发布时间:2022-10-13 00:23:24 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

该项目位于以上世纪典型工人住房为特征的 Matthäusquartier 街区,新增加的 4 个楼层为之带来 8 间具有可持续性的新公寓。

With the four-story addition, Basel’s Matthäusquartier, with its typical workers’ housing from the turn of the last century, will gain eight new, sustainable apartments.


East facade (with blinds open & closed)

在 Klein-Basel 周边街区的后院区域,许多建造于 19 世纪的工匠工作室如今都已经历过改造或加建。该项目正是其中一个例子:Lukas Raeber 事务所以位于底层的锡匠工作室为基础,在其上方叠加了 4 层新的居住空间。考虑到利用情况不允许加盖完整的 4 个楼层,建筑体量被设计为阶梯状,并逐渐下降至后院区域,为公寓提供了户外空间。这些空间通过一个种植着可用植物的公共花园得到补充。Efringerstrasse 107 号项目体现了结构和财政资源方面的经济使用,以及它如何对设计和结构的实现产生影响,最终造就可持续的建筑。

In the backyards of the perimeter block buildings in Klein-Basel, many craftsmen’s workshops were built towards the end of the 19th century, which are now converted or stacked up. For example, Lukas Raeber Architects stacked four new residential floors on top of an existing tinsmith’s workshop that serves as the base floor. Since the utilization did not allow for four full stories of the addition, the building was stepped down to the rear courtyard, allowing for outdoor spaces for the apartments. These are complemented by a communal garden cultivated with useful plants. The economical use of structural and financial resources is exemplified at Efringerstrasse 107, showing how this influences the design and structural realization and results in sustainable architecture.

▼朝向庭院的西立面,West facade facing the courtyard

巴塞尔的 8 个新住宅单元

Eight new residential units for Basel

扩建的部分包含 8 个住宅单元,是作为可拆解的木制结构预制而成。在面向街道的一侧,新建筑延续了附近房屋的屋檐高度,屋顶的末端被设计为单坡状,并安装了太阳能电池板为空气热泵供热。绿色屋顶还可以为微型生物提供栖息地。

The new building contains eight residential units and was prefabricated to measure as a deconstructible wooden element building. Towards the street, the addition continues the eaves’ height of the neighboring property. In analogy to the pitched roof of the adjacent property, the roof termination is designed as a shed roof with solar panels that power the air-to-air heat pump for heating. A green roof also serves as a habitat for microorganisms.

▼东立面防火墙,East facade firewall

▼沿街道望向东立面,East facade street alignment

4 个新楼层均以预制木构件建造,坐落在既有的首层结构之上。临街的屋顶边缘被设计为锯齿状,有利于为太阳能电池板提供理想的放置空间。在朝向庭院的一侧,建筑按照分区规范保持后退,为每间公寓创造出宽敞的阳台空间。

Made from prefabricated wood elements, the new four-story building sits atop the existing ground-level structure. On the street side, the addition matches the eave height of the neighboring property and reinterprets the adjacent roof edge as a sawtooth roof. Its shape and orientation also make it the ideal location for the building’s solar panels. On the courtyard side, the building is stepped back as required by zoning, creating a spacious balcony for each apartment.


The addition was stepped down to the backyard, allowing for outdoor spaces for the apartments.

▼公寓露台,Terrace courtyard

过去的痕迹 Traces from the past 住宅单元可直接从街道层进入,新旧元素之间形成了非常自然的混合关系。建筑过去的痕迹与既有的钢筋混凝土和砖石结构定义了入口区域的氛围。从地面层看,由预制木构件打造的楼梯伸向上方的公寓层,带来更加温暖的感觉。

The residential units are entered at street level, where the mix of new and existing elements feels perfectly natural. The atmosphere in this entrance area is defined by traces of the past, and by the reinforced-concrete and masonry work intrinsic to the building’s structure. From ground level, a staircase made from prefabricated wood elements leads to the warmer atmosphere of the apartments above.

▼通往庭院的路径,Passage to the courtyard

▼楼梯间入口,Staircase entrance


The stairs in the access core are built from prefabricated concrete elements


Large metal panels protect the wood structure from the elements and add urban flair. The construction firm that runs the metal shop on the ground floor was extensively involved in the project – they fabricated the street-facing facade, among many other components – and their materials are visible everywhere. The simplicity of the fabrication and construction processes remains visible in the finished building, and the interplay between the different materials contributes significantly to the atmosphere of the space.

▼公寓客厅,Living room


The large sliding windows make spatial generosity possible and create a connection between indoor and outdoor spaces.

▼厨房入口,Kitchen entrance area

▼开放式餐厨区域,The kitchen area is open plan and allows a combined usable space for dining and living.



循环经济下的城市开采 Urban Mining for the circular economy

整个扩建工程及其使用的固定装置均尽可能地贯彻了“城市开采”(urban mining)的理念,即在可行的条件下,所有用于建造的资源都应当是可重复使用、可回收或可制成肥料的。该建筑的设计和建造充分考虑了这些限制,几乎所有的部件都采用螺丝而非粘合剂连接,以方便未来的拆卸。与此类似,木地板也采用螺丝安装,铬钢材质的浴室采取无接缝设计,暖气管道和电缆也都保持了裸露。

The entire addition and all of its fixtures implement the idea of “urban mining” to the greatest extent possible. This idea is based on the argument that all the resources used to build a building should be reusable, recyclable, or compostable whenever feasible. The building was designed and built with these restrictions in mind. As a result, almost all of its components are attached with screws for easy removal, rather than being glued down. In keeping with this way of thinking, the wood floors are installed with screws, the chrome-steel bathrooms are jointless, and the heating ductwork and electrical conduits are exposed.


Installation wardrobe made of prefabricated, visibly Screwed wooden elements of spruce

▼浴室采用铬合金板,Bathroom chrome

▼公寓入口和衣帽区,Entrance area checkroom

▼楼层平面图,Floor plans




Project Data

Client: Sonja und Felix Jäggi

Year: 2018-2022

Architecture: Lukas Raeber Architekten: Lukas Raeber, Flavio Thommen

Floor area: 665 m2

Type of use: 8 apartments above a workshop

Structural Engineer: Haller & Partner, Oberwil BL

HVAC: Beat Joss & Partner, Basel

Façade planning and execution: Jäggi Vollmer, Basel


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