发布时间:2018-09-20 21:12:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

© Marcel van der Burg


作为最具创新性的 100 k 市,阿尔克马尔市 (荷兰) 为自己设定了一个具有挑战性的目标。它的目标是到 2021 年成为荷兰最具创新性的 100 K 市。在提供服务和内外合作方式方面具有创新性。为此,制定了一项组织发展计划。在改变组织模式的同时,对自己的住所进行定制是实现这一目标的关键步骤。工作程序从有固定团队和他们自己明确界定的任务范围的部门转移到一个基于能力和自己的责任不断交替的团队的组织。一名市政官员被授权承担责任,他与同事和合作伙伴进行了最佳合作,他们积极主动地与居民、社区中心和企业家会面。重要的是产出,而不仅仅是办公室的实际存在。在住宿方面,发展计划规定:“创造一个灵活、可持续的工作环境,以促进高效和有效的工作方式,反映组织的特性并增强其特性。”

Alkmaar as most innovative 100k+ municipality

The Municipality of Alkmaar (The Netherlands) has set itself a challenging target. It aims at becoming the most innovative 100k+ municipality of the Netherlands by 2021. Innovative in the area of providing services and the manner of in- and external cooperation. To this end, an organisational development plan has been drawn up. Parallel with changing the organisational model, customization of the own accommodation is stated as an essential to step to realize the objective. Working procedures shift from departments with fixed teams and their own clearly defined range of tasks to an organisation with constantly alternating teams on the basis of competencies and own responsibilities. A municipal officer emerges who is empowered to take responsibility, who cooperates optimally with colleagues and partners, who pro-actively meets with residents, community centres and entrepreneurs. What counts is output and not just the physical presence at the office. With respect to accommodation, the development plan states: “Create a flexible, sustainable working environment that stimulates an efficient and effective way of working and that reflects the organisation’s identity and enhances it."

直到最近,阿尔克马尔市的雇员还在该镇的大约五个地点工作。通过对马尔加斯佩林市办事处的整个后台办公室进行大幅度的重新开发,它们现在都是建立在同一个地点上的。从那里,他们服务于阿尔克马尔地区,舍默和嫁接-- 德里杰普。

Until recently, the employees of the Municipality of Alkmaar worked at some five locations spread out over the town. Through a drastic redevelopment of the entire back office of the city office on the Mallegatsplein, they now are all based on the same location. From there, they serve the region Alkmaar, Schermer and Graft – De Rijp. © Marcel van der Burg


从确定预算到在新的工作环境下工作的第一天-- 整个过程的绝对最大时限-- 做出选择。在野心和质量方面没有任何妥协。这一挑战需要明确的选择,有时也需要大胆的选择。市政府与 YNNO 一起制定了一项雄心勃勃的要求方案,以促进实现远大抱负和新的工作方式。阿尔克马尔是第一个选择在没有分区计划的情况下提供住房的市镇。员工和经理自己决定如何、在哪里和与谁一起工作;部门不再拥有自己的领地。同时,为 600 名公务员提供 200 个工作站也是相当雄心勃勃的。


Making choices

One and a half years from budget determination until the first day of operations in the new working environment - the absolute max timeframe for the entire process. Without any compromise in terms of ambition and quality. A challenge that demands clear choices and sometimes bold ones. Together with YNNO, the municipality drew up an ambitious programme of requirements to facilitate the high ambitions and the new way of working. Alkmaar is one the first municipalities that opts for an accommodation without a sector plan. Employees and managers decide themselves how, where and with who they work; departments no longer have their own territories. And 200 workstations for 600 civil servants is quite ambitious as well.

