发布时间:2016-04-09 14:24:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Monte delle Gioie House is a restoration project situated in Trieste area of ​​Rome, near the beautiful Villa Ada and Villa Chigi, and near Piazza Vescovio with bars, restaurants and shops. Before restoration, the apartment had a lot of distribution defects, this is the reason why the new project wants to create open spaces and a new functional distribution by demolition of all interior walls. The living room is the protagonist of the scene, and it divides the entrance and kitchen from the sleeping area. The dining table is situated in a corner of the apartment that gives a strategic point of view toward the large raw iron window of the kitchen, framed by the entrance door of the living room.

As opposed to the living area, the sleeping area becomes a quiet space, giving minimalist and essential corners like the resin bathroom with a separate door for the shower.

When you cross the entrance of the apartment, you can see a lot of details in modern and industrial style featured by retro furniture, original or restored in modern style. The colors, the lights and the materials become the guide to underline the feature.

A frequent use of raw iron underlines the industrial style and the current use of wood gives warmth and hospitality. [IT]

Il progetto di Casa Monte delle Gioie è caratterizzato da uno stile moderno e industriale. L'originaria distribuzione della casa è stata rivoluzionata per restituire una personalità più aperta e funzionale. L'ampia zona giorno, rappresenta il fulcro dell'appartamento, e il portale di ingresso al soggiorno accentua la visuale verso la cucina filtrata da una vetrata industriale in ferro. Non mancano arredi retro e dettagli in ferro grezzo che esaltano il carattere industriale. Il bianco delle pareti e l'uso di resine nei bagni regala angoli minimalisti e la presenza del legno contribuisce a rendere il tutto più caldo e accogliente.=


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