发布时间:2019-03-31 03:46:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



Simone Haag是澳大利亚知名的软装设计师,和诸多顶尖设计师合作过。她的作品有一种与生俱来的气质,能把鸟儿从树上吸引过来!

Simone Haag is a well-known Australian softcover designer who has worked with many top designers. Her work has an innate temperament that attracts birds from the trees!


“每个住宅都赋予真实感,丰富的木材和古老的青铜色调,再加上时尚的现代饰面。 Simone的作品策展对这个空间高度赞赏“

“Each residence imparts a sense of authenticity with rich timber and aged bronze accents, complemented by sleek contemporary finishes. Simone’s curation of pieces were very complimentary for this space”

Engelfield是Woods Bagot的奢侈品开发项目,其中Simone Haag团队参与了Art Direct的拍摄。 与Woods Bagot,Hub Furniture&Otomys画廊合作,该团队策划了一系列适合这个优雅空间的作品。Engelfield拥有丰富的自然光和优质材料,是一个美丽的细节空间,当与家具,艺术和物体搭配时,自成一体。

House Baillieu

    “Simone对设计各方面的精力和知识,从面料到家具,对我们家的设计成果至关重要。 我们对我们的家非常满意,并感谢她的指导。”

    “Simone’s energy & knowledge of all aspects of design, from fabrics to furniture was paramount to the design outcome of our home. We are supremely happy with our home and thankful for her guidance. ”- R. Forsythe

House Baillieu是由Ben Pitman设计的现代建筑,位于维多利亚时代的海岸线上。 客户聘请Simone来帮忙布置家具和造型。 简而言之,他的选择是沿海优雅的纹理和永恒。一些古董的加入增添了一种兼收并蓄的风格,与房主毕生收藏的画作、艺术品和古玩相得益彰。

Hawtorn House

“我欢迎Simone为我设计的任何空间提供和设计风格。 她有一个精致的眼睛,热情的方法,能够以一种常常违反惯例的方式成功地将各种作品组合在一起,但总能取得成功。“

“I welcome Simone to furnish and style any of the spaces I design. She has a refined eye, an enthusiastic approach and the ability to successfully bring together pieces in a way which often defies convention, but always results in success.”— David Neil

Neil Architecture以其精致的空间而闻名,具有永恒的魅力,在他们设计的每个家庭中,色调和细节的强度都至关重要。 Simone Haag团队被邀请为这个家庭策划陈设。

Neil Architecture are known for their sophisticated spaces with timeless appeal and where strength of palette and detailing are paramount in every home they design. The Simone Haag team were invited to curate the objects and accessories for this home.


      Simone personally  procured the pieces over a series of shopping trips on behalf of the client, who was able to watch the process unfold and enjoy the streamlined installation day and the resulting collection of objects and art.

Armadale residence II

“我喜欢与Simone Haag团队合作 - 总是有新的,充满活力的想法,让你走出自己的舒适区,但却发现,这正是你想象的那样。 令人兴奋但仍然像家一样的室内设计。”

“I have loved working with the Simone Haag team – always new, dynamic ideas that push you out of your comfort zone, only to find, that’s exactly how you envisaged it to be. Interiors that feel exciting but still like home. ”— Penelope Cohen

Armadale住宅的第二阶段开始转向非正式的生活空间。 这个空间必须是家庭友好和舒适,但仍然代表了主人的精明风格。

      The second stage of Armadale residence saw the studio turn their hand to the informal living space. This space had to be family friendly and comfortable, but still representative of the owner’s savvy style.

定制的作品,如Thomas Lentini的餐桌,与Maralunga沙发,Cesca餐椅等经典家具以及工作室采购的一系列复古作品相伴。 空该间代表了客户的想法,并由SH团队在现场设计风格。

Custom made pieces such as the dining table by Thomas Lentini, sit alongside classics such as the Maralunga sofa, the Cesca dining chair and a series of vintage pieces sourced by the studio. The space was layered with objects sourced on behalf of the client and styled onsite by the SH team.

Fitzroy North


“When designing this room, form, beauty and function were the deciding factors.”— Simone Haag

Fitzroy North使Simone能够与建筑师Andrew Simpson合作。当雕塑般的新扩建部分在这座维多利亚式住宅的后方成形时,Simone被客户委托,主要用家具、艺术、物品和造型来翻新住宅的原始部分。

The Fitzroy North project enabled Simone to collaborate with Architect Andrew Simpson. As the sculptural new extension was taking shape to the rear of this Victorian home, Simone was engaged by the client to layer predominantly the original part of the home with Furniture, Art, Object and Styling.


The curved sofa was a clever device to furnish a space with doors and windows on almost every elevation. The rounded rug followed suit and pieces with mood, depth and texture were layered into the space.

Fitzroy North II

“我们喜欢Simone&Sarah推出的奇特造型元素和个性。 他们的直觉和在我们初次会议上展示的热情在整个项目中都得到了体现。这个团队挑战了我们的标准,我们很高兴他们做到了。 我们喜欢家里的东西。“

墨尔本菲茨罗伊北部的这颗隐藏的宝石是由SJB设计的。 Simone Haag工作室享有将艺术品,物品和灯光覆盖在内部的特权。

This hidden gem in Melbourne’s Fitzroy North was designed by SJB. The Simone Haag studio had the privilege of overlaying the interiors with art and objects and lighting.

我们与一些值得信赖的合作伙伴 - 如植物协会,James Makin画廊和Otomys合作,通过雕塑,绿化和来自墨尔本及国外的高度策划的艺术系列,帮助将这个家园变为现实。

Working with some of our trusted collaborators - such as The Plant Society, James Makin Gallery andOtomys, we assisted bring this home to life with sculpture, greenery and a highly curated series of art from Melbourne and abroad.

Richmond Hill Residence

Richmond Hill Residence是一个与时尚客户合作的项目,他知道自己想要什么,但有时,会请求Simone Haag团队的美学建议。该工作室鼓励与Angela Harry进一步合作,后者重新设计了细木工艺品,为空间带来更多女性化的色彩,重新定位房间的焦点,带入花园和周围环境。


The results are a colourful family home that truly represents its owners and their family whereby no curtain was pink enough and a petrol blue dining table felt right at home.


Simone Haag 的室内设计魔法 | 自然光与精致细节的完美结合
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