发布时间:2021-06-29 05:21:27 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

2021 年五月第十届中国花卉博览会在上海崇明举行,以“蝶恋花”为主题的世纪馆是两大永久展馆之一。作为平面翼展近 300 米的大型地景式覆土建筑,世纪馆不仅打造了全国最大的自由曲面连续拱壳混凝土屋面结构,还通过对自然风、光资源的充分利用实现了本次花博会低能耗、低消耗的“生态办博”理念,描绘出花开盛世、多元文化和谐共融的美好画卷。

The 10th China Flower Expo is held in Chongming, Shanghai on May 21st 2021, Century Pavilion, which is one of the main venues, is themed at “Butterfly and Flower”. As an earth-sheltered landscape architecture spanning over 280 meters, Century Pavilion created the biggest free boundary continuous arch concrete shell all over the nation, and also realized the idea of ecological expo with the fully utilizing climatic resources, to celebrate this flourishing and harmonious age.

▼世纪馆鸟瞰,Aerial view © 刘文毅

▼屋面“花坡”,Blooming Roof Garden© 刘文毅

作为木本花卉展馆,世纪馆总建筑面积 12348 平方米,包括东馆与西馆两个部分,东馆为沉浸式的视觉艺术多媒体展厅而西馆为实体珍稀木本植物主题馆,两馆之间通过连桥相互连接。

Positioned in a rare botanic exhibition hall, the 12348㎡Century pavilion consists of two parts: multi-media showroom in eastern wing and plants showroom in western wing, with a silk bridge hanging across the main axis connecting them.

▼东馆与西馆,Eastern & Western Wing© 刘文毅


To avoid dramatic energy consumption, the mild climate of transition season is fully utilized in an open façade system to increase cross ventilation and nature lighting, and this passive energy saving strategy decreased equipment system load.

▼开敞的北立面,Open North Elevation© 刘文毅

独立展厅作为可替换的功能单元,与薄壳主体结构分离,从而为展厅的布置提供了足够的兼容度,也为会后改造时的新旧功能单元替换提供了最大灵活度,以此实现可持续性的发展。生态可持续的建筑技术手段,使世纪馆成为国内首批获得 WELL 金级中期认证的展览建筑。

▼世纪馆可替换单元,Replaceable Units © 华建集团华东建筑设计研究总院

In addition, show rooms are built into replaceable units which are detached from main structure, ensuring maximize compatibility in future renovation.Century Pavilion has fulfilled the requirements of the WELL BUILDING STANDARD at GOLD level, and three star green building certification design label.

▼连桥,Silk Bridge© 刘文毅

▼从连桥望向展厅,View towards the showrooms from the Silk Bridge © 刘文毅


Implicating transmutation, the form of Century Pavilion is abstracted from Luehdorfia chinensis, which is Chinese national treasure. The sloped roof creates a solid wall of flowers that contrasts with the open north façade. The concise curvature benefits the rationality of form as well as space, presenting the posture of flying.

振翅欲飞,Flying Posture© 刘文毅

▼屋面花坡,Roof Garden© 刘文毅

结构是世纪馆最大的挑战。壳体结构的应用实现了结构厚度的最小化,并发展出了独创的自由边界预应力平衡混凝土薄壳体系。跨度 280 米的薄壳由“树林”状的摇摆柱阵支撑,并应对蝴蝶的自由边界将单拱化解为连续拱组合,从而进一步将壳体的厚度减小至 250mm。最大 1.6 米的拱高被消隐在屋面的覆土层内,在满足结构合理性的同时兼顾空间的实用性,实现壳体下使用空间的纯净性。

三层 1080°的不等半径螺旋楼梯以单柱撑起 80 吨的重量并悬挑 10m,在创新性的设计中挑战了结构的极限。

▼连续拱壳生成,Generation of Continuous Arch Shell© 华建集团华东建筑设计研究总院

Structure is the enormous challenge. Concrete shell is introduced to minimize structural depth and developed into a pioneering “Prestressed Balanced Concrete Thin Shell with Free Boundary” system. The shell spanning over 280 meters is supported by forestry leaning columns and developed from single arch into continuous arch to adapt to Butterfly’s free form boundary, thus minimizes the thickness of the concrete shell into 250mm. This arch height, reaching 1.6meter, is buried in the soil of earth-sheltered roof ensuring a pure and intact space beneath the shell.

The 3 level 1080°spiral stair supported by single column weights 80tons, its 10 meters cantilever challenges the limit of structure.

旋转楼梯,Spiral Stair© 刘文毅


To ensure the purity of curvature spaces, pipelines are concealed in underground mezzanine which develops from structure foundation counteracting arch thrust. Equipment is attached to each showroom to avoid air channels, and to ensure a clear fifth elevation with flowers.

▼地下管廊,Underground Mezzanine for Pipelines© 华建集团华东建筑设计研究总院



The sun light directed to the dark interior via light guides enhances atmosphere of the cave like space, and the contrast between the calm interior and colorful exterior emphasized the performance of space.

