发布时间:2024-02-03 04:42:21 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

2023第二届燃冉艺术季由新天地与UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心联合呈现,在“CITY JUMP 跳动吧,城市!”的主题下,以联接五感的艺术活动重构城市生活中的情感链接。

The second edition of the “RanRan” Art Season in 2023 is jointly presented by XINTIANDI and UCCA Center for Contemporary Art, focusing on the Shanghai Greater Xintiandi area. Under the theme of “CITY JUMP”, it reexamines daily life by connecting the five senses through artistic activities and collaborative experiences, reconstructing emotional connections in urban life.

▼空间艺术装置“JUMP城市电场” “JUMP Urban Generator” public art installation  ©张超

在位于太平桥公园的户外特邀单元中,大星吉子设计工作室针对场地进行了一系列空间叙事创作,包括主装置、公园插件和共创内容三部分,从艺术、城市、人三者的关系出发,巧妙地讲述了一个艺术为城市“发电”的故事,将“City Jump”轻松的气氛融入这片区域,带来兼具艺术感受与游乐色彩的场景体验——不仅是身体力行的参与,更是一次全新的城市感知、游戏与发现之旅。

In the public art invitational sector at Taipingqiao Park, Daxing Jizi Design conducted a series of spatial narrative creations tailored to the venue, including a main installation, a series of scattered plug-ins in the park, and collaborative events. Starting from the relationship between art, city and people, the installations narrated a story of art “generating power” for the city. Integrating the lively atmosphere of “City Jump” into this area, the installations activate public space, bringing a scene experience that combines artistic sensations with playful colors. It not only encourages physical engagement but also introduces a fresh exploration of perception, play, and discovery within the city.

▼用跳跃启动城市能量机关的“JUMP 城市电场”装置 “JUMP Urban Generator” installation that activates the city’s energy mechanism by jumping  ©张超


With the large interactive lights art installation “JUMP Urban Generator” as the engine, a series of small plug-in “JUMP Electric Elves” are scattering along the park’s pathways, while more “Electric Elves” co-created with the visitors in workshops are presenting in the core area of XINTIANDI. The spatial rhythm of the work is well-balanced, using a gamified strategy to encourage the audience’s physical exploration and participation. The “electricity” generated by the “power generator” drives the storyline, creating a vivid image of the work continuously “jumping” into the urban space, activating and imparting new connotations to public space.

起跳! 共同启动城市的能量机关 Takeoff! Activate the City’s Energy Generator Together


Jumping is an innate instinct for humans, and the act of “jumping” is a reaction produced by the body’s perception of the external environment, often triggered by one’s own joy and vitality. However, in today’s urban daily life, especially for most adults, this natural movement is often overlooked and forgotten.

▼20世纪50年代伦敦东区贝思纳尔格林地区,孩子们在街头跳跃、奔跑,用跳房子、跳绳等游戏活动将街道转化为游乐场,宛如剧院般激活了城市的公共空间 In Bethnal Green area in East London during the 1950s, children are captured jumping and running on the streets, transforming the streets into playgrounds through games like hopscotch and jump rope. The images evoke a sense of playfulness, turning the urban space into a lively theater of activities that activate the public spaces of the city  ©Nigel Henderson


Body perception is the foundation for people to understand the surrounding world. We view jumping as an important way for the body to actively perceive urban spaces. When individuals experience a special connection with the environment, they can deeply sense their existence in that moment and bring vibrant energy into the space at the same time.

▼夜晚光影流溢的电场装置 Colorful light overflowing the generator installation  ©张超

人类跳跃的能量来自身体,而一座城市运转的能量主要来自电力。由此出发,我们以一种能够直接激发跳跃动作的游戏道具——蹦床为切入点,呼应“City Jump”的主题,为城市增加一组“发电装置”,通过与市民的互动来启动能量机关,让观众跳脱出寻常的生活场景,在与装置的互动中为城市带来雀跃的生机。

The energy generated by human jumps originates from the body, whereas the energy that fuels a city predominantly comes from electricity. With this concept in mind, we have adopted a direct approach to stimulate jumping actions by incorporating a playful element – the trampoline, and designed a set of “power-generating devices” in resonance with the theme of “City Jump”. This interactive engagement activates the energy mechanism, enabling visitors to leap beyond the confines of everyday life scenes, infusing the city with a lively vitality.

