发布时间:2021-06-26 17:58:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Clair De Lune Classical Artists - Clair De Lune 「 Wabi-sabi是一种事物不完美, 那是一种审慎和谦逊之美, 亦是一种不依循常规的随性之美。」 —Leonard Koren《Wabi-Sabi》 侘寂之美源于极简入魂、温暖入心。原生态的肌理和质感,区别于以往繁复的装饰和豪华镶嵌,以雾面代替光面,以质朴取代奢华,简约朴实不张扬,自然色彩与原始肌理的碰撞,将不拘于小节地粗狂与细致入微地细腻结合的恰到好处,呈现原生态质朴的美感。 The beauty of wabi-sabi comes from the simplicity of the soul and the warmth of the heart. The original texture and texture are different from the complicated decorations and luxurious inlays in the past. The matte surface is used instead of the glossy surface, and the rusticity is used instead of luxury. The meticulous and delicate combination is just right, presenting the beauty of the original ecology and simplicity.

该项目汲取了北欧建筑传统的灵感以及日本人对美学和工艺的敏锐感,旨在实现两全其美。基础是对使用天然材料和柔和调色板的共同信念,其特点是注重触觉,极简主义和永恒的品质,同时保持了日式装饰的优雅。虽然这两种风格都注重功利主义,但在这所房子中保持禅宗般的沉稳感非常重要,因为这所房子的重点是所过的生活和周围的自然环境。 Inspired by Nordic architectural traditions and a Japanese keen sense of aesthetics and craftsmanship, the project aims to have the best of both worlds. Scandinavian comfort is combined with warm textures and soft furniture while maintaining the elegance of Japanese-style decor. While both styles focus on utilitarianism, it is important to maintain a Zen-like composure in this house, where the focus is on the life lived and the surrounding natural environment.

步入室内,人便被全心全意的温暖所包裹。在与物交互的同时,开启与时间和空间的互动。在时光温润流转的平和环境中,清灵而沉静的精神和气度便被无声滋养。 Walking into the room, we will be embraced with a warn environment. Interacting with object in the room, at the same time, we are also starting to interact with time and space. In the peaceful environment while time moves tenderly, the composure and spirit will be nourished silently.

低饱和度的奶茶色空间基调,自带高级感,深浅不一的高级灰与米色系的局部搭配,丰富空间的色彩层次,整体的治愈系色彩充满温暖的感染力。 The low-saturation milk tea color space tone, with its own high-level sense, the local collocation of different shades of high-grade gray and beige, enriches the color gradation of the space, and the overall healing color is full of warm appeal.

客厅延续自然柔和的主色调,交错柔曼光影,与拙朴的长桌、松软的布艺家具、粗粝的陶器、纯透的烧瓷和永生的植物等简素的物体,共同点缀着室内空间,创造出一种可感知、充满包容性的场域。 The living room keeps using the neutral shades which are gentle and soft. The hue is checkered with mild light and shadow, ornaments the inner space in company with a plain long table, floppy furniture, crude potteries, clear porcelains, everlasting plants and so on, to create a space which can be touched and filled with inclusiveness.

卧室设计,回归最本质的功能需求,延续纯朴简约的主色调,以身体的舒适度作为设计的衡量尺度,辅之以柔软而放松的家具,打造一种细腻而亲密的体验感。主卧极大满足了储物需求,木框和棉麻的组合亦带来些许度假般休闲的气息;书房用半隔断做成了半虚半实的空间,光影氤氲,人影绰绰,弱化了区域间的边界,却又保留了区域的独立性和私密性。 Going back to the basic function of bedroom, we continue to use the neutral shades as a simple style, to make the body’s comfort as the design’s metric, to create a delicate and intimate experience by soft and leisurely furniture. The big wardrobes in the main bedroom perfectly meet the storage requirement. The group of wooden baskets and rattan products creating a casual atmosphere. The glass wall of the main bathroom reduces the feeling of boundary but also keeps independence and privacy between bedroom and bathroom. The light and shadow eddied and shifted while the misty figures swayed gracefully.

