发布时间:2020-06-12 10:17:54 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The project is a national cultural export project, the owner is a benchmark enterprise in the film and television industry, and the designer will complete a park belonging to film and television people. The working methods of film and television people are special. Their creations are often based on a crew as a working group where is largely creations of films happening among multi-companies and multi-working groups. Because of the long-term business trips of the filming or production tasks, lively party events are often held after film production, meanwhile, next shooting task or project is going to be hit-upon during the fancy parties. In addition, high-trend activities such as shows, exhibitions, and film festivals often occur. Much more public and sharing spaces are demanded among the film and television workers.

▼东侧俯视总部及街区,aerial view of the project from the east ©汤寒阳



With the deepening of the project, the nature of the land used for commercial properties will drive the project slowly towards real estate logic. The project must become easy to sell, rent, and operate. The demand for business planning books is divided into three functions: office, apartment, and business. In order to maximize the value, the business will along the street, and the office and apartment will along the river.

However, the owner’s expectations of the project completely exceed this business plan., the project should not just follow traditional business logics, and the ultimate pursuit of the project is expected to jump out of the stacking logic, carrying more humanities and artistic connotations aims.

▼南侧俯视沿河景观,aerial view of the project from the southern side along the river ©汤寒阳

▼建筑体量关系,volumes combined together to form the project ©汤寒阳

项目位于杭州市西湖区西北侧,曾经是一片农田与自然水系,距离西溪湿地国家公园以北 2 公里,又毗邻浙江大学紫金港校区;地块狭长,东、西、北三侧面向城市道路,南侧为俞家河环绕。

The project is located on the northwest side of Xihu District in Hangzhou City. It used to be a farmland and natural water system where 2 kilometers north far from Xixi Wetland National Park and adjacent to the Zijingang Campus of Zhejiang University. The site organizes as a long and narrow shape, where three sides, eastern, western and noethren, face to urban roads, Surrounded by Yujia River on the southern side.

▼功能布置,program analysis ©上海建筑设计研究院有限公司 FREE STUDIO

主要功能在商业策划书的基础上进行了细分与提升,办公分为总部级与初创型办公,同时配备国际影视合作展区、600 人剧院型演播厅、影厅、发布厅、影视沙龙、制作区、审片区、红地毯、手印墙及员工食堂及休闲区,并为华策影视集团 200 多名员工提供必要的工作场所,打造顶级影视产业集群(非拍摄期间)。

The main functions have been subdivided and improved on the basis of the business planning book. The office is divided into headquarters and start-up offices. It is also equipped with an international film and television cooperation exhibition area, a 600-person theater-type studio, movie hall, release hall, film and television salon, production area, film review area, red carpet, handprint wall, staff canteen and leisure area, and provides the necessary workplaces for more than 200 employees of Huace Group to create top film and television industry cluster;

项目入口,entrance ©张坤

公寓分为小户型电影人公寓及大师工作室,为短期或长期工作生活提供不同产品需求。商业分为街铺和共享运营空间,后者将以华策的影视 IP 为核心,融入创意文化进行空间运营,满足创意人群平时丰富的活动和秀场需求。

Apartments are divided into small apartments and master studios providing different choices for short-term or long-term work and life. Businesses are divided into street shops and shared operating spaces. The latter will be based on Huace Group’s film and television IP as the core and integrate creative culture into space operations to meet the large demands of rich activities and show of the creative crowd.

沿街商业,commercial area alongside the street ©仲几发

▼折线立面,folded facade ©仲几发


The project is no longer just a simple commercial and office space, it is given more new possibilities, with film and television and derived art and culture as content, so that filmmakers and tourists can experience the fun of creative culture and passionate activities.

▼城市公共空间与各层阳台,public gray space and platforms ©汤寒阳


Here will gather film and television and related industries, which will be a place for film and television people to work, live, create, produce, and communicate, as well as a place for various creative industries to communicate, perform, and release. The design attention to these places will drive the new city Possible. How to create a vital sub-cultural space in the project is an important issue that comes to our mind at the beginning of the design. It is open, interactive, penetrating, participatory, and diverse and cross-border. These spaces are more spatial carriers of artistic and cultural practices, which can generate consumption and urge creativity.

空间设置,space arrangement ©上海建筑设计研究院有限公司 FREE STUDIO


Our strategy is: First, Promote more functions to enjoy the outdoor connection space. In addition to ensuring the privacy of other indoors, other traffic spaces reflect the publicity as much as possible. More “outer corridors” and “open corridors” are presented in the building to promote more events happen.

