周光明 /朱彤云
Kuang Ming (RAY) Chou and Vera Chu
People - firm leader: hospitality
,近20年來在室内设计领域的专注与作品的累积,在12月8日公布的美国纽约《Interior Design Best of Year 2021 》中
评选为全球年度最佳设计师 ——
Kuang Ming (RAY) Chou and Vera Chu from Vermilion Zhou Design Group are '2021 Best of Year Awards' Winners in the ”
People: fir
m leader - hospitality category“
was announced in New York U.S.A on 8th DEC.
▵ 线上颁奖典礼影片节录
The online awards ceremony clips
线上颁奖典礼由Interior Design Magazine主编Cindy Allen主持,以作品松美术馆、禧玥酒店、上海外滩花间堂・愉园、BodyConcept普拉提、Green Massage青籁养生、海底捞智慧餐厅...等项目。描述了周光明先生与朱彤云女士在
The online awards ceremony was hosted by the editor-in-chief of “Interior Design Magazine” Cindy Allen, featuring the works such as Song Art Museum, Joya Hotel, Blossom House Shanghai On The Bund, BodyConcept Pilates, Green Massage, Haidilao Intellectual Restaurant... Describes that Ray Chou and Vera Zhu’s work are informed by a blend of Western logical thinking and the pursuit of Eastern philosophy, emphasizing the experience and comfort of people in different kinds of spaces. The design thinking shows Ray and Vera's understanding of the aesthetics for lifestyle and the enthusiasm for creating a better life.
▵ 全球今年仅评选出16位优秀设计师
Only 16 designers were listed in the "people" category.
青籁养身 上海陆家嘴店 / 水疗美容空间
上海外滩花间堂・愉园 / 酒店改造
Vermilion Zhou 2 projects
‘green massage’ Shanghai Lujiazui
Blossom House Shanghai On The Bund
won th
e honoree in two categories.
青籁养身 上海陆家嘴店
‘green massage’ Shanghai Lujiazui
eauty / Spa
Blossom House Shanghai On The Bund
Hotel transformation
about Interior Design's Best of Year
美国《室内设计》杂志是全球行业领先的设计出版物,服务于室内设计、建筑和设施管理领域的读者已有八十余年。Best of Year 年度最佳设计大奖作为设计行业的顶级设计奖项,旨在表彰全球各地设计师、建筑师和制造商的最佳作品。
2021是BOY 年度最佳设计奖的第16个年头,该赛事已成为衡量优质设计的最高标准,展示了当今各领域设计的发展趋势,同时也为设计行业的未来树立了更高的标竿。
Interior Design Magazine is the global, industry-leading design publication serving the interior design, architectural and facility management audiences for over 80 years. Interior Design's Best of Year is the design industry's premiere design awards program, honoring the most significant work of the year and recognizing designers, architects and manufacturers from around the globe.
Now celebrating its 16th year, Interior Design's Best of Year has become the ultimate measure of excellence, showcasing what's happening today in every category of design while simultaneously setting the bar even higher for the future.
请点击"阅读原文"浏览 Interior Design Best of Year 2021 设计奖完整获奖单
Please click "read more" at the bottom left for more info of the Interior Design Best of Year 2021.