▼2024新年期间,装置亦落地于深圳华侨城创意文化园 During the New Year of 2024, the installation also landed at OCT-LOFT in Shenzhen  ©朱惠妍


During the New Year of 2024, the Generator installation also landed at the OCT-LOFT in Shenzhen. It invites people to open up new and colorful imaginations through physical jumping, welcoming the New Year of rejuvenation.

JUMP城市电场 用跳跃为城市带来新动能 JUMP Urban Generator Bringing a Leap of Innovation to the City

▼位于太平桥公园东端绿地的主装置“JUMP 城市电场” The main installation “JUMP Urban Generator” located in the eastern green space of Taipingqiao Park ©张超


Taipingqiao Park is located on the east side of XINTIANDI Style I, adjacent to the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the CPC, and is a precious piece of greenery in the midst of the bustling city. Established in the millennium, the park has undergone recent renovations in conjunction with the upgrading of the Memorial Hall. Through our research, we observed that the park currently primarily serves as a landscape support with basic leisure functions. However, as a public space, it exhibits relative homogeneity, holding untapped potential for increased openness and vitality.

▼夜晚公园中的“JUMP 城市电厂”主装置 The “JUMP Urban Generator” Installation in the park at night  ©张超

▼电场主装置及周围分布的感应式蹦床装置 The main installation and the sensor-equipped trampoline installations  ©张超

在这片精细规划的城市肌理中,我们临时引入了一个充满能量的“变量”。我们在公园最东端较为开阔的草坪上筑起一座高9.7米、直径7米的光塔,作为“JUMP 城市电场”的主装置,周围分布三个感应式蹦床装置。这是一座洋溢着游戏精神的临时地标、一个简洁而不断变化的空间符号,如同冒险目的地一般吸引人们前往。

In this intricately planned urban setting, we introduce a dynamic “variable.” Positioned on the expansive lawn at the easternmost edge of the park stands the main installation, “JUMP Urban Generator.” It boasts a towering structure reaching 9.7 meters in height and 7 meters in diameter. Surrounding this centerpiece are three interactive trampoline installations. This serves as a temporary landmark, infused with a playful spirit – a succinct yet ever-changing spatial symbol, akin to an adventurous destination that beckons people to explore.

▼形态简洁、充满游戏精神的光塔 The concise and playful light tower  ©张超

主装置的设计灵感源自20世纪30年代为粒子加速器提供高直流电压的考克饶夫特-瓦尔顿发电机(Cockcroft-Walton generator),我们期望通过设计传达这种向上的力量感,同时给予其充分的交互性,让积极的跳跃行动去赋予城市空间能量。

The design inspiration for the main installation is derived from the Cockcroft-Walton generator, a device from the 1930s that provided high DC voltage for particle accelerators. We aim to convey a sense of upward force through the design, while ensuring ample interactivity. The intention is to empower the urban space through dynamic jumping actions.

▼左:主装置设计灵感来源,右:主装置设计手绘稿 Left: Design inspiration for the main installation ©Max Dupain Right: Design sketch of the main installation ©Daxingjizi


The central structure of the light tower is constructed with silver stainless steel tubes, forming a double-layer nested heptagonal structure after multiple rounds of careful deliberation. With an approximate distance of 30 centimeters between the inner and outer layers, it achieves a stable tension. We specifically chose a buckle-type stainless steel scaffolding with disc-shaped nodes that adapt to multi-directional connections and seamless integration with the installation’s overall design. The base of the scaffolding is embedded about 1 meter deep in pre-set foundations to ensure structural stability and levelness. The overall structure is simple yet exquisite, allowing spectators to look up at the light tower from within with unobstructed views of the sky.

▼装置结构设计 Structure design of the main installation  ©大星吉子

▼从主装置中心望向天空 Looking up at the sky from the center of the main installation  ©张超


Four layers of ring-shaped frosted film structures stack up around the central column, forming a visually elastic “capacitor.” Drawing inspiration from the electromagnetic spectrum, we infuse vibrant and dynamic colors, including orange, yellow, purple, and green, into the structure. Eighty-four outdoor waterproof LED tubes are placed on steel frames parallel to the film rings, with each ring corresponding to three layers of LED tubes, creating a full-spectrum programmable lighting matrix.