© Marcel van der Burg


在这一过程中最突出的是,几乎平行地完成了过程步骤。建立与广泛的建筑师选择过程同步的需求方案。最后,两家公司 (作为回报) 制定了一个完整的草图设计,以便在设计和方案之间进行积极的互动。2017 年 5 月,市政府根据“磁力”的愿景选择了这笔款项的证明。由设计委员会负责整个设计,从结构调整和室内设计到独立配件、家具、平面设计、室内植物和绿色口音的选择和设计。(鼓掌)

What stands out in the process, is the virtually parallel completion of process steps. Setting up the programme of requirements synced with the extensive architect selection process. Finally, two firms (in return for payment) worked out a complete sketch design to enable a positive interaction in terms of influence between design and programme. In May 2017, the municipality chose Proof of the sum on the basis of their vision ‘the power of magnetism’. With the design commission, Proof was given the responsibility for the entire design from structural adjustments and interior design up to the choices and design of separate fittings, furnishing, graphic design and indoor plants and green accents. © Marcel van der Burg


设计和招标程序也重叠。在最后设计的基础上,开始寻找最合适的承包商。能够在短时间内管理并行工程和建设过程的一方。利用 Verwol 积分投影技术,完成了同步工程和实施的集约化过程。在此过程中,初步标价节省了 15%,以确保项目的可行性。通过在早期阶段将设计远景和实施知识联系起来,在概念或实现方面没有重大让步的情况下,这证明是可能的。

The design and tendering processes also overlapped. On the basis of a Final Design, the search was started for the most suitable contractor. A party that could manage parallel engineering and building processes within a tight time frame. An intensive process of synchronous engineering and implementation was completed with Verwol Integrale Projectinrichting. During the process, 15% savings were realized on the initial tender price to secure project feasibility. By linking the design vision and the implementation knowledge in an early stage, this proved possible without major concessions in terms of concept or materialization.

Schematic Section


而且成功了。2018 年 6 月中旬,这个新的工作环境被推出给市政府的员工,他们很乐意使用它。从第一次反应中可以清楚地看出,这是成功的。更重要的是,市政府为其雇员自己承担了整个培训和咨询过程。组织变革和便利 (创新) 是齐头并进的。

And it worked. Mid-June 2018, the new working environment was rolled out to the employees of the municipality who were happy to take it into use. And successfully so, as is clear from the first responses. And not in the least because the municipality undertook the entire training and counselling process for its employees itself. Organisational change and accommodation (innovation) go hand in hand.

© Marcel van der Burg


原来的阿尔克马尔市办事处于 2001 年投入使用。这座建筑被设计成一个现代的城镇大门,位于老堡垒的边缘,在历史上的城市中心和现代城区的“奥斯特德”之间创造了一扇门 (道)。这座由 Bonnenma 设计的旷日持久的建筑有五层楼,是通往城镇的北路的一个明确的地标。二楼是市政府、UWV 雇员保险机构和 Haltewerk 地区福利办公室所有公共职能的所在地。三层顶层可容纳市政当局的后台办公室,构成这次重建的项目区。该设计面临的挑战是如何将该地点变成 600 名市政官员的一个有吸引力的工作场所。在一个数字化、远程工作和亲主动能见度接近居民的时代,员工需要一个中心的、有吸引力的基地。一个清晰的位置,充满活力和磁性,同事们迫不及待地在那里见面。

A place in and for the city

The original Alkmaar city office was taken into use in 2001. The building was designed as a modern town gate on the edge of the old fortress creating the gate(way) between the historic city centre and modern urban district ’Overstad’. The protracted building designed by Bonnenma, has five floors and it is a clear landmark for the northern access road into town. The second floor houses all public functions of the municipality, Employee Insurance Agency UWV and regional Benefits Office Haltewerk. The three top floors accommodate the back office of the municipality and constitute the project area for this redevelopment. The challenge for the design is to turn the location into an appealing workplace for the 600 municipal officers. In a time of digitalization, remote working and pro-active visibility close to the residents, the employees need a central and attractive base. A clear location in town full of dynamics and so magnetic that colleagues can’t wait to meet each other there.

