Cuno von Hahn
Appreciation towards
Cuno von Hahn
for providing the following description:
出身于1985年的德国摄影师Cuno von Hahn拍摄了这组夺人心魄的新西兰照片,稳重浑厚的大场景让人身临其境,被自然的呼吸与脉动所共振。他在学习设计传达的时候爱上了摄影并用摄影表达许多设计无法传达的事物。如今,这位跨学科的摄影师已荣获多个奖项。他的作品能在
Cuno von Hahn was born 1985 and raised in Munich, Germany. He studied Communication Design from 2006-2010, and during that time took up photography in an effort to describe those things that couldn’t be expressed with design. Since 2009 he has been working as an interdisciplinary professional designer at KMS BLACKSPACE. Over the years, he has received several national and international design awards.
Cuno von Hahn