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2024 金奖花园得主

2024 Gold Medals

— 展示花园篇 —

Show Gardens

Best Show Garden: Muscular Dystrophy UK – Forest Bathing Garden

Designed by

Built by

Sponsored by

Muscular Dystrophy UK – Forest Bathing Garden is a place of solace and reflection for those affected by a muscle wasting condition. The garden showcases how an immersive and accessible garden can offer refuge to patients, their families, and clinicians. Its design is inspired by the ancient Japanese practice of Shinrin-yoku, which reconnects people with nature through their senses. The garden hopes to awaken imagination and connection to nature by bridging the gap between humans and the natural world.

A large random knapped flint wall has been chosen for its texture and form, which is reminiscent of muscle cells. The planting is inspired by a birch grove, with over 40 trees creating a forest-like atmosphere. The majority of the plants have been selected for their foliage, creating a rich texture with occasional bursts of color. At the core of the garden is a central hub with sculptural flint walls, providing a sheltered space for people to meet and share experiences.

▽ 森林浴花园 Muscular Dystrophy UK – Forest Bathing Garden

▽场景效果图 Design sketch


Show Garden:WaterAid GardenDesigned by Tom Massey and Je AhnBuilt by"水援助"花园所探讨的是气候变化带来的问题与挑战,花园以可持续水资源管理为重点,种植了一系列丰富多彩的植物品种,旨在使环境更好应对不同程度的降雨量。花园均使用回收再利用的材料,以减少碳足迹。设计的核心是一个雨水收集亭,其灵感来自水援助组织(WaterAid)与世界各地社区合作推出的可持续水资源解决方案。


The WaterAid garden explores the challenges presented by an ever-changing climate. It focuses on sustainable water management and features a colourful array of plant species designed to deal with varying amounts of rainfall. The garden uses materials that are reclaimed and repurposed for a lighter carbon footprint. At the centre of the design is a rainwater-harvesting pavilion, inspired by WaterAid’s work with communities around the world to develop sustainable water solutions.

The structure harvests every drop of rainfall, filtering and storing this precious resource for drinking and irrigating while also slowing flow and providing shade. Alnus glutinosa‘Pyramidalis’ emerge though the pavilion, part of a planting scheme chosen principally for resilience and biodiversity. The planting is textured and colourful, shifting from denser, wetter, lowland areas to sparser, dryer upland character with the garden’s shifting topography.

▽“水援助”花园 WaterAid Garden

▽场景效果图 Design sketch


Show Garden: St James’s Piccadilly: Imagine the World to be Different Designed by Built by Sponsored by The show garden pays homage to the revitalising influence of urban green spaces, symbolising a message of hope and recovery while igniting the imagination of future generations to envision a different world. Upon entering through an archway reminiscent of the proposed gateways leading to the churchyard at St James’s Piccadilly, visitors step into a contemplative haven. Here, nature takes centre stage with a lush, biodiverse planting scheme. This tranquil, introspective space serves as a sanctuary for urban dwellers and city wildlife. For visitors to sit, stroll, and immerse themselves in the sensory delights of dappled shade, multi-layered verdant landscapes, and soothing water features. The garden exhibits a diverse selection of climate-resilient trees, offering a place of restoration for those searching for peace and inspiration and a circular, sculptural timber counselling cabin sits among the foliage.

▽圣詹姆斯皮卡迪利:想象世界会有所不同 St James’s Piccadilly:Imagine the World to be Different

▽场景效果图 Design sketch


Show Garden: The National Garden Scheme Garden Designed by Built by Sponsored by


The garden has an ‘edge of woodland’ theme and appearance, laid out through an open hazel coppice with a collection of more drought tolerant woodland plants suited to the south east of the UK. A portion of the plants have been contributed by National Garden Scheme garden owners, symbolic of the tradition of sharing and generosity in the charity.

The garden centres on a carbon sink timber hut where visitors and garden volunteers can congregate for tea and cake, synonymous with a National Garden Scheme garden open day. The garden celebrates the National Garden Scheme’s nearly 100 years of opening private gardens to the public and raising funds for nursing and health charities.

The style of the garden reflects the charity’s increasing support of community and therapeutic gardens as well as its diverse portfolio of gardens that open. Enclosed by a native hedge, the garden offers a refuge to visitors.

▽“国家花园计划”之园 The National Garden Scheme Garden

▽场景效果图 Design sketch

— 庇护花园篇

Sanctuary Gardens



Best Sanctuary Garden

Burma Skincare Initiative Spirit of Partnership Garden

Designed by

Built by



The garden design tells the story of a global dermatological partnership which supports Burmese healthcare workers treating adults and children with terrible skin conditions. All of the plants in this garden are found in Myanmar and grow happily in the UK.

The challenging and disrupted environments in which the charity works are symbolised by the part-ruined stupa, overgrown and reclaimed by foliage. Textures such as bark, plants, moss and lichen are illustrative of the skin diseases affecting people supported by the charity.

A traditional Burmese stilt house made from recycled timber with a thatched roof, sits above a pool offering views of a cascading waterfall. A dry-stone bench is inspired by the 28th letter of the Burmese alphabet, la, which together with its accent forms the word Lar, meaning ‘coming together’.