Third floor plan


Fourth floor plan


Fifth floor plan


一个巨大潜力的建筑,阿尔卡玛尔市办公室是一个让人印象深刻的建筑。这座 150 米长的红砖砌石塔在该镇上空盘旋,并在旧的防线上突出了诺达霍兰奇卡尼亚的弯曲。一种具有许多强特征的现代大门。该建筑具有 12 米的非常短的跨度,没有柱并且具有高度重复的正面穿孔。由于东西方的明确取向,白天的节奏在建筑物中变得有形;最清楚地反映在日出和夕阳的移动中。持久体积的两个尖锐点提供了极好的视图,并形成了楼层平面的特征端点。建筑物容纳多个用户,提供特殊的动力;以及从地面到公共卫生间的移动走道会产生大约两分钟的和平时刻。

A building with great potential The Alkmaar city office is a building that makes quite an impression. The 150-meter long volume in red-brick masonry towers over the town and accentuates the bend in the old defence line to the Noordhollandsch Kanaal. A modern gatehouse with a number of strong characteristics. The construction has a very short span of 12 metres without columns and with a highly repetitive facade perforation. Because of the clear east-west orientation, the rhythm of the day becomes tangible in the building; most clearly reflected in the movement of the rising and setting sun. The two sharp points of the protracted volume offer splendid views and form characteristic ends to the floor plans. The fact that the building houses multiple users, offer special dynamics; and the moving walkway from ground level to the public toilets creates a moment of peace that lasts almost two minutes. © Marcel van der Burg



The building also has a number of areas of attention that the design concept had to address. The length of the volume creates distance between the users. This is enhanced by the large number of building entrances and the various floors that seems to function as layers of clay for the organisation. Colleagues remained unnoticed, anonymous and there was hardly any awareness of each other. A limited ceiling height suppresses the feeling of spaciousness and the curvature of the floor plan creates interrupted sight lines resulting in a fragmented experience of the building. Or could the latter actually be a strength?

© Marcel van der Burg


磁性“服务”建筑 (如城市办公室) 的力量必须而且能够加强用户之间的知识共享。距离、觉知、近距离和视觉透明度等方面起着重要作用。因为知识只有在机会被提供,同事之间的信任很强的时候才能分享。因此,我们面临的挑战是为 600 人创造一个单一的地方。还有。。为个人创造空间。为了隐私和注意力。这一领域的张力构成了设计理念的核心。

The power of magnetism ’Servient’ buildings such as a city office must and can reinforce knowledge sharing between their users. Aspects such as distance, awareness, proximity and visual transparency play an important part. For knowledge is only shared when the opportunity is offered and trust between colleagues is strong. So, the challenge is to create a single place for 600 people. And... creating room for the individual. For privacy and concentration. This area of tension forms the core of the design concept.


To break through the building’s clay layers, two large new mezzanines were realized in the building to create a strong connection between the third, fourth and fifth floor - both spatially and programme-wise. To ’activate’ the building so to speak and to have the officers make use of the entire building in a natural manner in the course of their workday, all common functions are projected around this spatial axle. One single three-dimensional space for all colleagues.

© Marcel van der Burg



A typical workday will start on the third floor in the network cafe and service center. A question about a meeting space or a mobile device? A cup of tea with an external relation? Or a start-up meeting with a newly formed project group? This is all possible here. Even the locker area has a prominent position and is designed as an informal consultation space. The big bleacher stairs lead to the fourth floor, where, around the mezzanines, the Alkmaar Academy is located. This internal training programme disposes of a range of learning and education spaces. Varying from a big instruction space to small break-out rooms where small groups can work on various challenges. A more modest stairway to the next mezzanine leads to the meeting center with room for both bigger and smaller groups. So, even far into the building, large groups are invited to make use of the whole building.

