发布时间:2019-03-02 12:19:10 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


▼学校西侧及北侧立面外观,exterior view of the west and north side

▼学校南侧外观,exterior view of the south side

▼宿舍楼立面,exterior view of the dormitories

Dayuan, the founder of the school, was once one of the best middle school linguistics teachers, later he became a businessman due to peculiar encounters. However, there is always a dream about education in his heart. For the olive tree in his dreams, he finally set off after many years of preparation.After several discussions and inevitable collisions of ideas, the architects determined the overall layout: The buildings and the sports areas take one half of the site each. Although the east-west oriented track and the dormitories are not common, the overall structure is compact, well responding to the high-speed train line, the highway entrance on the south and the main urban boulevard on the west. All the art and experience spaces are located on the ground floor; Public spaces such as roof gardens, vegetable gardens, science museum are on the top floor; Classrooms and offices are located on the floors in-between.

▼空间组织图解,programme diagram

大元心目中理想的学校建筑是 “中西贯通,古今传承”。设计师用以下的思考作为回应:场地东面有条河,需要一座满足功能的桥;国际学校的课程兼顾中西,桥是贯通两种文化最合适的象征。入口拱桥的栏板和屋顶连续整合的复杂造型,让数字设计和建造小试牛刀。


The ideal school buildings in Dayuan’s mind should have conversations between western and eastern cultures, and inherit the spirit from both the old times and new days. Below are the architects’ considerations and responses: There is a river in the east of the site, so a bridge that meets the functions is needed. The international school curriculum attends to both Chinese and Western cultures. A symbolic meaning of ‘connection’ is applied to a functional bridge located on the east side entrance. The complex shape of the continuous integration of the slab of the entrance arch bridge and roof allows the digital design and fabrication to take their advantages.

▼东侧主入口,main entrance on the east

▼东侧的桥是贯通东西文化的象征,a symbolic meaning of ‘connection’ is applied to a functional bridge located on the east side entrance

▼入口细节,entrance detail


▼东立面镂空的红砖墙与西方古典建筑的拱形元素,the perforated pattern of the red brick wall in east facade and the arch is an important element of Western classical architecture

▼采用古今中外各种文化中普遍存在的坡屋顶造型元素,pitched roof which is a basic form in the culture at all times and in all over the world is applied in the design

▼入口处的高中部庭院,the high school courtyard

▼拱形入口细节,detail of the arch entrance

Courtyard is a basic spatial element that is common in all kinds of cultures in ancient and modern China and abroad. Pitched roof is a basic form in the culture at all times and in all over the world. Chinese tradition is to enter the building from the eave side; whereas the western world from the gable wall. Arch is an important element of Western classical architecture; to place buildings along the south-north axis and form a layered courtyard is a common method for classical Chinese architecture. The red brick façade is a common practice in Western architecture; while the white wall is widely used in classical architecture in the Jiangnan area. The perforated pattern of the red brick wall in east façade and the color composition pattern of the west façade of the dormitory source from the same part of the famous Chinese painting, Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains. By integrating digital technology, there is no difficulty to abstract the artistic masterpiece into architectural decorative elements.

▼南侧礼仪入口,entrance on the south side

▼南侧入口楼上空间及圆形洞口,space on the upper floors of the south entrance and the round hole

▼沿着纵轴线摆放单体建筑形成层层递进的庭院,buildings are placed along the south-north axis and form a layered courtyard

▼江南地区古典建筑习惯做法的白墙立面,the white wall is widely used in classical architecture in the Jiangnan area


The primary school has two layers of courtyards with the theme of nature; three olive trees from the Mediterranean are planted in the high school courtyard with red brick walls on four sides; white walls with light wooden colored railing and roof structure are used in middle school courtyard; there is a pool of water in between middle school and high school, with eight types of aquatic plants native to Jiangnan. Olive tree represents Global vision, “Shuibaxian” (eight types of aquatic plants) reflects Chinese feeing and native sentiment.

▼小学部为以自然为主题的两进院落,the primary school has two layers of courtyards with the theme of nature

▼小学部采用明亮的颜色,bright colours are used in primary school

▼初中部白墙配以淡雅的木色栏杆和顶棚,white walls with light wooden colored railing and roof structure are used in middle school courtyard

▼初中与高中部之间的庭院内,一泓碧水种着八种原产江南的水生植物,there is a pool of water in between middle school and high school, with eight types of aquatic plants native to Jiangnan

▼水八仙池,the pool with “Shuibaxian” (eight types of aquatic plants)

▼初中部室外走廊,the outdoor walkways of the middle school

▼高中部室内光影效果,the play of light and shadow inside the high school building

▼光线充沛的室内环境,interior space with abundant nature light


The core value of this design is to involve the process and method of architectural design in the basic education process, so as to let the kids who study in the school have the opportunity to learn and experience the different form transition, by combining art and technology.

▼总平面图,master plan

▼首层平面,ground floor plan

▼二层平面,second floor plan

▼三层平面,third floor plan

▼四层平面,fourth floor plan

▼北立面,north facade

▼南立面,south facade

▼西立面,west facade

▼教学楼西立面,west facade of the teaching building

▼东立面,east facade

▼AA剖面,AA section

▼BB剖面,BB section

▼CC剖面,CC section


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