▽缅甸护肤倡议伙伴精神花园 Burma Skincare Initiative Spirit of Partnership Garden

▽场景效果图 Design sketch


Sanctuary Garden World Child Cancer’s Nurturing Garden Designed by Built by Sponsored by

获“RHS 环境创新奖”(RHS Environmental Innovation Award winner)。该花园是一个感官乐园,通过塑造亲切的自然环境,为那些正在接受癌症治疗的患儿带来欢乐、希望,让他们得以暂时逃离现实。圆形花坛由多孔粘土砖制成,通过触感柔软的植物、芬芳的香草和生机勃勃的苔藓营造多样化的感官体验,而较矮的花坛内则种植着可食用植物以供探索。这些低维护、抗性强的植物象征着那些在“世界儿童癌症组织(World Child Cancer UK)”帮助下,通过强化社区和医疗保健能力而得以提高全球儿童癌症生存率的国家。在这里,孩子和家长可以漫步在再生砖铺设的步道上,小路通往风景秀丽的草地,四周环绕着高大的树木、多年生植物、一年生植物和灌木,为孩子和家长提供情感疗愈,草地中央的座位区则是大家休息放松的地方。

Designed as a sensory haven, this garden brings joy, hope and escapism through nature for children undergoing cancer treatment. Circular raised beds, made from perforated clay blocks, offer diverse sensory experiences through soft-touch plants, fragrant herbs, and vibrant mosses. The lower raised beds cultivate edible plants for exploration. These low-maintenance, resilient plants symbolise the countries supported by World Child Cancer UK. By improving global child cancer survival rates through community and healthcare empowerment.Supporting emotional wellbeing, a child and a parent can stroll through the reclaimed brick path, which leads to scenic meadow surrounded by tall trees, perennials, annuals, and shrubs. At its heart lies a seating area, which is a restful place for children and their loved ones.

▽世界儿童癌症中心护育花园 World Child Cancer’s Nurturing Garden

▽场景效果图 Design sketch

— 阳台、容器花园篇 —

Best Balcony / Container Garden: The Ecotherapy Garden

Imagined as a small London courtyard, a Thames-yellow brick wall supports a hanging green garden that aligns with biophilic principles of people’s innate attraction to nature. A cold plunge pool enveloped in lush planting is the centrepiece of the garden. The clear water reflects the surrounding greenery. A trio of antique waterspouts emerge through the green wall, feeding a series of pools. A rill passes through the planting leading into a final cascade. The gentle sound of the water creates a soothing soundscape.

The space aims to rejuvenate physical and mental well-being – after a cold plunge, a bench offers a place for contemplation. The handmade hyper-tufa containers have a weathered texture. The containers highlight gardening versatility in confined spaces whilst celebrating the gardener-craft relationship. This intimate garden provides a quiet retreat, seamlessly integrating hard landscaping, nature, and wellness to highlight the benefits of ecotherapy.

Designed by

Built by

▽生态疗法花园 The Ecotherapy Garden

▽场景效果图 Design sketch

容器花园:mgr 潮汐花园

Container Garden

mgr Changing Tides Garden

Designed by Lucy Mitchell Built by Big Fish Landscapes

mgr 潮汐花园可以看作是一个海滨花园,是对生长在英国境内卵石滩上且适应恶劣环境的植物的赞歌。在这里,在海浪正常波及范围之外的地方,一些植物会抓住契机生长形成成排植被,但这对植物来说是一种充满风险的生活,因为一次风暴的来临便可能将它们永远毁灭。


▽潮汐花园 mgr Changing Tides Garden

▽场景效果图 Design sketch


Container Garden : Sanctum Designed by Sonja Kalkschmidt Built by Rupert Crowton Rowarth Construction Consultant: Gareth Wilson



Sanctum offers an oasis amid the chaos of contemporary life. Featuring a striking black charred wood pod at its centre, which creates a visual contrast with the lush green foliage. As a tranquil refuge, Sanctum provides a space to escape from what can feel like the relentless digital overload and hectic pace of corporate life. Sanctum highlights the importance of incorporating natural elements into corporate environments for a more balanced, health-conscious work atmosphere.

The majority of the planting is selected for rich green foliage and various textures, with occasional subdued hints of colour. The focus on plants suitable for shaded environments makes it ideal for city spaces, often lacking in sunlight.

▽神秘圣地 Sanctum

▽场景效果图 Design sketch


Balcony Garden The Addleshaw Goddard Junglette GardenDesigned by Mike McMahon & Jewlsy Mathews Built by Mike McMahon Studio Sponsored by Addleshaw Goddard 阳台上的热带植物群可以看作是丛林植物结构的缩影:从高耸的植物,到林冠层,再到林下植物最后是地被,该花园以宁静庇护的姿态使居民远离城市的喧闹。座位区被层叠的植物包围,宛如一个巨大的吊篮。用再生纸制作的特色折叠式背景墙与丛林的地层遥相呼应,为空间增添了深度,而定制座椅的灵感则来自于幼嫩蕨类植物舒展的形态。鸟巢、蝙蝠箱和小池塘促进了阳台花园的生物多样性,并在这个有限的空间中创造出繁茂的微观世界。几何艺术贯穿于花园设计之中,将自然与美学融为一体,构建起富有想象力和感染力的场所空间。The hardy tropical planting of the balcony mirrors the structural layers of the jungle: the emergent (towering plants), canopy, understorey, and forest floor. The design provides a serene sanctuary, shielding residents from the city’s relentless commotion. A seating area is enveloped by cascading flora, evoking the splendour of a colossal hanging basket. A striking folded back wall, crafted from recycled paper, echoes the jungle’s strata, bringing depth to the space, and the bespoke, unfurling paper chairs are inspired by the unfurling of young fern. The garden promotes biodiversity with bird nests, integrated bat boxes and a small pond, creating flourishing microcosms and exploring the biodiversity which can be achieved on a balcony. The art of geometry threads seamlessly through the garden’s design, harmonising nature with aesthetics, creating an imaginative and impactful space.