▼灯光矩阵置于向上叠加的环形气膜结构中 The lighting matrix is positioned within the ring-shaped frosted film structures  ©张超


During the day, the installation presents a smooth and rounded texture with flowing lines. As night descends and the city lights awaken, the installation illuminates, casting an enchanting array of colors through the semi-transparent film.The hues gently bathe the nighttime grass in a rhythmic and pulsating glow. This unique ambiance invites people to linger, play, meet and converse, sharing charming moments in the urban landscape.

▼主装置“JUMP城市电场”日间形态 The daytime appearance of the main installation  ©张超

▼主装置“JUMP城市电场”夜间形态 The nighttime appearance of the main installation ©UCCA


As an audience steps onto the trampolines around the light tower, the sensing switches are immediately triggered, initiating the entire light tower into interactive mode. The three trampoline installations, each 3 meters wide and 0.6 meters high, feature an outer layer made of the same translucent film material as the main light tower. The elastic nets in the center are equipped with mirror-reflective photoelectric devices that can sense the bouncing on the trampolines, conveying various levels of jumping intensity. These movements are then transforms directly into visual displays through the light matrix of the tower.

▼装置将跳跃的动能转化为视觉呈现 The Installation transforms the movement of jumping directly into visual displays  ©张超

▼孩童在装置中跳跃玩耍 Children playing and jumping within the installation  ©张超


When an individual jumps on the trampoline, a layer of lights in the film rings brightens from bottom to top and then descends. In a scenario with multiple participants, additional layers of lights illuminate with each person’s jump, and the intensity of the lights corresponds to the force of their jumps. This dynamic interaction results in a diverse display of expressions, creating a vibrant, colorful, and surreal gaming space.

▼活力迸发、色彩斑斓的超现实游戏场所 A vibrant and surreal gaming space bursting with energy and vibrant colors  ©Molly


We have specially invited sound artist ZHI to create an atmospheric electronic soundtrack for the installation. As the lights dance and breathe, intertwining with the ambient sounds of urban life, the subtle electric tones delicately sketch out an unfamiliar spatial dimension, adding a layer of richness to the entire artistic experience.

JUMP电仔 激活空间的小型能量体 JUMP Electric Elves Energizing Urban Space with Dynamic Plug-ins

▼由主装置衍生而来的小型能量体装置“JUMP电仔” Small energy forms “JUMP Electric Elves” derived from the main installation  ©UCCA


At the same time, twelve small energy installations derived from the main structure are set along the pathway that traverses Taipingqiao Park, connecting the indoor space of XINTIANDI with the lawn and greenery where the main installation is located. These plug-in installations act as clues, systematically activating this approximately 1-kilometer-long pathway and transforming it into a temporary adventure route. We’ve named these small installations “JUMP Electric Elves,” each of them varying in size and form, resembling energy-aggregating plugins bursting from the light tower. They infuse more energy and creativity into various corners of this art season.

▼“JUMP电仔”因地制宜地介入太平桥公园 “JUMP Electric Elves” tactically integrates into Taipingqiao Park, adapting to its surroundings  ©UCCA

The JUMP Electric Elves strategically integrates into the park, adding vibrancy to ordinary corners like trees, steps, flower beds, or lampposts, infusing them with energy and creating a delightful scene. The creation of the small-scale installations involves the use of lightweight everyday materials such as swim rings, reflective boards, telephone wires, yarn, etc. These materials undergo artistic treatments like zip ties and spray painting to generate familiar yet intriguing effects. Adhering to sustainable design principles, the materials used in the production can be recycled and reused post-exhibition, aligning with eco-friendly practices.


We invite the audience to embark on a small exploration, stepping out of indoor spaces, encountering the “JUMP Electric Elves” unexpectedly, and following their guidance to reach the light tower installation for interactive jumping experiences. During the art season, we also hosted the “JUMP Electric Elves–Urban Energy Blind Box” workshop,engaging a broader audience in creating their unique elves. This collaborative approach extends the design concept through collective creativity.

▼与观众共创的电仔装置于新天地二期入口处展示 Electric Elves created with the audience display at the entrance of XINTIANDI Style II  ©UCCA

重思 城市中游戏精神与空间叙事 Reflection The Playful Spirit and Spatial Narratives in the City

▼跳脱出常规场景、却也融入城市日常生活的电场装置 The Generator installation jumps out of conventional scenes but also integrates into the everyday life of the city  ©张超


For us, the “JUMP Urban Generator” series is an important experiment and breakthrough. The question we continuously ponder is: how can public art, while providing aesthetic experiences and conventional spatial encounters, break free from conventional frameworks and imbue space with a fresh and authentic vitality in the familiar scenes of everyday life?


