发布时间:2018-10-31 11:45:47 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The Tianjin Binhai Cultural Center has been completed with a new museum building designed by Architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp). The Museum of Modern Art is part of the art and cultural complex in the port city of Tianjin, which has been built to a masterplan by gmp. The new building will be used to show exhibitions of work by contemporary artists. With its open layout and mobile wall elements, the museum provides a flexible stage for the art.

美术馆外观,exterior view©Christian Gahl

西侧立面,west facade©Christian Gahl


With the Tianjin Binhai Cultural Center, Binhai—the new quarter of the eastern Chinese metropolis Tianjin—has received a new cultural center. The special task of this project was gmp’s masterplan for this cultural quarter with its museums, theater, and events buildings, which were designed by various international architects’ practices. The five cultural institutions are connected by a “cultural concourse” that is covered by a series of inverted umbrella-like structures.

entrance from cultural concourse ©Christian Gahl

五座场馆通过一座由伞形钢柱支撑的文化长廊连为一体,five cultural institutions are connected by a “cultural concourse” that is covered by a series of inverted umbrella-like structures ©Christian Gahl


The building occupies the north-western corner of the Tianjin Binhai Cultural Center opposite the Science & Technology Museum. The 26,500 square meters of gross floor area of the Museum of Modern Art is arranged over five floors. A cladding of light-colored natural stone panels has been used on the facade of this cube-shaped building. The number of slot-like story-high windows on each floor increases towards the top. Towards the road and the covered “cultural concourse”, the stone envelope is opened up with a stepped glass facade that recedes story by story and, as well as marking the main entrances, provides views to the inside allowing visitors glimpses of the art.

玻璃幕墙与石材立面交接处呈现阶梯式退进结构,the stone envelope is opened up with a stepped glass facade that recedes story by story©Christian Gahl


The cultural buildings are connected by a roofed-over cultural concourse that functions as the spine of the Center. The museum, exhibition, and event buildings are placed on both sides of the 330 meter long and 25 meter wide main axis that runs from north to south. The east/west axis, with a length of 100 meters, is significantly shorter, although with a width of 60 meters it is more than twice as wide and is used as a central plaza for events and temporary exhibitions.

▼东西轴线与中央广场,east/west axis with central plaza©Christian Gahl

▼仰视柱结构,detail view of column©Christian Gahl

▼北侧入口,north entrance©Christian Gahl

▼室外柱结构,steel column©Christian Gahl


▼艺术长廊剖面图,Section through cultural concourse ©gmp Architekten

The cultural concourse is roofed over by 30 meter high inverted umbrella-like structures supported on 26 individual steel columns. The columns are retained in the ground at their base. This lofty construction provides the Tianjin Binhai Cultural Center with its own unique architectural feature whilst allowing the style of each of the different cultural buildings to shine. The slender steel columns support the loads from the glazed flat roof and contain the downpipes for draining the roof area. Horizontal aluminum louvers filter the incoming light and provide solar screening. Visitors can stroll along the concourse on two levels: the upper level connects the different cultural buildings and, at street level, shops and eateries round off the available services. The two levels are interconnected via numerous staircases, allowing visitors to move about horizontally and vertically along the cultural concourse and to choose between art and shops at their leisure.

▼26个高30米的伞形钢柱结构撑起了整个艺术长廊,the cultural concourse is roofed over by 30 meter high inverted umbrella-like structures supported on 26 individual steel columns

▼纤细的钢柱承担了玻璃平屋顶的荷载,the slender steel columns support the loads from the glazed flat roof©Christian Gahl


The concept of the design is based on a classical museum building; two symmetrical exhibition wings flank a central area which houses functions such as the formal reception area, an auction room, and a multifunctional hall. From the road entrance in the western facade, a wide staircase leads to the central foyer with reception area on the second floor, which is at the same level as the cultural concourse of the Tianjin Binhai Cultural Center. From the cultural concourse entrance, visitors reach the reception area directly via an atrium.

▼美术馆接待空间,reception area©Christian Gahl


In future, the museum will show the work of contemporary artists on three of its floors. In the loft-like exhibition areas, the mobile wall elements can be used to subdivide the space and create rooms of varying sizes to suit the content of each particular exhibition. This flexible layout and a clear room height of seven meters make it possible to exhibit even large installations. Lighting frames are suspended from the ceiling, which provides flexible lighting for the exhibition areas. In addition, there are spotlights that can be variably positioned in order to highlight specific freestanding exhibits.

展览空间,exhibition area©Christian Gahl

▼展览空间内的可移动展墙,exhibition area with mobile wall elements©Christian Gahl


The fifth floor of the building accommodates the administrative functions. Offices, conference rooms, and staff areas have been arranged around two roof gardens that provide daylight to the adjacent spaces and can be used by staff at break times.

▼总平面图,site plan ©gmp Architekten

▼美术馆二层平面,plan level 2©gmp Architekten

▼西立面图,west elevation©gmp Architekten

▼剖面图,section©gmp Architekten










建筑面积:26500 m

Direct: commission 2013

Design: Meinhard von Gerkan und Stephan Schütz mit Stephan Rewolle

Project leader: Sui Jinying, Sebastian Linack

Design team: Marco Assandri, Dinah Borjans, Mulyanto, Dimitri Philippe

Project management: Wu Di, Liu Yangjiao

Partner practice: Tianjin Architectural Design Institute (TADI)Client: Tianjin Binhai New Area Cultural Center Cci Capital Ltd


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