▽“丛林”花园 The Addleshaw Goddard Junglette Garden

▽场景效果图 Design sketch

— 植物花园篇 —

All About Plants


Size of Wales


Best All About Plants Garden

The Size of Wales Garden

Designed by

Built by

Sponsored by

Size of Wales 花园的灵感来自于热带森林里丰富而多样的生命,并借此彰显 Size of Wales 慈善机构为防止热带雨林因遭到破坏而产生悲剧所做的努力。花园使用了 313 个植物品类,反映着每公顷热带雨林可生长的树种数量。纤细的柱状树直冲云霄,高山微型丘堆积在岩石之间,其中点缀着黄色的花朵——那是希望的颜色。几个小屋依偎在纤长的柱子顶端,让人联想起当前岌岌可危的生存环境。真菌篱笆为低调隐秘的真菌物种提供了一个生长和展示的平台,而真菌的存在对世界上每片森林的健康发展都至关重要。

The Size of Wales Garden is inspired by the abundance and diversity of life that occurs in the tropical forests of the world, and the work that Size of Wales are doing to prevent the tragedy of its destruction. 313 plant species are used in the planting, reflecting the number of tree species that can occur in just one hectare of tropical forest. Slender spires of columnar trees soar skywards, and alpine miniatures mound among the rocks, sprinkled with yellow flowers – the colour of hope. A couple of small roofs nestle at the top of gangly posts, calling to mind the precariousness of our current existence. Afungus fence gives a platform to the mostly hidden kingdom of fungi, so vital to the health of every forest in the world.

▽场景效果图 Design sketch


All About Plants Garden Bowel Research UK Microbiome Garden Designed by Built by Sponsored by 花园聚焦于人、植物和其他所有生命的健康,其建造灵感来自于人类文化,以繁荣的生态系统为温床滋养人类的生存。花园对存在于土壤、野生动物和我们自身微生物群之间的奇妙联系进行探索,鼓励人们重新塑造饮食、花园与土地之间的关系。精心种植的可食用植物带来一场益生菌盛宴,滋养着人类的微生物群,帮助人们预防多种肠道相关疾病,为所有人创造更健康的未来。


The garden focuses on health, for people, plants and all life, taking inspiration from human cultures that have tended thriving ecosystems for their nourishment. The garden explores the fascinating connection between the health of the soil, wildlife and our own microbiome, inspiring people to rewild their diets, gardens and relationship with the land. Thoughtful edible plantings offer a probiotic feast that nourishes the human microbiome, helping safeguard against a myriad of bowel-related ailments and cultivating a healthier future for all.

The planting reflects an awe-inspiring natural landscape, while a serpentine charred-oak sculptural wall meanders through the garden and around ‘The Hive’, a simple yet sustainable, hexagonal shelter where people can gather to prepare food or take refuge from the elements. Traditional log hives emerge from the woodland edge planting at the rear of the garden, providing habitats for pollinators for the rich floral display.

▽微生物群花园 Bowel Research UK Microbiome Garden

▽场景效果图 Design sketch


All About Plants Garden Sue Ryder Grief Kind Garden Designed by Built by Sponsored by 善意花园是一个安全而静谧的避难所,人们可以坐在美丽的大自然中分享那些痛心悲伤的经历,或者静坐沉思,亦不负这片花园。


The Sue Ryder Grief Kind Garden is a safe and peaceful sanctuary to sit within the beauty of nature, whilst sharing experiences of grief, or having a moment of quiet reflection. Plants, carefully chosen for their sensory properties, are layered throughout the garden to connect people with the space. As the garden will be relocated in Bedford, the design has taken inspiration from the area’s history in lace production, using some of the organic shapes from the famous Midlands ‘Bud’ lace, to create the designs for the planting borders and the York stone paving in the garden. The space will have the ability to accommodate the varying mobility needs of the Grief Kind Garden users. The sight lines of the garden, as seen from a bed or a chair, is considered in the design.

▽善意花园 Sue Ryder Grief Kind Garden

▽场景效果图 Design sketch

2024 镀金白银奖花园得主

2024 Silver-gilt Medals

— 展示花园篇 —

Show Gardens The Octavia Hill Garden by Blue Diamond with the National Trust Designed by Built by Sponsored by

获“RHS 儿童人气奖+大众人气奖”(RHS Children’s Choice Award+People’s Choice Show Garden)

国民信托基金创始人、先驱社会改革家奥克塔维亚·希尔(Octavia Hill,1838-1912)认为,“健康的空气和花草所带来的快乐对每个人的生活都至关重要”。希尔为改善城市住房和保护公共绿地做出了不懈努力,但如今,英国仍有三分之一的人无法享受到附近的自然空间。



Pioneering social reformer Octavia Hill (1838–1912), a founder of the National Trust, believed that ’the healthy gift of air and the joy of plants and flowers’ were vital in everyone’s life. Despite her tireless efforts to improve urban housing and protect green space, one in three people in Britain still don’t have access to nearby nature-rich spaces today. This beautiful, plant-filled urban community wildlife garden, conceptually located on an urban brownfield site, is designed to stimulate physical, mental, and social well-being. It increases urban biodiversity and encourages visitors to feel they are part of nature by making intimate connections with plants and wildlife. The garden is built as a series of open-air sitting rooms, where visitors can experience different views and atmospheres. Sloping level changes with wheelchair accessible paths lead visitors to a planted shade canopy, observation platform, wildlife pond, or walking stream, providing multiple opportunities to enjoy the garden wildlife and feast on the pollinator-friendly planting.

