这个名为TETOTE NOTE的方形白色建筑占地100平方米。TETOTE在日语表示握手的意思,它体现了该项目中设计师,客户及其他创作人员之间亲密的协作。这幢建筑的一至五层被用作室内工作室,建筑平整外立面上的长椭圆形开窗组合是该项目的亮点。
The square and pure white building located on a 100 square meter site is called TETOTE NOTE. TETOTE means handshake in Japanese, and it signifies the collaboration among the designers, the clients, and those involved in creating. The first to fifth floors are used as an in-house studio, and the simple arrangement of oblong circular windows in the flat outer surface is impressive.
▼建筑概览,overview ©Nacasa & Partners inc.
▼白色的五层长方体建筑体块,white five-story square building volume ©Nacasa & Partners inc.
▼建筑立面,白色立面上的长椭圆形开窗,elevation, oblong circular windows in the white outer surface ©Nacasa & Partners inc.
▼开窗平滑的嵌入立面,windows attached just at the surface of the outer wall ©Nacasa & Partners inc.
These windows have two ways of opening—vertically and horizontally. Attached just at the surface of the outer wall, these windows give the impression of flatness viewed from the outside, while the thickness of the walls further emphasizes the oblong shape, capturing more random and active shadow and light. In this way the structure has the impression of duality, with a rougher interior, and it represents a stronger relationship through space and minimal detail, without incorporating a great deal of design information.
▼休息室,lounge ©Nacasa & Partners inc.
▼工作室较为粗犷的室内风格,studio rough interior decoration ©Nacasa & Partners inc.
▼空间隔断门细部,detail of partition door ©Nacasa & Partners inc.
▼楼梯井的屋顶采用玻璃,墙面是混凝土面板,glass used for the roofs stairway, concrete used for walls ©Nacasa & Partners inc.
Glass is used for the roofs of the stairway shafts connecting the floors, shedding light on the walls of each floor, and this light changes over time. The steps of the steel staircases are punched through with oblong holes to allow more light to reach all the way to the bottom floor. The exposed finish of the stairway shafts feature a wood grain pattern in the concrete giving a rough and different expression and a presentation with more light.
▼楼梯井的光可透过玻璃透进楼道,light from the stairway fill into the room through glass wall ©Nacasa & Partners inc.
▼展厅,exhibition area ©Nacasa & Partners inc.
▼工作空间, working area ©Nacasa & Partners inc.
▼装有LED手电的灯架,lighting stands mounted with three LED flashlights ©Nacasa & Partners inc.
The concept of the lighting stands is another vital design of this studio. The lighting stands are mounted with three LED flashlights that can be removed and used as portable flashlights in the event of an emergency. The design of the stands incorporates candle stands converted into LED. Flashlights are mounted even in the lighting stands made for the upper areas. The batteries are rechargeable and reusable. These designs incorporate the concepts of reducing energy consumption and considering disaster prevention.
▼夜色中的建筑,building at night ©Nacasa & Partners inc.
Project name: TETOTE NOTE
Project location: Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Application: Office
Site area: 103.74㎡
Built area: 74.73㎡
Ground, 1st, 2st, 3st floor area: 74.73
4st floor area: 43.20㎡
Gross floor area: 342.12㎡
Completion Year: 2012
Constructor: B.LIFE
Electrical equipment: YAMAGUCHI DENKI
Sash, Hardware: NIHON DEGY
Photo credits: Nacasa & Partners inc.