无主灯设计,同样的简洁调性,暗藏式光源营造静谧、柔和的内在氛围,掌握留白尺度,营造极简侘寂感,将人、空间、艺术三者融为一体。有机形状、触感材料和手工陶瓷为空间增添了柔软感。 No main lamp design, the same concise tone, the hidden light source creates a quiet and soft inner atmosphere, masters the white space, creates a sense of minimalism, and integrates people, space and art. Organic shapes, tactile materials and handmade ceramics add softness to the space.

结构作为空间形态,包容实体形态与虚空形态的有机存在,塑造空间的整体性、建构性与对话性。 As a spatial form, structure embraces the organic existence of physical form and void form, and shapes the integrity, construction and dialogue of the space.

阐释侘寂风的精髓,唤醒物欲世界里的空杯心态,将克制的表达手法体现在每一个微小的细节中,自然的原始性让空间里的纯粹得到进一步释放。 Interpreting the essence of Wabi-Sabi Wind, awakening the empty cup mentality in the world of material desire, embodies restrained expression in every tiny detail, and the original nature of nature allows the purity of the space to be further released.

留白,不在形式上放空,而是给予心灵上的放松,不主张空无一物的形式感,崇尚更加自由原生态的心灵体验,饰品上以木质、藤编和手工粗陶艺品来满足空间的原始感,看似清贫,却是不露声色的奢华。 Leave blank, not empty in form, but to relax the mind. It does not advocate a sense of empty form. It advocates a more free and original spiritual experience. The ornaments use wood, rattan and handmade stoneware to satisfy the space Primitive, seemingly poverty-stricken, but it is the luxury of calm.

女孩房爱丽丝梦游仙境主题的空间以柔和的中性色调为基础,通过墙饰的线条、灯具的样式、家具的质地、色彩的碰撞、艺术品的表达等多种元素的使用,丰富了整个空间的个性与风格。 The girl room Alice in Wonderland themed space is based on soft neutral tones, enriched by the use of various elements such as the lines of wall decorations, the style of lamps, the texture of furniture, the collision of colors, and the expression of artworks. The individuality and style of the space.

在工作与休息寻找平衡点,通过设计,创造一个平行的休息空间,质朴舒适的居室格调,借以抚平杂乱繁冗的工作,从浮躁走向平和,与时光相濡以沫,带来内心的片刻宁静,以平静的心态创造自然安适的起居空间。 To find a balance between work and rest, through design, create a parallel rest space, simple and comfortable style of the room, so as to smooth out the messy and tedious work, from impetuous to peaceful, and the time, bringing a moment of inner peace and tranquility The mentality of creating a natural and comfortable living space.

后 记 - P O S T S C R I P T - 设计师想创造一个完全宁静的空间,让房子更像一个隐世居所,而不仅仅是一座简单的住宅。 设计师改变了住宅的原始布局,创造了开放的连贯的空间形态,并保留了原来建筑的形式美感。 使用有限的材料来创造空间的凝聚力,选择对周围自然环境“有意义”的材料。天然的橡木、天然的石材和黑色钢材构成了设计的基础。浅色的木板覆盖于墙面上,精心布置的绿色植物,朴质的地面,与自然完美地融合为一体。简练的室内构造,源自于设计师的极简禅宗设计宗旨,用最少的元素营造丰富而富有品位的室内环境。 以光和物质作为融合平衡与静谧的重要主题,利用自然透明度、光线和阴影构建室内外的自然融合,试图打开并引导人从一个空间到另一个空间,创造一个静谧、舒适和温暖的氛围。仿佛时间与空间可以自由转换。 整个设计强调了极简、纯粹、质朴的自然气质,对自然材质的运用和对永恒美学的追求,同时打造一个可以避世的隐世居所。 交投祥生·锦渔别院上叠样板房 交投祥生房地产开发有限公司 珀澄设计 POSH Design 集至设计 ACME Design 毛立芳、钱国庆、施剑、梁杰、纪俊、余细芬


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