The pure curvature space is resulted from the cooperation of all professions, making the butterfly special and unique.

▼纯净的曲面空间,Curvature Space© 刘文毅

▼东馆公共区,Eastern Wing© 刘文毅

▼西馆公共区,Western Wing© 刘文毅

▼夜景,Night View© 刘文毅

▼VIP 区室内空间,VIP Reception© 刘文毅

VIP 会议室,VIP Meeting Room© 刘文毅

为了降低清水混凝土的建造成本,世纪馆的施工用“针尖法”取代了预制模板,通过在 0.8*0.8 米的坐标网上密布钢管逐点模拟高程,总共 3 万个坐标点形成了“针尖阵”还原出了壳体的曲面形态。

覆土屋盖种植区被划分为 2m 见方的网格,利用屋面施工已存在的构造拉结钢丝网片进行固土,化整为零从而避免了整体滑坡的风险,为后续“花海”的种植提供了安全性的保障。

To realize a low-cost as-cast-finish concrete, prefabricated form are replaced by a tip positioning system. More than 30 thousand pipes are erected in a 800mm*800mm grid to locate the coordinates of the shell’s lower surface.

To stabilize plants on the sloped roof, planting layer is divided into 2m*2m blocks to plant flowers separately, and is thus convenient for replacing.

▼2021 年 4 月施工现场,Construction in Apr 2021© 王华


"Butterfly" is not only a prominent characteristic in appearance, but also a critical factor in solving contradictions. The earth-sheltered landscape shell, deriving from the very nature of architecture, is finally realized as a blooming roof garden, and the design practice turned into a restriction breaking "metamorphose" process.

▼庭院细部,Detail of Courtyard© 刘文毅

▼屋面“花坡”,Blooming Roof Garden© 刘文毅

▼世纪馆鸟瞰,Aerial view© 刘文毅

▼总平面图,Master Plan© 华建集团华东建筑设计研究总院

▼平面图,Plan© 华建集团华东建筑设计研究总院


▼剖面,Sections© 华建集团华东建筑设计研究总院

▼墙身,Wall Section© 华建集团华东建筑设计研究总院

▼固土节点,Detail of Soil Stabilizing© 华建集团华东建筑设计研究总院

第十届中国花卉博览会世纪馆项目地点:上海市崇明区东平镇新建花博园区建设单位:光明生态岛投资发展有限公司建筑类型:展览设计时间:2018.10-2020.1 建成时间:2021.5.21 占地面积:19484 平方米建筑面积:12348 平方米建筑高度:14.9 米设计单位:华建集团华东建筑设计研究总院施工单位:上海建工集团股份有限公司/上海建工二建集团有限公司 BIM 设计:上海建筑设计研究院数字中心绿色咨询:上海市建筑科学研究院有限公司展陈设计:SMG 上海幻维数码创意科技股份有限公司(东馆)/上海辰山植物园(西馆)景观设计/室内深化:华建集团上海现代建筑装饰环境设计研究院有限公司设计总负责人:杨明、朱力元建筑设计:杨明、朱力元、高心怡、吕睿琦、陈凯翔结构设计:黄永强、闫泽升、张洛、杨成栋、罗遥机电设计:沈育祥、蔡春辉给排水设计:张峰华、王琼暖通设计:杨志刚、袁浩波电气设计:黄晓波、韦国龄、多亚帅、陈嘉豪、孙森、余杰泛光照明:缪海琳、杨春晖、王之馨,丁而学、徐洁、吴天杰室内设计:杨明、朱力元、高心怡、宿辰、孙一桐、魏江、洪启博、江南生摄影师:刘文毅、王华

Century Pavilion for 10th China Flower Expo

Location: Chongming, Shanghai

Category: CultureYear: 2021Area: 12348㎡

Architects: ARCPLUS Eastern China Architectural Design & Research Institute

Client: Bright Eco-island Investment and Development Co. Ltd



Consultant: Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences Co.Ltd.

Exhibition Design: Motion Magic SMG/Shanghai Chenshan Botanic Garden

Chief Architects: YANG Ming, ZHU Liyuan

Design Team: YANG Ming, ZHU Liyuan, GAO Xinyi, LV Ruiqi, CHEN Kaixiang

Structure:HUANGG Yongqiang, YAN Zesheng, ZHANG Luo, YANG Chengdong

MEP:SHENGG Yuxiang, CAI Chunhui

Plumbing:ZHANGG Fenghua, WANG Qiong

HVAC:YANGG Zhigang, YUAN Haobo

Electrical:HUANGG Xiaobo, WEI Guoling, DUO Yashuai, CHEN Jiahao, SUN Sen, YU Jie

Lighting:MIAOO Hailing, YANG Chunhui, WANG Zhixin, DING Erxue, XU Jie, WU Tianjie

Interior: YANG Ming, ZHU Liyuan, GAO Xinyi, SU Chen, SUN Yitong, WEI Jiang, HONG Qibo, JIANG Nansheng

Photographer: LIU Wenyi, WANG Hua


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