在新的梅扎宁周围的动力和活动创造了一个鲜明的对比,在邻近的工作楼层的和平和隐私。他们的注意力集中在个人规模和小组上。集中的工作、视频会议、敏捷和 Scrum 会议以及较小的会议室决定了这些领域的节奏。

The dynamics and activity around the new mezzanines create a sharp contrast with the peace and privacy on the adjacent work floors. Their focus lies on an individual scale and small teams. Concentrated work, videoconferencing, agile and scrum sessions and smaller meeting rooms determine the rhythm of these areas.

© Marcel van der Burg



And eventually, the user will be enticed to use the whole of the building up to the pointed edges. The striking heads of the building offer more meeting opportunities albeit on a smaller scale. Here the programme manifests itself in pantries with coffee and cooled water, long reading benches and room for stand-up sessions and brainstorming. Circulation up to the final fibres of the building.


© Marcel van der Burg


为详细拟订平面图进行了仔细的规划,采用了一些明确的设计原则。重要的城市办公室功能集中在平面图中,并使整个组织都能看到。在三楼的网吧旁边,服务台为所有员工提供信息技术、人力资源和设施方面的问题。阿尔克马尔客户联络中心在四楼设有一个中心位置,作为一个循环呼叫中心。每个人都能清楚地看到,提高对自己服务质量的认识。此外,外部立面上没有可锁的空间。会议室在平面图中作为单独的卷被“分散”。他们协助整合建筑中的人的规模,并在平面图中安排流程。当用户在这些空间中行走时,他们的目光会巧妙地指向城镇。他们每天都在为这个城镇工作。另一种意识形式。最后,该设计还确保永远不会超过 16 人有共享一个空间的感觉。每天都有新的小社区以这种方式形成,在当时提供价值。第二天,他们的作文又一次变了。


Less is stronger The design has been realised with a limited palette of materials and colours. Because of the restricted floor height, a great deal of attention was given to removing ceilings and the design of installations that were not covered from sight. A central installation strip in the middle of the floor plan functions as the new technical artery to which all functions are connected. Meeting spaces with intensive climate control requirements are located under this strip. The primary workstations are located along the facades; height is created by the application of integrated climate islands. Lighting, ventilation, cooling, sprinkler and smartbuilding sensors are all included in a single modular island concept. Uniformly and clearly following the building’s curvature. With regard to lighting, on the facade side a luminaire with a high light yield was opted for that did not create a distinct light line on the ceiling in order not to emphasize the building’s length effect with repetitive light lines. In the central strips, the points of the building and the spaces around the mezzanines, track lighting systems and directable spotlights are used to be able to realize an intimate and divers lighting effect.

内墙与立面平行关闭,与正面成直角时,它们是透明的,这使得视线长线穿过建筑物。通过在透明的墙壁中包括滑动门,当 (会议室) 不被使用时,新的步行路线就会出现。而且,即使是密集使用,这种情况在 30% 到 40% 的时间里也是如此。为了使平面图更符合人类的维度,在许多地方都安装了半透明的可写墙-- 这些金字塔墙分隔了空间,也为 Scrum 和敏捷的工作方法创建了合作场所。他们偷偷地引诱眼睛往外看。

The interior walls are closed parallel to the facade; at a right angle to the facades, they are transparent. This results in long lines of sight running through the building. By including sliding doors in the transparent walls, new walking routes emerge when the (meeting) rooms are not being used. And, even with intensive use, this is the case nearly 30 to 40 percent of the time. To tailor the floor plans even more to the human dimension, translucent writable walls have been installed at numerous places. These pyrasid walls separate the spaces but also create co-work places for scrum and agile working methods. And secretly they tempt the eyes to look outside.


The colour pallet is limited, as said. Ceilings, outer facades and installations are pure white. Interior walls, stairs and balustrades are soft grey. Frames and fixed furniture are black. Finally, accents were created in the floors and individual interior elements. In the collective zones, the floors have a black linoleum finishing while old rose carpeting was selected for the more individual working environments. The soft reflection in the technical installations on the ceiling creates a warm glow effect. Atypical for an office. The green accents in the separate interior elements combined with plants results in an expressive but calm whole despite the limited range of colours used. The transparency of all right-angle interior walls functions as binding element.