商业,outdoor corridors and commercial spaces ©张坤


Secondly, let different functions surround the block, let the building boundaries of different attributes share the public space and landscape, so that the original single outdoor commercial space presents versatility and hybridity, so that the headquarters and start-ups, commercial spaces that interact with apartments, business and office, business and master studios, and master studios provide space for cross-border and cross-industry.

▼大师工作室内院,courtyard of the master studios ©仲几发

▼大师工作室内院望向东侧,view to the east from the courtyard of the master studios ©仲几发


Third, create a shared landscape area with different elevations, an entrance performing arts square, a multi-level leisure area along the river, and three roof gardens with a show function, etc., so that filmmakers can easily find a place to relax and communicate with each other.

▼大师工作室区沿河景观,master studios and the landscape along the river ©仲几发


Last but not least. Implanted shared art spaces, “HuaCe Stage”, “HuaCe Art Gallery” and “Film and TV Salon” can provide film and creative professionals with a professional space for show, release, communication and curation. It is the forefront of differentiated cultural interaction and a platform for creativity and cooperation.

▼华策艺廊入口,entrance to the Huace Gallery ©汤寒阳

▼大堂空间,lobby ©仲几发


Light and shadow are important elements of film and television works. How to express “light and shadow” on the building skin is another important problem that needs to be solved in the design. The trajectory of light reflection and refraction expressed in abstract language is used on multi-storey buildings. The formal language with sculptural and tension forms a dialogue with people at a near scale. It is easier to draw the attention of the city here, foreshadowing the visual story is slowly presented here. In addition, the virtual and real changes of light and shadow are expressed in high-rise buildings. The façade is dramatically overhanged the stone decorative construction. The different angled facade blocks are deliberately set up with different angles of stone construction, and the changes of light and shadow will be in every moment. The facade presents differently, virtual and real, light and shadow make the building and light have a wonderful relationship.

▼主楼细部,details of the main building ©汤寒阳


In the choice of stone, the white limestone imported from Portugal is intentionally used, hoping to let white better highlight the changes in light and shadow.

▼石材立面细部,details of the stone louvers ©汤寒阳


The design tries its best to shape the urban public space.

At the same time, it integrates the contemporary group cultural phenomenon with the space, realizes the interaction of film and television, creativity, commerce, art, nature and people, and injects a unique cultural and artistic taste into the city.

“Build an architecture specifically for filmmakers’ lifestyle based on the aspect of the light, called the home of” Light and Shadow “.

商业内廊与光影,light shadow in the inner corridor ©张坤

夜景,night view ©仲几发

项目名称:中国(浙江)国际影视合作实验区项目地点:浙江杭州项目业主:华策影视集团项目出品:赵依芳用地面积:2.4 万平方米建筑面积:12.7 万平方米设计/建成时间:2014.9/2019.10 建筑设计单位:上海建筑设计研究院有限公司 FREE STUDIO 主持建筑师:沈钺建筑设计师:叶青、高喆、杜静、王晔结构设计师:贾水钟、李伟机电设计师:万阳、叶谋杰、赵俊、殷春蕾室内设计:禾磊設計顧問有限公司梁豫漳景观设计:深圳市迈丘景观规划设计有限公司谭贡亮总包单位:浙江城投建设有限公司幕墙单位:浙江中天方圆幕墙有限公司建筑摄影:汤寒阳、仲几发、张坤

Project Name: China (Zhejiang) International Film and Television Cooperation Experimental Zone

Project location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Project owner: Huace Film and Television Group

Produced by the project: Zhao Yifang

Land area: 24,000 square meters

Building area: 127,000 square meters

Design / built time: 2014.9 / 2019.10

Architectural design unit: Institute of Shanghai Architectural Design & Research (Co.,Ltd.) FREE STUDIO

Chief Architect: Shen Yue

Architects: Ye Qing, Gao Zhe, Du Jing, Wang Ye

Structural designer: Jia Shuizhong, Li Wei

Mechanical and electrical designers: Wan Yang, Ye Moujie, Zhao Jun, Yin Chunlei

Interior Design: He Lei Design Consultant Co., Ltd. Liang Yuzhang

Landscape Design: Shenzhen Maiqiu Landscape Planning and Design Co., Ltd. Tan Gongliang

General contractor: Zhejiang Chengtou Construction Co., Ltd.

Curtain wall unit: Zhejiang Zhongtian Fangyuan Curtain Wall Co., Ltd.

Architecture Photography: Tang Hanyang, Zhong Jifa


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