Along with the development of Beijing city, Shougang involved moving adjustment of steel industry, shijingshan is facing the challenge of new industrial district from the traditional to the modern capital transformation. In the process of urban renewal, different levels and different types of urban public space renovation project, is gradually improving the urban structure, and making the city full of vitality. Jin yuan zhuang park is located on the west side of shijingshan amusement park, the site is about 2.6 hectares, surrounded by many aged residential areas. The park now is full of towering trees which grow very well. How to reserve those trees and make them more effectively, this made us feel really excited and difficult at the same time.
▼ 基地几乎被高大乔木全部覆盖,The land is mostly covered by tall canopies
After many times of site visits and research, we retained about ninety percent of the native trees on site. The formation of the new paving and vegetation is consistent with the current situation site plan.
▼ 改造前后的景观格局对比,我们只变化了铺装边界的线型,The landscape pattern comparison of before and after, we only changed the paving boundary lines
▼ 选择树形优美的原生树种,在节点处作为孤景树,与场地形态形成呼应关系,We choosed native tree species, as solitary scenes in the node, to build the relationship with site morphogenetic echo
▼ 伐去一些长势较差的树种,为整个绿地留出一些开敞的林窗空间, We take down few trees with poor growing condition ,in order to leave some open space for the park
As the basic retention of the status of the vegetation skeleton, we have to find breakthrough in the reconstruction of the space and landscape details, in order to highlight the landscape transformation differences between before and after. Therefore, we use a red dynamic main line as main venue, and it runs across the north and south of the two blocks, to create J Jin yuan zhuang park with new landscape features. Red glass fiber reinforced plastic as the main material as the main material, combined with wooden chairs, embelished frames, wooden pavings , etc, for the integration of design, to the original dull green space to add a new vitality.
▼ 红色元素在绿地中穿梭, Red element in the green space shuttle
▼ 高低错落的菠萝格木板,既具观赏性,又隐喻了石景山周边连绵起伏的地形环境,The merbau woods of high and low, with extremely rich characteristics, metaphorically the terrain environment of shijingshan
▼ 黑色卵石铺地镶嵌于场地中,粗糙的质感与平整的石材形成对比,Black pebble floor set in space, which makes contrast with smooth stones
The park is surrounded by many aged residential areas which lack of public spaces, so the demand of utilization rate is very high. Residents had already formed some groups and activities, such as a square dance, gym, chess, etc. In our design, we kept the original function of this space, and brought more comfortable and convenient feelings for the residents, by the colorful pavement, fitness equipment, chairs, etc.
▼ 功能场地改造前后对比,Function comparison before and after the transformation
▼ 平面图,Master Plan
Location: Beijing, China
Landscape Area: 2.6ha
Completion Year: 2016.10
Design company: Beijing Beilin Landscape Architecture institute co., LTD.
Design gourp: Lu Zhang, Ting Bian, Linbo Li, Shudi Zhao, Jingshan Zhu, Chunyang Chen.