▽奥克塔维亚·希尔花园 The Octavia Hill Garden by Blue Diamond with the National Trust

▽场景效果图 Design sketch

展示花园:希金斯信托基金 2030 花园愿景桥

Show Garden: Terrence Higgins Trust Bridge to 2030 Garden. Designed by. Built by. Sponsored by.

获“RHS 展示花园最佳建设奖”(RHS Best Construction Award)。花园的入口让人联想到蓄积雨水的采石场景观,水位一涨一落之间,露出的一块块石板台阶架起了一座“愿景桥”——即 2030 年无新增 HIV 阳性病例之桥梁。墓碑曾经代表着死亡与恐惧,而现在它成为一个渡口,通往僻静的露台,在那里大家可以一起感受积极、充满希望的未来。花岗岩巨石散落在花园之中,灵感来自北威尔士的板岩景观。其中一块巨石小心翼翼地平衡在抬升而起的种植池边缘,摇摇欲坠仿佛要掉下来一般。在它下面,单薄的树枝好似支撑着巨石的重量,这是对那些因艾滋病而失去生命之人的暗喻。整个花园的种植灵感来自于北威尔士地区冗余板岩矿中的植物集群现象,既有大自然的影响,也有生态学家和园艺学家的巧妙干预。

The entrance into the garden is reminiscent of the flooded base of a rejuvenated quarry landscape. The water level rises and falls, revealing a monolith slate stepping stone creating a bridge to the 2030 vision of no new HIV cases. The tombstone, which once represented death and fear, is now a crossing, leading to a secluded terrace in which to enjoy a positive, hopeful future together.

The front of the garden is a crevice garden, which takes inspiration from natural areas where plants grow in gaps between rocks. This ornamental space transitions to a more natural look towards the rear of the garden.

Granite boulders are scattered through the garden, inspired by those found in the slate landscapes of North Wales. One of these boulders balances precariously from the raised bed on the boundary, looking as though it is about to fall. Beneath it, fragile sticks give the illusion they are supporting the weight of the boulder–an analogy for those people lost to HIV.

The planting in the garden is inspired by the re-colonisation of plants in the redundant slate mines of North Wales, by both nature, and from the subtle intervention of ecologists and horticulturalists.

▽希金斯信托基金 2030 花园愿景桥 Terrence Higgins Trust Bridge to 2030 Garden

▽场景效果图 Design sketch


The National Autistic Society Garden Designed by Sophie Parmenter & Dido Milne The garden’s planting form is rich in layers, evolving from wetland meadow to river birch woodland, with a vibrant color palette at the boundary soothing to softer hues in the heart. Textured curling bark sits alongside large crusted blocks of expanded cork. A strong ecological ethos runs through the garden, showcasing the circularity of regenerative systems and the interdependent relationship between natural ecosystems and man-made materials. The National Autistic Society Garden, designed by Sophie Parmenter and Dido Milne, seeks to capture an autistic person’s everyday experience of the world, using walls of cork to create a series of spaces dedicated to different types of social interaction – at work, with friends and family, with partners, and with ourselves. It highlights a strategy called’masking’ – a potentially draining process involving consciously or unconsciously hiding autistic characteristics in order to fit in. The cork’masks’ encircle a central sanctuary with a mesmeric kinetic sculpture, alluding to the inner mind’s complexity and beauty.

▽孤独症协会花园 The National Autistic Society Garden

▽场景效果图 Design sketch

— 庇护花园篇 —

Sanctuary Gardens


Sanctuary Garden

Killik & Co 花园是芳香四溢、令人沉醉的休闲天堂,设计为家庭单元创造了一个支持性环境,让人能在这里畅所欲言,共度美好时光。



The Killik & Co garden is a scented, immersive haven in which to relax and unwind. The design creates a supportive environment for families to talk and spend time together over a lifetime. A path of limestone and oak pavers winds through the garden and is wide enough to encourage conversation while walking together. It leads to a central water well that is fed by an aqueduct running along the top of a limestone and steel pergola that shelters a communal dining area, perfect for family gatherings. An area cushioned between beds of fragrant planting hosts two reclining seats for relaxed conversation, and offers a different perspective through the garden. Oak planters with built-in seating punctuate the space, and are filled with scented flowers and foliage. The colour palette – specifically chosen for its calming properties – has soft whites, pale lemons and pops of lavender and purple.


▽场景效果图 Design sketch

庇护花园:Boodles 花园

Sanctuary Garden: The Boodles Garden Designed by Built by Sponsored by

获“RHS 庇护花园最佳建设奖”(RHS Best Construction Award)

Boodles 花园是为庆祝国家美术馆成立 200 周年而建,从馆内的艺术画作中汲取灵感,唤起了许多重要作品的精神内核。花园的设计创意源于一些艺术元素,包括色彩、肌理和看展时发现的“隐藏细节”。

花园以“自然中的艺术 ”为主题,园内的植栽、造型树、金属雕塑拱门和水景都受到特定绘画和艺术运动(包括点彩派和印象派)的启发,亦或是抽象地代表了有关的艺术运动。花园与美术馆内的著名画作巧妙联系,为游客带来一场“自然即艺术,艺术即自然”的视觉享受。


The BoodlesGarden is a celebration of the 200th anniversary of the National Gallery. Taking inspiration from paintings at the gallery, it evokes the spirit of many significant artworks. The creative vision for the design takes from artistic elements, including colours, textures and ‘hidden details’ in paintings viewed during visits to the gallery.