回收和局部化作为个体内部要素的基本原则,个体内部元素的设计表现出对回收利用的最大承诺。主要工作场所由现有的框架组成,这些框架配备了一个新的带有充电选项的工作台。旧的工作台是工作站之间的声学面板的基础。超过一半的会议桌是现有的桌子,是新鲜的彩色喷涂。带桌子的椅子部分是回收的和新的。在决定新椅子的地方,这些椅子是用回收 PET 瓶制造的,价格超过 50%。城市办公室属于城市。让地方政党参与将加强这一点。所有窗帘都是由当地一位企业家生产和安装的。当地的一位艺术家设计了一些特殊的 (侧面) 桌子来讲述镇子的部分故事。即使是工厂维修也是由在就业市场上处于不利地位的居民进行的。为了城市和城市。

Recycling and local as basic principle for individual interior elements

The design of individual interior elements shows a maximum commitment to recycling. The primary workplaces consist of existing frames which are fitted with a new worktop with charging options. The old worktops are the basis for the acoustic panels between the workstations. More than half of the meeting tables are existing tables that were freshly colour-sprayed. The chairs with the tables are partly recycled ones and new items. Where new chairs were decided on, these are manufactured for more than 50% from recycled PET bottles.

A city office belongs to the city. Involving local parties will reinforce this. All curtains were produced and installed by a local entrepreneur. A local artist designed a number of special (side-)tables that tell part of the town’s narrative. And even plant maintenance is carried out by residents with a disadvantage on the employment market. For the city and with the city.

身份:城市办公室第二层想要识别它服务的区域。为此,对该地区的知名度较低的故事进行了搜索。与时尚设计师 AnoukVandeSande 的图形一起开发出来的,讲述那些 unknown 的故事,并将新的层添加到要由其用户探索的建筑中。

Identity: the second layer

A city office wants to identify with the region that it serves. For this, Proof searched for the less well-known stories of the region. Together with fashion designer Anouk van de Sande graphics were developed that tell those unknown stories and that add a new layer to the building to be explored by its users.

会议室的透明墙都有图形。打开滑动门时,两层玻璃互相移动,图形图案发生变化。在沼泽中航行的船。一种可以辨认的跳杆音符。胜利的翅膀。图形向用户提出问题。每个设计都包含了对实际故事的提示。Scrum 墙的布局已经安装了一些典型的 ALKMAR 建筑的特征正面轮廓。当然,也要以讲话笔记的形式暗示一下。最后,一些“孤儿”雕像在市政厅得到了一个新的位置。对外界来说太脆弱或者太敏感。但作为建筑的一个自然部分,为下一层建筑做好了准备。

The transparent walls of the meeting rooms all have graphics. On opening the sliding doors, two layers of glass move on top of each other and the graphic patterns shifts. A boat that is sailing through the polder. A vaulting pole note that becomes legible. A flapping wing of Victory. The graphics raise questions with the user. Each design contains a hint to the actual story. The layouts of the scrum walls have been fitted with characteristic facade profiles of a number of typical Alkmaar buildings. Of course with a hint in the form of a speaking note. In conclusion, a number of ‘orphaned’ statues have been given a new spot in the city office. Too vulnerable or maybe too sensitive for the outside world. But as a natural part of the building ready for a next story.

