发布时间:2020-04-08 10:48:55 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The project is located on a narrow site, facing the road to the north and water to the south, in Xinhe Town, Chongming island, Shanghai. Three buildings in different volumes will be refurbished into a new communal cultural center, while some traces of previous usage being kept in its existing layout.

▼项目夜景鸟瞰,bird-eye’s view of the project after renovation at night ©Alessandro Wang


▼项目近景鸟瞰,围绕着烟囱建立一个圆形的环廊,串联起三栋不同朝向的原有建筑,close bird-eye’s view, building a circle ring around the chimney to serve as the outside corridor that links three different oriented buildings ©Alessandro Wang

Building One on the west side was previously a supply and marketing cooperative in the 80s, partially three-story flat roof and parallel to the road. Building Three used to be a waste station, one-story pitched roof, parallel to the river course. Building Two is in between these two and relatively smaller. It is one-story pitched roof, next to a 10m-high chimney, which used to the cooking equipment room.The intention is to explore the existing site condition. We unify the three relatively separated buildings, while inheriting some characteristics of each individual building. The chimney becomes the starting point of the design, as it not only remarks the center of the site, but it is also the essential element of the surroundings. We build a circle ring around the chimney to serve as the outside corridor that links three different oriented buildings.

▼项目外观,设有开放式室外庭院,exterior view of the project with an open outside yard ©Alessandro Wang

▼环廊连接着原有建筑,the circle ring links original buildings ©Alessandro Wang


The center of the outside circle corridor becomes a courtyard garden, and a place to gather the people. The courtyard landscape is made of gravels and garden plants. The galvanized steel mesh, which is usually used for agriculture, is curved to form a soft porous boundary outside of the ring. Through different light, the surface of steel mesh cast the fish-scale like shade.

▼环廊的中心围合成一个景观庭院,the center of the outside circle corridor becomes a courtyard garden ©Alessandro Wang

▼环廊内部的景观庭院由砾石与园艺组成,the courtyard landscape is made of gravels and garden plants ©Alessandro Wang

▼镀锌金属网延展成波浪型环绕在廊道外围,形成了一个轻柔的边界围合,the galvanized steel mesh is curved to form a soft porous boundary outside of the ring ©Alessandro Wang


For Building One, multiple division walls are removed to set up a circulation spine on the south side of the first floor. The passage can also be regarded as an exhibition space. We change the direction of the staircases on one side, and open up a round window towards the chimney on the other side. The original pilaster of Building One is made of green glass fragments, the new design continue to use green frame on the elevation. Moreover we apply green color on the interior design and the selection of furniture.

▼一号楼室内,底层南侧长廊的一端是楼梯,另一端是朝向烟囱的圆窗(左),底层长廊天花板细节(右),interior view of the Building One, the south corridor on the first floor with the staircases on one side and a round window towards the chimney on the other side (left), details of the ceiling of the corridor on the first floor (right) ©Alessandro Wang

▼一号楼的健身房,门框采用墨绿色作为点缀,the gym in the Building One with the green color embellishments ©Alessandro Wang

▼一号楼室内,interior view of the Building One ©Alessandro Wang

▼三层的多功能活动室,the multi-function room on the second floor ©Alessandro Wang


Building Two is the leisure space for citizens. The south elevation near the chimney is set back to give way to an outdoor terrace. Building Three is the multi-function hall, the front part of which is the lobby area, connected to the ring. The stage for performances is set on the other side. There are four steps, decreased in size, in the chimney to the top. This pattern of echelon echos in many newly designed part, such as the pattern of terrazzo floor, the openings of the wall made by vertical slice of glass, etc.

▼3号楼室内,朝向环廊的部分设置为前厅,interior view of the Building Three, the front part of which is the lobby area, connected to the ring ©Alessandro Wang

▼多功能厅,阶梯状的特质反映在墙面玻璃条组成的窗洞上,the multi-function hall, the pattern of echelon echos inthe openings of the wall made by vertical slice of glass

▼3号楼室内,阶梯状的特质反映在地面的水磨石砖拼法和墙面玻璃条组成的窗洞上,the pattern of echelon echos in the pattern of terrazzo floor and the openings of the wall made by vertical slice of glass ©Alessandro Wang

▼墙面玻璃条组成的窗洞细节, details of the openings of the wall made by vertical slice of glass ©Alessandro Wang

▼环廊内部庭院及其烟囱夜景, night view of the courtyard and its chimney enclosed by the circle ring ©Alessandro Wang

▼模型照片,physical model ©一岸建筑设计

▼平面图,floor plans ©一岸建筑设计

项目名称:上海崇明新河镇新民社区文化中心 建筑师或建筑公司:一岸建筑设计 主创建筑师:杨振宇,松下晃士,吴贞艳,应伊琼 施工单位:上海瀛发建设工程有限公司 项目管理:上海建津建设工程咨询有限公司 项目业主:上海市崇明区文化广播影视管理局 项目地址:上海崇明区新河镇 设计周期:2018年3月-2018年9月 建设周期:2018年12月-2019年9月 用地面积:3060平方米 建筑面积:1500平方米 摄影师:Alessandro Wang

Project name: Xinhe Cultural Center,Chongming island Designer: OFFICE COASTLINE Lead architect: YANG Zhenyu, MATSUSHITA Akihito, WU Zhenyan, Yin Yiqiong Project location: Xinhe town, Chongming district, Shanghai Design period: 03.2018-09.2018 Construction period: 12.2018-09.2019 Site area: 3060sqm Built area: 1500sqm Photo credits: Alessandro Wang


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