发布时间:2024-01-09 09:52:16 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Virginia—Shenandoah House by SCHAUM/SHIEH unfolds over a lush slope of the Allegheny Mountains in western Virginia, part of the Appalachian Range. The 2,750-square-foot home and writer’s retreat was built for a creative couple with deep ties to the area’s landscape. The open, expansive views and rolling surroundings, paired with the challenges presented by a steep site, inform the overall design.

▼项目概览,Overall view © Adam Rosen

▼鸟瞰,Bird’s eye view © Naho Kubota, Adam Rosen

“山坡作为一个老生常谈的问题是本项目的一个主要推动力,我们的业主生长于当地,并且在希腊度过了一段时光,因此他们熟悉丘陵地区。我们希望能够温和且巧妙地对场地进行干预。业主想要一座有机契合当地的房子,而不是直接使用当地材料堆砌出来的方案。因此我们聚焦并着手与山丘、季节、远处的景色和业主与当地亲密生活。”SCHAUM/SHIEH联合首席Rosalyne Shieh解释道。 “The hillside as an old problem in house design was a major motivator. Our clients knew many hilly sites from growing up in the area and their time in Greece. We wanted to intervene gently but opportunistically into the hill,” explains SCHAUM/SHIEH co-principal Rosalyne Shieh. “They wanted a house that fit organically but was not derived from the local vernacular materials or solutions in a straightforward way. We focused on the hill, the seasons, the distant view, and the intimate life of the site.”

▼顶视,Top view © Adam Rosen, Naho Kubota

▼沿中线延伸的布置,Arrangement extending along the center line © Naho Kubota

▼远观,Distant view © Naho Kubota


SCHAUM/SHIEH connected with the couple at a dinner party hosted by mutual friends, where one husband, a renowned anthropologist, unveiled sketches of a home he dreamed up based on his travels in Athens, where he spends a significant amount of time for fieldwork. A conversation developed from the drawing. Keeping that dinner conversation in mind while starting from scratch with SCHAUM/SHIEH, that night’s drawing informed several broad inspirations for the final home: a long, airy plan that embeds organically into the topography.

▼建筑近景,Close view © Naho Kubota

▼立面,Facade © Naho Kubota


The final home organizes three bedrooms, three bathrooms, a dining room, living room, study, and garage along a single line that follows the contours of the hilltop site. Rooms extend out from this central line, some embedding into the hillside and others facing the views to the horizon. This stretched plan, where rooms resemble irregular pods connected by a single corridor, creates pockets for gardens and outdoor nooks between each room, on both sides of the home.

▼轴测分析图,axonometric © SCHAUM/SHIEH

“我们发现通过加密山地等高线的手法能够使山峰变得平滑,从而打造出一种柔和的感觉,还能够反映周边山坡倾斜的环境。项目选址与山坡上是一个最佳方案,我们采用了简单且更具功能性的逻辑,使这栋建筑嵌入起伏的场地中。”SCHAUM/SHIEH联合首席Troy Schaum解释道。 “We discovered that by doubling the ridgeline and rounding the peak we could create a softness that reflects the sloped surroundings,” explains SCHAUM/SHIEH co-principal Troy Schaum. “It seemed appropriate on the hillside and took what was a simple, more functional logic and grounded it in the dynamic, undulating nature of the site.”

▼灰色的金属屋顶,Gray metal roof © Naho Kubota


The stretched plan purposefully eschews cantilevers and other common reactions to hilltop topography in favor of a more subtle, organic response to the landscape. “We didn’t have the inclination to make a dramatic use of the steepness with a cantilever, and we didn’t want to flatten any portion of the site to erase the slope, so we decided to build along the contours as much as we could,” says Shieh.

▼户外空间,Outdoor space © Naho Kubota

▼出入口,Entrance © Naho Kubota


This layout is connected by a gray metal roof whose undulating surface emphasizes the lines and volumes of the surrounding slopes. “The rolling hills of the Allegheny Mountains in that area of the Shenandoah Valley have such a soft, gentle feeling,” says Shieh. “They are like a well worn pair of corduroys—full of relief and detail, but a soft relief.”

▼起居空间,Living space © Naho Kubota

▼起居空间中的壁炉,Fireplace in living space © Naho Kubota


This sense of soft relief also informs the home’s material palette: The roof joins pliability with the durability necessary for the area’s seasonal shifts. Built from insulated stucco, the body of the home fuses the smooth, white finish of seaside Greek architecture with materials like the Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) cladding system, used locally on small commercial buildings, like gas stations.

▼厨房,Kitchen © Naho Kubota

▼用餐处能够看向室外,Dining space © Naho Kubota


The windows that frame either end of the 120-foot-long hall create a telescope effect, focusing at one end on the dense forest and the other on the surrounding meadow. The windows both frame the site and the interspersed gardens that slide between the rooms. They also literally open up and create physical connections down the steps to the landscape. On the uphill side, simple clerestories create a connection to the treetops and sunset over the ridge.

▼卧室,Bedroom © Naho Kubota


Inside, the folds of the roof inform the organization and detail of each room. No lights or other features interrupt the ceilings; instead, lighting emerges through slots at the ceiling edge and on the quasi-furniture objects that provide texture across the home. These custom objects take on much of the interior materiality: one is wood, one stone, and one concrete. Throughout, the local use of soapstone influences many of the stone highlights, such as the hearths and wood storage, while bamboo clads the sprawling floor.

▼走廊空间,Corridor © Naho Kubota

▼浴室,Bathroom © Naho Kubota

▼室内材质细节,Details © Naho Kubota


“We want to make projects that can open up possibilities through their organizational and aesthetic logics. We are not invested in a particular style for its own sake,” says Schaum of Shenandoah House. “This project shows how a simple organization that is worked through in an engaged way with the client and site can open up those kinds of opportunities in design,” says Shieh.

▼夜览,Night view © Naho Kubota

▼项目区位,site plan © SCHAUM/SHIEH

▼平面图,floor plan © SCHAUM/SHIEH

▼立面图,elevation © SCHAUM/SHIEH

▼剖面图01,section 01 © SCHAUM/SHIEH

▼剖面图02,section 02 © SCHAUM/SHIEH

▼剖面图03,section 03 © SCHAUM/SHIEH

Project Credits: TYPE: Residential DESIGN TEAM: Troy Schaum, Rosalyne Shieh, Giorgio Angelini, Andrea Brennan, Tucker Douglas, Ane Gonzalez CONTRACTOR: Blue Ridge Green – Jonathan Kuntz STRUCTURAL: Truesdell Engineering – Jordan Truesdell, PE LOCATION: Lexington, VA


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