With a theme of ‘art in nature’, the planting scheme, topiary, sculptural metal arches, and water features are inspired by or represent aspects of specific paintings and art movements, including Pointillism and Impressionism. Subtle links to prominent paintings at the gallery will pervade the garden’s design and planting, providing visitors with a visual treat where nature represents art, and vice versa.

The visitor is led through the garden via a green-toned walkway beneath a series of sculptural arches that appreciate Canaletto and Claude’s elements of repetition and perspective, as well as honor Klimt and Menzel’s proclivity concerning fabric and intricate detail. A succession of bespoke textured metal water features defines the space, providing surfaces to play with light and reflection reminiscent of Renoir, Monet, and Seurat. The planting palette is predominantly green and acts as a superb foil for the warm bold shades that weave and punctuate the garden representing the artist’s brushstrokes and texture within pointillist and impressionist paintings.

▽The Boodles Garden

▽场景效果图 Design sketch


Sanctuary Garden MOROTO no IE Designed by Sponsored by 花园里,生机勃勃的枫树和飞流直下的瀑布将自然之美与家庭生活的实用性融为一体。中央瀑布倾斜而下将花园分割开来,水流汇入池塘之中,整个空间回荡着舒缓悦耳的水声。墙面绿化被积极地纳入到设计之中,建筑结构掩映在周围花园里,实现环境与建筑的和谐糅融。通往主楼的楼梯绕过水景,一直延伸到车道。硬质景观的边缘被覆盖着青苔的石块所柔化,旁侧纤细的枫树叶也模糊了硬朗的线条。植物在配色上强调了同一树种的绿色调,并采用日式自然景观中常见的经典植物进行搭配,如枫树、松树、大吴风草、鸢尾和苔藓。This is a garden where vibrant acers and a tumbling waterfall blend the beauty of the natural world with the practicalities of family life. The garden is divided by a central waterfall, tumbling into a pool, filling the space with the calming sound of water. Wall greening is actively incorporated in the design – which considers the environment by integrating it with the building, camouflaging the structure into the surrounding garden. Stairs to the main building sweep around the water feature to a driveway. Edges of hard landscaping are softened by natural moss-covered stone and blurred by the delicate foliage of acers. The planting colour scheme highlights the shades of green in the same tree species, and uses typical plants found in the natural landscape of Japan such as acer, pine, Farfugium japonicum, iris and mosses.

▽幸福花园 MOROTO no IE

▽场景效果图 Design sketch

— 阳台/容器花园篇 —

Balcony and Container Gardens


Container Garden:

The Anywhere Courtyard

Designed by

Built by



▽四处皆庭院 The Anywhere Courtyard

▽场景效果图 Design sketch


Balcony Garden: Children With Cancer UK ’Raines Repurposed’ Designed by Thomas Clarke

获“RHS 阳台/容器花园大众人气奖”(RHS People’s Choice Balcony / Container Garden)。荫凉的座位区是放松身心、享受花香和青草律动的场所,清晰的线条和简单的色调营造出一个宁静、整洁且实用的沉思空间。红豆杉下是柔美的常绿植物,粉色和紫红色调映衬在绿植之中熠熠生辉。花园中包括座椅和手作地砖在内的许多元素,都是利用在旧农场建筑和附近砍伐的树木上找到的回收材料,它向人们展示了回收材料重获新生之后变得美观而实用。

A shaded seating area provides a place to relax and enjoy the scented flowers and gentle movement from the surrounding grasses. The clear lines and simple colour palette create a calming, uncluttered, and practical space for reflection. Soft evergreen planting, with muted tones of pinks and burgundy, lies beneath the statement multi-stem Taxus baccata. The garden has many elements created from repurposing materials found on the site of old farm buildings and nearby felled trees, including the seating and the handmade floor tiles. The garden demonstrates that recycled authentic materials can become something beautiful and practical in another form.

▽废弃农场建材再利用花园 Children With Cancer UK ’Raines Repurposed’

▽场景效果图 Design sketch


Balcony Garden: Tomie’s Cuisine the Nobonsai

Designed by

Also sponsored by

This is a balcony garden where one can live in harmony with microorganisms, surrounded by plants that provide privacy by gently blocking the outside view, making the balcony feel like another room. The plants are arranged in a harmonious manner, creating an aesthetic closer to nature than a container garden.

The balcony garden promotes a no-waste, plastic-free lifestyle, and comes with lifestyle tips and sustainable gardening techniques. The home compost is the centerpiece of the garden, helping to nourish the plants indirectly and avoiding the need for replanting or excessive reliance on chemical fertilizers.

Tomie’s Cuisine the Nobonsai is a garden that supports living together with creatures, including fungi and microorganisms. Plants surround the space, softly blocking the line of sight from the outside for privacy, and giving the balcony the feel of being another room. The planting is harmonious, creating an aesthetic closer to nature than a container garden.

This is a no-waste, plastic-free balcony garden containing lifestyle tips and sustainable gardening methods. The home compost is the garden centerpiece, helping to feed the plants indirectly and avoiding the need for replanting or relying on chemicals.