© Anouk van de Sande

(Anouk Van De Sande)

为未来的阿尔克马尔公司准备的技术将是荷兰最具创新性的 100 K 市。在技术方面,这座建筑已经准备好了。天花板上装有传感器的智能电网已经控制了二氧化碳的安装、占用和存在。但是这些传感器稍后也会将信息返回给每个单独的用户。我的同事呢?在大楼里哪里能找到温暖的工作场所?有没有一个不那么安静的工作场所,在哪里?最后一分钟,我可以预定哪一个空间与一个小组一起想出这个有趣的想法呢?所有东西都在一个智能平台上。

Technology ready for the future Alkmaar will be the most innovative 100k+ municipality of the Netherlands. And in terms of technology, the building is ready. A smart grid of sensors in the ceiling already controls the installation with respect to CO2, occupancy and presence. But these sensors will later also return information to each individual user. Where is my colleague? Where can I find a warmer workplace in the building? Is there a less quiet workplace available, and where? And which space can I book last minute to work out that interesting idea with a small group? Everything in a single intelligent platform. © Marcel van der Burg


该项目的团队绩效证明并没有自行完成此项目。与市政府的核心团队一起,ynno 负责工作场所的概念、要求方案和项目管理,包括投标过程。由 ALKMAAR 项目团队日常监督,WFOBouwAdvises 致力于为所有安装-- 技术设计方面的施工设计和 HE-Advisurs。NiemanRamadgetendeAdvisurs 在消防安全和声学领域提供了其专业知识。承包商的投标由 ICS 顾问进行了精简。VerwollIntegral 项目从流程中脱颖而出。与温特布瓦和 Gouwelos 一起作为主要分包商,已实现该项目。Gispen 和 KoninklijkeGinelGroep 负责工厂设计和各个内部元件。真正的团队表现。

Team performance Proof of the sum did not do this project on its own. Together with the core team of the municipality, YNNO was responsible for workplace concept, programme of requirements and the project management up to and including the tender process. Daily supervised by the project team of Alkmaar, WFO Bouwadvies was committed to construction design and HE-adviseurs for all installation-technical design aspects. Nieman Raadgevende Adviseurs supplied its expertise in the field of fire-safety and acoustics. The tender for the contractors was streamlined by ICS adviseurs. Verwol Integrale Projectinrichting emerged from the process. Together with Warmtebouw and Gouweloos as main subcontractors, the project has been realized. Workplace design and individual interior elements were realized by Gispen and Koninklijke Ginkel Groep was responsible for plants. A genuine team performance.

© Marcel van der Burg


Architects Proof of the sum

Location Alkmaar, The Netherlands

Lead Architect Roy Pype

Design Team Stefano Barile, Ece Eren, Lucas Pissetti, Fenne Reinders-Folmer, Natalia Sulkowska, Nora Zechmeister

Area 4500.0 m2Project Year 2018

Photographs Marcel van der Burg, Anouk van de Sande

Category Municipal Building


创新办公空间 | 阿尔克马尔市办公室
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{{searchCollectStatus("9yjWYna2xeGoQBMngmEwzvER4K71lqm6",1).value ? '已收藏': '收藏'}}
House 14521
{{searchCollectStatus("rQ02qeEdPL7ZkVqmel9V1yJ8DW5349ja",1).value ? '已收藏': '收藏'}}
{{searchCollectStatus("jP4YxLk7NeaOEBNPg55VRmgZb9z61WGJ",1).value ? '已收藏': '收藏'}}
{{searchCollectStatus("GOna7ER5P863zXKLgR4BJpj9LrWNxkog",1).value ? '已收藏': '收藏'}}
38㎡ 小型单间公寓
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90㎡公寓 高级灰+橘色,百看不厌的组合
{{searchCollectStatus("YRNGDpmvr60aLX6rgG7Xljyzx42qMd3W",1).value ? '已收藏': '收藏'}}
60㎡清爽原木风公寓 既简约又舒适
{{searchCollectStatus("l09qnbyL7QZAKXP9g5WBr28GPzpmRojY",1).value ? '已收藏': '收藏'}}
{{searchCollectStatus("6W8yMRbmGaZN7wa5plpwD9OrqAdPQYl0",1).value ? '已收藏': '收藏'}}
蓝调公寓 | 平静与高贵细节的完美结合
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