In the hustle and bustle to explore the inner peace, in the tedious daily life to find the real life, feel the balance of simplicity and trend, tradition and fashion.This is the power of this case to convey the designer's thinking about life by using the material itself to meet the most basic needs of the residents and express the deepest thoughts of the heart.
入 书
Life is a book waiting for us to open, the bookish atmosphere of home overflows out, walking through every corner is like opening a brand new book, opening the realm of imagination, feeling the wonderful life like the story in the book.
The white page curtain by the floor-to-ceiling window, the wood-colored counter with vertical grain, has the depth of a book page written side by side with sunlight, attracting people to read home. And the years to talk about a quiet love, let the companionship into the longest confession, welcome the warmth and comfort and work, Mu peace and relaxation and rest, a wisp of intoxicating mellow fragrance, a touch of poetry.
至 纯
The large area of white space makes the space more harmonious and comfortable in visual effect, giving it a simple and clear certainty.
The design of each place tells its role directly and clearly, giving the "home" a sense of neatness and orderly stability, as well as a sense of ritual that ignites enthusiasm at a certain moment.
With a minimalist tone, pure colors, fitting the owner's own character, let the design serve life, a simple and pure attitude to life, containing endless details that can be explored, pondered and recalled.
就 简
The designer upholds the rule of minimalist design, using a minimalist approach to layout every corner of the space.By leaving behind complicated decorative materials and keeping the texture and purity of the space, and by reasonably matching light and heavy, cold and warm, the interior space is rational and tranquil without losing vividness and liveliness.
归 真
The original intention of design is to return to the essence of living and life, to take life as the basic point, to interpret the life of the residents.
To explore the characteristics of space, to build up the pattern and details of space experience with design, and to link up the interaction between people and space with life scenes.
Design and writing are similar, expressing the understanding of life in different ways, experiencing a different life in reality and virtual, crossing the junction of two-dimensional and three-dimensional, and finding the meaning of life in the golden house. Home is the figurative expression of lifestyle, the spiritual core of home is related to the inner world of the owner, home records a little bit of life, either panic and chaos, or stable and quiet, no matter which state, it is the most realistic look of life.
项目地址 | 台州江南墅
设计公司 | 叶设计
项目类型 | 全案设计施工
项目统筹 | 顾培培 施洋剑
总设计师 | 叶祥宝
设计团队 | 陈伟涛 张笑微 徐卡迪
项目摄影 | 单行线空间摄影
Cooperative brands
木 作 | 朗铠木业
地 板 | 必美地板
橱 柜 | 梵榀荟全屋定制
瓷 砖 | 宝瓷全球精品瓷砖
灯 光 | LA·灯光设计·名晟照明
涂 料 | 本杰明涂料