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Goettsch Partners


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由著名国际事务所改造翻新的Pepper Family野生动物中心于近日正式完工,整个项目耗资4100万美元对芝加哥林肯公园动物园历史悠久的狮子馆进行了翻新、修复与扩建。改造后的狮子馆占地54000平方英尺(约5016.7平方米),面积几乎是原狮子栖息地的两倍,馆内设置了最先进的设施,在恢复原始地标建筑完整性的同时,为游客提供了更高的透明度和更身临其境的体验。

Global architecture firm Goettsch Partners (GP) announces the completion of Pepper Family Wildlife Center, the $41 million renovation, restoration and expansion of the historic lion house at Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo. The 54,000-square-foot state-of-the-art facility nearly doubles the size of the previous lion habitat and provides increased transparency and a more immersive experience for visitors while restoring the architectural integrity of the original landmarked building.

▼动物园鸟瞰,aerial view of the zoo ©Tom Harris

▼狮子馆鸟瞰,aerial view of the project ©Tom Harris

本项目的设计由GP事务所与西雅图动物园展览专家PJA合作完成,重点是为动物们提供更多生态环境的选择,包括控温舒适区以及一系列复杂的、设有岩石与树木的攀爬地形,目的是模拟出真实的野生栖息地状态,保证动物们的身心健康。Pepper Family野生动物中心为4只非洲狮、加拿大猞猁、小熊猫,以及雪豹提供了家园。

Designed in collaboration with Seattle-based zoo exhibit specialists PJA, the habitat focuses on providing choices for the animals and enhanced wellbeing, from thermal comfort zones for heating and cooling to intricate rockwork and trees for climbing. The facility is home to a pride of four African lions, as well as Canada lynx, red pandas and snow leopards.

▼狮子馆入口,entrance of the Pepper Family Wildlife Center ©Tom Harris

▼扩建的狮子栖息地位于历史建筑的东侧,The expanded lion habitat is located on the east side of the historic building ©Tom Harris


Sitting at the heart of Lincoln Park Zoo, the only privately managed free admission zoo in the country, the historic lion house was originally designed by architect Dwight Perkins and completed in 1912. With its decorative brickwork and terra-cotta ornament, lion mosaics and grand hall with a vaulted Guastavino tile ceiling, it was designated a Chicago Landmark in 2005. The design team worked closely with the Commission on Chicago Landmarks to preserve, restore and enhance the architecturally significant features of the original Arts and Crafts structure, including the masonry, clay tile roof, and copper gutter, along with windows and doors.

▼历史建筑部分室内概览,interior of the historical part ©Tom Harris

▼该建筑以砖材与赤陶装饰、标志性的拱顶与Guastavino瓷砖天花板为特点,The building features decorative brickwork and terra-cotta ornament and grand hall with a vaulted Guastavino tile ceiling ©Tom Harris

▼改造设计以修复翻新原始建筑结构为主,The renovation design is based on the restoration and renovation of the original building structure ©Tom Harris

▼新元素与历史建筑的结合,The combination of new elements with historic buildings ©Tom Harris


“The renovation and restoration work revitalizes one of Chicago’s historic architectural gems. New features and functionality allow the facility to better serve the needs of the zoo and visitors well into the future.”

——Patrick Loughran, FAIA, PE, LEED AP, technical principal at GP


The new lion habitat spans the full northern side of the building, with the design informed by data collected by the zoo over the last several years on lion behavior and space use to understand their preferences. Large 1 ½”-thick glass panels provide expansive views of the outdoor lion space. The savanna-style habitat includes detailed rockwork to introduce climbing features and expand environmental options for the lions while providing embedded heating and cooling elements for climate control. Tree structures and deadfall are made from trees certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, and food ziplines, simulating prey, provide an enrichment opportunity for the lions.

▼玻璃隔墙为空间内的动物与空间外的游客们提供了更加广阔的视野,Large 1 ½”-thick glass panels provide expansive views of the outdoor lion space ©Tom Harris

▼栖息地模拟出真实的热带草原环境,The habitat mimics a real savanna environment ©Tom Harris


“A major goal shared by zoo leadership and the design team was to substantially improve the lion habitat, with a focus on the wellbeing of the animals. At the same time, our design greatly enriches the experience of visitors by eliminating visual barriers and creating a closer connection between humans and lions within the space.”

——Joachim Schuessler, design principal at GP


Guests now have immersive, “nose-to-nose” viewing opportunities from both inside and outside the building. The unique design also facilitates viewing from the Lion Loop, a sunken elliptical path leading visitors down from the TAWANI Great Hall into the center of the habitat. The loop provides visitors the opportunity to view lions from all around—even through skylights overhead. The project also includes a demonstration training wall where visitors will be able to view the lions working with zoo staff to participate in their own care. The overall educational focus of the building is the zoo’s ongoing conservation efforts in Africa.

▼下沉的椭圆形小径引导着游客从礼堂向下进入栖息地的中心, the sunken elliptical path leading visitors down into the center of the habitat ©Tom Harris


The Pepper Family Wildlife Center marks GP’s second major project at Lincoln Park Zoo, with the firm having also designed the Regenstein Center for African Apes, completed in 2004. The two facilities are among the zoo’s most popular attractions.

▼夜景,night view ©Tom Harris


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