▽日式风味花园 Tomie’s Cuisine the Nobonsai

▽场景效果图 Design sketch

— 植物花园篇 —

All About Plants

Designed by Built by Sponsored by

花园的色彩、曲线和布局营造出和谐、平衡的空间。一些概念性描绘,诸如弯曲的树干,象征着 Panathlon 基金会将差异正常化的目标使命。穿梭的蜿蜒小路不仅帮助强化空间感,还促进了场地包容性。


▽欢乐花园 The Panathlon Joy Garden

▽场景效果图 Design sketch



All About Plants Garden

The Pulp Friction – Growing Skills Garden

Designed by

Built by

Sponsored by

获“RHS 庇护/植物花园大众人气奖”(RHS People’s Choice Sanctuary / All About Plants Garden)。该花园是对 Pulp Friction 成员技能、决心和热情的赞颂,受 smoothie bike 环保单车的启发,花园将无形的离心力以抽象形式表达,缤纷的可食性植物围绕中心圆环遍布整个花园,这象征着 Pulp Friction 与其所在更广泛社区之间的联系。

The garden is a celebration of the skill, determination and passion of the Pulp Friction Members. Inspired by the smoothie bikes that founded Pulp Friction Smoothie Bar CIC, the garden is formed around centrifugal forces, with colours and textures of edible planting spread throughout the garden – spun from the centre. This symbolises the connection between Pulp Friction and the wider community that they reside in.

A large overhead hoop, constructed from recycled fire hoses, donated by one of Pulp Friction’s key partners: Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service, encircles the central space. A place where everyone can come together to foster diversity, inclusion and equality while surrounded by vibrant edible planting. Every species selected within this garden has a secondary usable function outside of its appearance, be it edible, medicinal or beneficial to wildlife. The planting is designed around the concept of a forest garden, inspired by the largest remaining remnant of Sherwood Forest, the area Pulp Friction calls home.

▽成长技能花园 The Pulp Friction–Growing Skills Garden

▽场景效果图 Design sketch

2024 银奖花园得主

2024 Silver Medals

— 庇护花园篇 —

Sanctuary Gardens


Sanctuary Garden

The Freedom from Torture Garden: A Sanctuary for Survivors

Designed by

Built by

Sponsored by



The Freedom from Torture Garden is a place of sanctuary, of peace and hope where horticultural therapy calms, heals and restores survivors of torture on their journey to recovery. The garden is designed to be a curvaceous and immersive space, where the visitor can engage in therapy one-to-one, with family, or in a group. The communal bread oven brings survivors together to share stories and build new friendships.

Sculptural streams of willow divide the space, enwrap the visitor and provide an organic place of sanctuary. A sinuous water rill offers both irrigation for the plants, and restorative relaxation. Naturalistic planting stimulates happier memories of home and edible produce nourishes both body and soul.

▽苦难幸存者的庇护所 The Freedom from Torture Garden: A Sanctuary for Survivors

▽场景效果图 Design sketch


Sanctuary GardenThe Bridgerton GardenDesigned byBuilt by

隐秘而僻静的布里奇顿花园以 Netflix 携手 Shondaland 即将推出的系列剧集《布里奇顿》第三季的中心人物 Penelope Featherington 为原型,反映了该角色从壁花(舞会上无人邀请的女子)到拥抱真我、走进光明的个人历程。花园的起始焦点是一扇月洞门,通向位于中心的华丽水景和下沉式座位区。

花园的一半是荫蔽空间,暗示着神秘、动荡和反抗,层叠的地被植物、蕨类植物和常春藤代表着秘密交织的网络。与之形成鲜明对比的是花园的另一半,采用了更明亮、更精致的色彩,这种“盛开”的效果象征着 Penelope 逐渐拥抱真实的自我并走向光明。花园后部是一条弯曲的小路,路的尽头有一块象征着变化的铭文雕刻石碑,回程路线会经过浑天仪,在穿过明亮的植物丛后回到月洞门处。

The Bridgerton Garden 是一个隐秘幽静的空间,以佩内洛普·费瑟廷顿(Penelope Featherington)为蓝本,她是 Netflix 和 Shondaland 即将推出的布里奇顿系列中的一个类似壁花的角色。 该花园旨在反映佩内洛普的个人旅程,其初始焦点是一个月亮门,通向花园中心的华丽水景和下沉式休息区。 花园一半的阴影空间暗指神秘、动荡和反抗等主题;地被植物、蕨类植物和常青藤的层层代表着一个编织的秘密网络。 相比之下,花园的另一半则逐渐呈现出更亮丽的精致色彩。 这种“全盛”效果象征着佩内洛普拥抱真实自我并走入光明。 弯曲的小径在花园的后面达到顶点,那里有一尊刻有铭文的巨石象征着变化。 返程将引导您经过一个浑天仪和更明亮的种植区,回到月亮门。

▽布里奇顿花园 The Bridgerton Garden

▽场景效果图 Design sketch


Sanctuary Garden Flood Re: The Flood Resilient Garden Designed by Built by Sponsored by The garden is designed to be a relatable, enjoyable and beautiful space, and to help reduce flood risk and to recover quickly after periods of heavy rainfall. Dense planting slows the flow, while water is also captured and stored for later use. After heavy rain, the elevated deck and mound – linked by a bridge over a central swale – provide both habitable places for people, and well-drained soil for the plants that need it. The swale forms a stream, channelling rainwater into a feature pond where it can gradually soak away, while large tanks double as ornamental ponds which store water for later use, and can be discharged ahead of further rain, using smart-technology.