The playful spirit of the installation offers an extraordinary experience, breaking the boundaries of urban living, surpassing age limits, and giving people the opportunity to perceive space through physical activities, empowering the city with their own energy. The audience is no longer a passive observer but an active participant, becoming the agent of energy through body engagement. Because of human involvement, the creation achieves completeness, and through tangible physical and mental experiences, the city is rediscovered at a human scale.

▼在深圳华侨城创意文化园电场装置中玩耍的孩童 Children playing in the Electric Generator installation, OCT-LOFT in Shenzhen  ©OCT-LOFT


On the level of spatial activation, we reexamine everyday urban spaces through a series of creations, reaching every corner of the area. Using the scale of distance as a clue, we present an interactive narrative experience for the audience, attempting to promote the connection and flow between commercial spaces and parks, activating urban spaces with a point-to-surface approach.

▼沿公园“探险小径”来到电场装置的观众们 Visitors arriving at the main installation along the park trail  ©张超

▼围绕装置的宜人社区生活场景 A pleasant community living scene around the installation ©张超


From a distance, when looking at the light tower, this temporary landscape, conveying information, captures attention with its considerable volume and dynamic visual effects. As the distance shortens, the audiences embark on an adventure, the small installations scattered throughout the park become guides leading to the destination. When the light tower looms ahead, people enter a pleasant area for activities and communication. Finally, through jumping, the distance between the audience and the installation diminishes to zero, and individuals become an integral part of the piece. In this playground, a return to authenticity occurs, injecting vibrant energy into the daily cycle of life.

▼在太平桥公园电场装置中休憩的人们 People resting in the installation at Taipingqiao Park  ©张超

▼早晨阳光中的电场装置 The generator installation in the morning sun  ©张超

结语 Conclusion


“Jump” is a philosophy about perception, using it as a starting point, the installations break into the intricate and complex urban life. Through interaction and participation of people, the work is presented in its entirety, becoming an unconventional connector that brings the strategy of activating space back to the perception of individuals physically engaging with urban space.


Individual experiences and the shared emotions of the community converge in this specific space. At “JUMP Urban Generator,” we look forward to bringing more diverse and rich possibilities to urban life.

▼夜间太平桥公园中光芒浸润的电场装置 The generator installation glowing in the night at Taipingqiao Park  ©张超

▼2024新年,深圳华侨城创意文化园中的电场装置 The generator installation in OCT-LOFT, Shenzhen, New Year of 2014  ©OCTLOFT

▼“JUMP城市电场”主装置及插件分布平面图 “JUMP Urban Generator” main installation and plug-ins layout  ©大星吉子工作室

项目名称:第二届上海燃冉艺术季—JUMP城市电场 设计单位:大星吉子工作室 项目总监:谢琼枝 主创设计师:曾镇威 公园插件设计:殷晖 声音设计:痣 施工单位:笔克 公园插件现场协助:pepper、邵泉灵、沐沐、LiLi 结构顾问:夏彬 摄影:张超、UCCA、OCT-LOFT 宣传支持:肖才子 项目委托方:UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心 项目面积:300平方米 项目地点:上海市新天地太平桥公园 设计时间:2023.10 完工时间:2023.11.12 展期:2023.11.12–2023.11.26

Project Name: The second edition of the “RanRan” Art Season–JUMP Urban Generator Exhibition Design: Daxing Jizi Design Project Director: XIE Qiongzhi Lead Designer: ZENG Zhenwei Park Plug-in Design: YIN Hui Sound Design: ZHI Project Support: Pico Park Plug-in Setup Assistance: pepper, SHAO Quanling, MuMu, LiLi Structural Consultant: XIA Bin Photography: ZHANG Chao, UCCA, OCT-LOFT Promotion support: XIAO Caizi Client: UCCA Center for Contemporary Art Area: 300 m² Location: Shanghai Xintiandi Taipingqiao Park Design Period: October 2023 Completion: November 12th, 2023 Exhibition Duration: November 12th, 2023 – November 26th, 2023


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