发布时间:2021-04-07 11:01:08 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The library is located at the center of China University of Geosciences Wuhan Future City Campus, the north-south axis of main entrance of the campus, south next with main road of campus and student living quarters, east next with center green space and student center, west next with Campus Lake and Global Square.

▼建筑外观,external view of the building ©马元/杰美摄影


The design motivation comes from lack of context and living of new campus. Book is the carrier of human civilization, and it’s a kind of spirit of library, making the library become a memorial building beyond its basic functions. Without the contrast and constraint of city street, as the landmark of the Future City Campus, it plays a leading part on other buildings like cornerstone. At the same time, it is a huge container tolerant of everything, accepting stay or passing by. People can search for knowledge in it, and it becomes a place that support a sense of belonging to people in the new campus.

▼远景,项目位于校园中轴线上,distanced view of the project on the axis of the campus©马元/杰美摄影


The library is the highest building in the campus, situated beside the lake, overlooking the square of main teaching building in the north, and it closes the ground to create a square with canteen and dormitory in the south. The overall layout is reasonable with demand from all aspects. Depending on the understanding of design program, the 30 thousand square meters ground part of the building is divided into two parts of tower and base to support various spaces for different functions. On the other hand, the building form appears different based on environment and design motivation. In response, the building emphasizes the height of the tower and the integration of the base with surroundings.

▼建筑外观,高耸的塔楼和隐匿的基座,external view of the building, tall tower on a horizontal base©马元/杰美摄影


Melting to the ground both west and east side,the base lies on the site, reducing the pressure to the center landscape.The continuous green space from the ground to the top of the base blurs the boundary between building and landscape.The plan shrinks in the second floor and it is surrounded with glass facades, making the inner space and terrace connect each other, emphasizing the openness of sharing hall and periodical room.

▼设计生成,generation diagram©同济大学建筑设计研究院


The Towering‘Book Mountain’——The tower of library is suspended on the base,with 70-meter width based on view analysis. The library is 4 layers higher than around buildings, with a height of near 50 meters. As the landmark, it is the end of the axis from the campus main entrance.

基座绿坡和台阶,green slopes and steps on the base©马元/杰美摄影


The huge glass facade in the middle responds to the axis of the master plan. The atrium runs through south to north like a valley, leading students to explore. The slit in the tower is a window and balcony. The vitality and reality correspond to active public space and fundamental functions separately. The sculpture-like shape makes it a memorial building beyond the normal one.

▼“峡谷”状的中庭空间,atrium space like a valley©马元/杰美摄影

▼立面细部,closer view to the facade©马元/杰美摄影


There is a way on the‘book mountain’——There are several open staircases connect the spaces from the bottom to the top, forming a continuous climbing way.In order to improve efficiency,three elevators are arranged at the west.In daily life,these open staircases in atrium is the most convenient way to floor nearby.It makes the space more active ,and emphasizes the public character of library.Meanwhile,it is a good way to avoid elevator jamming when the library shared with people in the city.

一层入口空间,entrance on the first floor©马元/杰美摄影

二层服务台,reception on the second floor©马元/杰美摄影

▼活跃的中庭空间,atrium space with vitality©马元/杰美摄影

明亮的光线充满室内,bright light filling up the interior space©马元/杰美摄影

▼中庭天窗,skylight above the atrium©马元/杰美摄影

▼盘旋而上的开敞楼梯,open staircase twisting upward©马元/杰美摄影


Corridors and staircases is not only transportation system, but also open space for people to communicate with each other or reading.The beautiful scene in the campus flows in the atrium through the glass facade both side.Sunlight comes in from the skylight.Stack effect of the atrium enhances the effect of air circulation.

▼开放的休息和阅览空间,可以欣赏校园景观,open resting and reading space with view to the campus©马元/杰美摄影


It contains lecture hall, gallery, 24-hour study rooms, coffee shop in the one-layer base, which is separated from public reading area in vertical, avoiding disturbance to each other. The east hall only serves for meeting and reception specially. Study rooms and coffee shop has separate entrance in the south, collecting and editing in the north. The entrance of the logistics and offices is on the ring road, and it is in touch with network department and offices on the upper floor through elevators.

会议区门厅,entrance hall to the conference area©马元/杰美摄影


There is main reading and study area from 3 to 8 floor,offices、stack and exhibition room in the 9th floor,with a facade friendly to human from material to scale.Three different size stone with the color of Beige arrange layer upon layer, just like natural rocks.Window follows the same module with stone,and its location balance lighting and ventilation——the higher window for sunlight, the lower one for ventilation. The concave window and sun-shade combines to reduce the energy using in summer, meanwhile,emphasize the horizontal texture.The contrast of scale, material and color express the special temperament of China University of Geosciences.It fixes the Future City Campus to the ground ,greeting a bright future.

▼个性化的阅览空间,characteristic reading spaces©马元/杰美摄影

结合结构柱划分阅览空间,reading spaces defined according to the columns©马元/杰美摄影

▼临窗阅览桌灯具与幕墙结合,reading table along the window,lighting devices combined with the curtain wall©马元/杰美摄影

▼个人冥想空间,space for meditation©马元/杰美摄影

纵向狭缝,vertical gap©马元/杰美摄影

▼横向狭缝形成室外露台,horizontal gaps creating outdoor terrace©马元/杰美摄影


As the core of the new campus, library continues the public space and walking axis of the campus. It combines the teaching area and living area, making study and daily life mixed together, just like a container tolerant of everything. With the campus becoming open and open, the library may become one part of the whole city.

夜景,night view©马元/杰美摄影

▼总平面图,site plan©同济大学建筑设计研究院

▼二层平面图,second floor plan©同济大学建筑设计研究院

▼三层平面图,third floor plan©同济大学建筑设计研究院

六层平面图,sixth floor plan©同济大学建筑设计研究院
















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