

Grampians Peak Trail 作为一个重要的生态旅游目的地,将为当地社区和维多利亚州带来重要的经济和旅游发展机会,并将成为澳大利亚伟大的标志性步行道之一。

The trail and campsite locations were established by Parks Victoria whilst lead consultant and multidisciplinary design firm McGregor Coxall were responsible for setting design palettes, site layouts and landscape architecture for Stage 2 works.

As part of the design process, Parks Victoria worked closely with Traditional Owners to define clear guidelines and boundaries for landform, ecology, spatial typology, and cultural immersion at each site. As a result, the trail will bring visitors closer to the rich Aboriginal culture of the Jardwadjali and Djab Wurrung peoples who have lived in these ranges for thousands of years.

McGregor Coxall’s landscape approach ensures that campsites “touch the ground lightly”, minimising impact on the environment and maintaining Gariwerd’s iconic, biodiverse landscape as the hero, said McGregor Coxall’s Project Director and Melbourne Co-Studio Leader, Nick Griffin.

“A family of architecture, designed in close collaboration with Noxon Giffen, responds to sites’ unique geological conditions and character and are tailored for harmony with site lines, sun exposure, wind, and ecological communities,” said Griffin. “A common thread is established through all sites, incorporating site-specific responses that curate the various contexts, stories, and conditions of each of the locations.

“Architecture offers protection from the elements without completely inhibiting the senses of nature. Off-grid campsites are designed with mindfulness to guidelines and tracks – intuitive circulation allows for more sustainable campsites that minimise public access to dense vegetation. In complement, site greywater is treated to the highest possible standards through natural passive systems.”

A considered and evolving selection of natural materials was used throughout, responding to the specific nature, colours and textures of each individual campsite said Noxon Giffen’s Design Director, Justin Noxon.

“Branches of organic cladding mimic the sequence of vegetation, charred timber offers a dark silhouette amongst burnt out trees from historical bushfires, silvered timber shelters extend from rocky outcrops, and oxidised mild steel shares unique tonal reds of oxidised sandstone,” said Noxon. “Sitting lightly within the terrain, the structures will be engulfed by vegetation and gain the patina of the site as they age and weather over time.”

Fundamental to Parks Victoria brief were three key elements: a celebration of Gariwerd with landscape as the hero, recognition of the scale and diversity of the terrain through site responsive designs, and the adoption of design strategies for construction and maintenance that respond to the trail’s remote nature.

The Grampians Peak Trail will bring an important economic and tourism development opportunity for the local community, the region and Victoria as a key nature-based tourism destination and will be one of the great iconic walks of Australia. The project aims to increase the total number of walkers using the Grampians Peaks Trail from 13,800 in 2015 to over 34,000 walkers by 2025 and will generate more than $6 million of economic benefit for the region and Victoria.


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