在美国的Beverly Hills有很多的原始豪华住宅,淹没在各种白色和灰色的色彩之中。Happy PinkToned Forever Home是一位瑞典的明星和其艺术家丈夫与两个孩子的家,这是一个由设计师Paris Forino设计的,充满了快乐和粉色色调的永远之家。
Beverly Hills, USA, has many original luxury homes, drowned in a variety of white and gray colors. Happy PinkToned Forever Home is the Home of a Swedish star with her artist husband and two children. It is a Happy and pink Home designed by designer Paris Forino.
There is not a single wall, appliance, fabric or piece of furniture in this room that is close to ordinary or profoundly boring. The couple saw everything the same about their home, seeking a balance between comfort and joy. The house is designed in a neutral color of light pink, which appears around the six-bedroom house. For the owners, the romantic image of living in California is the hazy fire inside and out. To this end, the whole scheme, including new fireplaces and lots of lighting, is set on a timer to achieve a sense of magic in the light emitted every night.
当看到Forino的手绘和效果图时,Eklund最担心的是他办公室的设计,他认为要选对颜色太难了,觉得褶皱的布料会太绿或太深,而蓝色和粉色就像是油和醋一样。而事实上,这个空间绝不是一个典型的商人办公室。粉红色的地毯上有明亮的橙色皮革镶边,一幅出自瑞典艺术家即Eklund的弟弟,画着一个流鼻血的男孩的画,一张冰沙色调的桌子,还有一张玻璃的Patricia Urquiola的橙色书桌。它散发出令人惊叹的柔和光芒,周围的一切感觉就像一朵云。
When looking at Forino's sketches and renderings, Eklund was most worried about the design of his office. He thought it would be too hard to pick the right colors, thinking the drapes would be too green or too dark, and the blues and pinks would be like oil and vinegar. In fact, the space is anything but a typical businessman's office. The pink carpet has bright orange leather trim, a painting by a Swedish artist, Eklund's brother, of a boy with a nosebleed, a smoothy-hued table and a glass Patricia Urquiola orange desk. It has an amazing soft glow and everything around it feels like a cloud.
The master bedroom and their four-year-old twins' room, as well as the kitchen drenched in copper, blue and red, create a sense of joy. Eklund felt that at night, he was in paradise under the trees in his backyard. He felt very Zen. Forino's sublime and complex use of color is like a dose of dopamine, an instant mood booster. "When you leave here, you kind of want to go back," Eklund said.