▽抗洪花园 Flood Re: The Flood Resilient Garden

▽场景效果图 Design sketch

— 阳台/容器花园篇 —

Balcony and Container Gardens


Balcony Garden La Mia Venezia

Designed by Built by



▽威尼斯之家 La Mia Venezia

▽场景效果图 Design sketch

2024 铜奖花园得主

2024 Bronze Medals

— 展示花园篇—

Show Gardens 展示花园:中风协会的康复花园。Show Garden: Stroke Association’s Garden for Recovery。Designed by。Built by。Sponsored by。这个宁静的感官空间为中风患者提供复愈支持,雕塑般的樟子松和山松象征着患者顽强精神,其拟人化外形为医院建筑环境提供舒适结构,气味具传递信息作用。色彩、香味和水声以柔和方式为视力障碍或行动不便者提供探路指引,本土和非本土植物构建的生物多样性矩阵满足花园内不同种植条件需求。花园设计理念和材料选择受设计师本人经历中风及其他病友故事启发。

随风摇曳的松树将景色衬托得格外美丽,粉色、橙色、黄色、紫色和绿色的互补性种植方案有助于引导游客沿着不同的路径穿过花园。互通的小径穿过地势平缓的花园,彰显了康复之路的艰辛与坎坷。绿墙勾勒出休息和与亲人相聚的空间,并配有由 Olivia Gonsalves 设计的家具,让人们可以享受私密而平静的时刻。生物池塘和溪流从听觉维度让患者从临床康复治疗以及纷繁的亲生物种植群落中跳脱出来。

This garden has been designed as a peaceful, sensory space to support stroke recovery. Sculptural Pinus sylvestris and Pinus mugo trees symbolise resilience in the face of stroke trauma; their anthropomorphic shapes offer a comforting alternative structure to the built environment of a hospital, their scent, a transportive effect.

Colour, fragrance and the sound of water provide soft way-finding for those with visual or mobility impairments, while a biodiverse matrix of native and non-native plants are chosen to meet the demands of different planting conditions in the garden. The concept and material choices of the garden have all been inspired by the designer’s own experience of surviving a stroke and the stories of other people who have been affected by stroke.

Windswept pine trees frame views and a complementary planting scheme of pink, orange, yellow, purple and green help guide visitors on different routes through the garden. The interconnected pathways through a gentle contoured landscape acknowledge the always individual and often difficult road to recovery with its ups and downs. Natural-built walls articulate spaces to rest and be with loved ones and allow for moments of privacy and calm with furniture designed by Olivia Gonsalves. A wildlife pond and stream provide an auditory dimension inviting gentle escapism from the more clinical aspects of stroke recovery and the rich tapestry of wildlife-friendly planting.

▽中风协会的康复花园 Stroke Association’s Garden for Recovery

▽场景效果图 Design sketch

— 阳台/容器花园篇 —

Balcony and Container Gardens

Container Garden: The Water Saving Garden

Designed by

Built by

节水措施是这个现代庭院空间的核心主旨,园内设有收集雨水且相互连接的亮面花盆。花园可以被视作写给乔特恩山脉标志性的石灰岩溪流的一封情书,强调了节水和雨水再利用的迫切需要,这也是 Affinity Water 水务公司“拯救溪流”活动所倡导的一项事业。


This contemporary courtyard space has water saving measures at its heart, featuring interconnected sleek planters fed with rainwater. The garden is a love letter to the Chilterns’ iconic chalk streams, highlighting the urgent need to save and re-use rainwater, a cause championed by Affinity Water’s Save Our Streams campaign.

The sound of running water and timber walkways among lush, restful planting give a nod to the landscape of the chalk streams. With temperatures hitting record highs, drought and hosepipe bans, the effects of climate change have started to hit home in recent summers. The design features many ingenious solutions blended into a contemporary garden setting.

▽节水花园 The Water Saving Garden

▽场景效果图 Design sketch

— 植物花园篇 —

All About Plants 植物花园:美好地球 All About Plants Garden Planet Good Earth Designed by Betongpark & Urban Organic Built by Betongpark & Urban Organic Construction consultants: 花岗岩滑板坡道是这个花园的核心,它为滑板和其他轮滑运动提供了场地,同时也为聚会和研讨会等活动提供了支持性空间,有助于人们在自然而迷人的环境中建立积极的人际关系。 花园的植物包括本地物种、外来物种以及烹饪和药用草本植物。苹果树、李子树和桑树为植被提供了遮蔽,同时也是嫁接技术的教学实践工具。灌木和草本植物层包括各种水果(如金色覆盆子、蓝果忍冬和高山草莓)、食用花卉(如琉璃苣、金盏花、香堇菜)和叶子植物(如红脉酢浆草、凤梨薄荷、生姜和野蒜),鼓励人们了解和学习安全觅食和自播过程。花园还设有垂直水培种植塔,可有效循环利用水资源,以及能让游客了解真菌培养的蘑菇原木,创造出一种互动式教育体验。

▽美好地球 Planet Good Earth

▽场景效果图 Design sketch

“2024 特色花园”

Feature Gardens


Feature Garden

RHS Britain in Bloom 60th Anniversary: The Friendship Garden

Designed by Jon and James Wheatley



The Friendship Garden commemoratesRHS Britain in Bloom’s 60th Anniversaryand celebrates the relationships that form when people garden together in their communities. Over the last six decades, Bloom has positively affected the lives of millions of people, transforming villages, towns and cities, creating accessible communal green spaces and supporting local wildlife.

The garden creates a space where people can come together to appreciate the taste, scent, sounds and visual impact of the garden and make new connections at a ‘friendship bench’. The planting demonstrates the value of native and British-grown plants, with peat-free compost and minimal use of chemicals. Wildflower plantings and beehives increase biodiversity and all the structures in the garden are sustainable, using readily accessible recycled materials. Art placed throughout the space celebrates a sense of place, heritage, and culture.

▽友谊花园 RHS Britain in Bloom 60 周年:友谊花园


Feature Garden

RHS Chelsea Repurposed

Designed by Cityscapes (Darryl Moore with Toby Magee)

为了构建可持续发展和适应性强的未来,我们需要研究如何重新利用和回收我们已有的材料。为此,这个 RHS 特色花园中几乎所有的元素都至少有过一次使用经历,其中大部分都曾出现在历届切尔西花园展上。

通过对早在 2010 年就在展示花园中出现过的关键元素进行再利用,来倡导对已有材料的创造性使用。Andy Sturgeon 于 2010 年花园展设计的“每日电报花园”(The Daily Telegraph Garden)中的系列耐候钢柱从仓库中运送出来,高高耸立在回收材料铺设的路面上,而 Tom Massey 设计的伊斯兰风格喷泉和混凝土长椅则为新花园提供了视觉焦点和休息场所。Andy Sturgeon 于 2016 年设计的“每日电报花园”中钢翅片上的信息板,是创造性再利用材料的最佳可持续实践范例。

To build a sustainable and adaptive future, we need to look at ways to reuse and recycle the materials we already have. To this end, nearly everything in this RHS Feature Garden has lived at least one life already, much of it at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.

By repurposing key elements from Show Gardens dating back as far as 2010, the garden celebrates creative recycling. A series of corten steel columns, hauled from storage at Crocus from Andy Sturgeon’s 2010 The Daily Telegraph Garden, tower over a path of reclaimed paving. Meanwhile, Tom Massey’s Lemon Tree Trust Islamic-inspired fountain and concrete benches provide a focal point and places to rest. Additionally, steel fins from Andy Sturgeon’s 2016 The Daily Telegraph Garden host information boards showing best sustainable practices and examples of creatively reusing materials.

▽切尔西再利用 RHS Chelsea Repurposed


The recycling theme continues with drought-tolerant species, including grasses and local wildflowers, all planted in crushed concrete and sand salvaged from demolished buildings. After the Show, every element of the garden will go on to enjoy yet another new life that continues to benefit both people and wildlife.

特色花园:苗圃日常 Feature Garden RHS x UBS A day on the nursery Designed by Built by Sponsored by

该展园旨在让游客沉浸式地体验中央植物苗圃的魅力,通过重点介绍四家专门种植可食用植物和野花的苗圃向大家展示苗圃种植者的辛勤劳动和精湛技艺,这四家苗圃包括:卡利兄弟(Caly Bros.)、肯特野花种子(Kent Wildflower Seeds)、厨房花园植物中心(Kitchen Garden Plant Centre)和“她”蔬菜种植(She Grows Veg.)。展园内的公告牌标明了主要植物类别和一些趣味信息,供游客学习了解。花园由一系列种植床排列而成,大部分植物都种植其中。园内还设有一些重要的苗圃结构,如盆栽棚、塑料大棚和遮阳凉亭。花园将展示植物的不同阶段——从种子、幼苗到成熟期,有些植物甚至会进入堆肥场,最后再次进入到生命周期的循环之中。

The feature aims to give the visitor an immersive experience of being in a plant nursery, in the middle of the Great Pavilion. Showing the hard work and skill of nursery growers by highlighting four in particular, with specialties in edibles and wildflowers: Caley Bros., Kent Wildflower Seeds, Kitchen Garden Plant Centre, and She Grows Veg. Notice boards throughout the display signpost key plants and interesting information for visitors to engage with. The garden is made up of an arrangement of raised beds which hold the majority of planting. It also features some key nursery structures such as a potting shed, polytunnel, and shaded pergola. Plants will be exhibited at various stages, from seeds and seedlings to mature plants, and some even making their way into a compost heap to go back into the lifecycle.

▽苗圃日常 RHS x UBS A day on the nursery


Feature Garden The RHS No Adults Allowed Garden Designed by Built by 该花园是由儿童设计的童趣花园,这是一次穿越奇幻景观的欢乐之旅。孩子们在这里可以探索密林,感受丰饶草地、缤纷湿地以及巨型沼泽植物的神奇魅力。最终,探险之旅会在位于水池中的天然巢穴处完美结束。这个下沉式儿童专属空间是一个庇护所,孩子们可以在这里玩耍、学习和探索周围的自然世界。


The RHS garden, designed by children, for children, is a joyful journey through a fantastical landscape where they can explore the magic of lush woodland, bountiful meadows and a wetland with heightened colour and oversized bog plants. Their adventure culminates at the final destination – a natural den set within a pool of water. Sliding down into the water, this sunken children’s only space is a sanctuary where they can play, learn, and explore the natural world around them.

Highlighting the importance of access to nature for children, the garden is an immersive experience where they can scramble over boulders, splash around in the natural stream, and dive into jubilant planting. Art, sculpture, and textural clay celebrate the child-like creativity innate in all of us, while sensory planting and natural materials create a nourishing space. Above all, it’s a celebration of the natural world and the joyous wonder children experience within beautiful landscapes.

▽未成年专属花园 The RHS No Adults Allowed Garden

▽场景效果图 Design Sketch

切尔西花园展总有无数的创意可以激发人们的灵感。2024 年的花园创意包括水源、喜阴/喜阳植物的均衡搭配,对气候适应性植物种的强调,还有在铺路材料及构筑中使用木材等等。新的花园设计趋势将跟随您回到自家花园、阳台之中。


2024切尔西花园展获奖作品 / Royal Horticultural Society
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