发布时间:2020-03-16 11:13:40 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
利用 U 形布局与全景窗打造内外一体的开放空间,实现生活与工作的无缝衔接。


▼住宅外观,exterior view of the house ©Miran Kambič

The atrium house was designed to unite the family’s living quarters with the working studio of its owner – a ceramic designer and artist – under one roof. Its aim was to be crafted in response to the growing trend of working at home. The 550 square meter plot is located in the suburbs of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in an area currently undergoing extensive gentrification. It is surrounded by dense and diverse construction of single- family houses. The client wanted to keep the house closed from its visually busy immediate surroundings, which will undergo unpredictable development in the future, while at the same time wished to acquire a well- lit and fully connected living and working space.

▼住宅外观,将生活起居区和工作区统一在了同一个屋顶之下,exterior view of the house, uniting the family’s living quarters with the working studio of its owner under one roof ©Miran Kambič


▼空间轴测图,住宅采用U形的造型,the axon, the house is designed in the shape of a ‘U’ ©Arhitektura – Office for Urbanism and Architecture

The house is designed in the shape of a ‘U’. With three walled surfaces, bordering the adjacent houses, the views are directed inwardly, providing privacy from the outside world. The inner spaces of the house open via large panoramic windows onto the large central atrium, which is designed as the in-between space. It allows passage to different parts of the house and direct communication between the workshop and the living quarters. The large glass surfaces delineate the interior from the outside as a thin invisible membrane and bring plenty of sunlight inside.

▼宽敞的庭院空间,the large central atrium ©Miran Kambič

▼内部空间通过大型的全景窗向庭院开放,the inner spaces of the house open via large panoramic windows onto the large central atrium ©Miran Kambič

▼庭院可直接通向工作区,the atrium connects to the workshop directly ©Miran Kambič

▼庭院可直接通向就寝区,the atrium connects to the sleeping area directly ©Miran Kambič


In terms of program the house is divided into three zones. The first one features the workshop and the studio of the ceramic designer, accessible via separate entrance under the projecting roof, and also from the common area. With its potter’s wheels, kilns, and plenty of table room for sculpturing, glazing and decorating, the workshop opens out onto a large atrium that can be used for outdoor firing techniques such as obvara or raku.

▼工作室可以从凸出屋顶下的独立入口进入,the workshop and the studio of the ceramic designer can be accessible via separate entrance under the projecting roof ©Miran Kambič

▼工作区室内,设有陶工旋盘、窑炉以及大量用于雕刻、上釉和最终修饰打磨的桌面空间,interior view of the workshop with potter’s wheels, kilns, and plenty of table room for sculpturing, glazing and decorating ©Miran Kambič

▼工作区室内细节,details of the workshop ©Miran Kambič

▼从工作区看室外庭院,viewing the atrium from the workshop ©Miran Kambič


The central living space is the heart and the main crossing of the house, accessible via main entrance with doorway. It features a big kitchen with a spacious dining and seating area. During the summer months the central space increases in usable space as daily activities are transferred through the large sliding doors onto the atrium.

▼中央起居空间可通过带有门廊的主入口到达,the central living space is accessible via main entrance with doorway ©Miran Kambič

▼中央起居空间是整个住宅的中心,the central living space is the heart of the house ©Miran Kambič

▼中央起居空间,设有一个带有宽敞的用餐区和休息区的大厨房空间,the central living space, with a big kitchen with a spacious dining and seating area ©Miran Kambič

▼从中央起居空间透过玻璃滑动门看室外庭院,viewing the atrium from the central living space through the glass sliding door ©Miran Kambič


The sleeping area features a large bedroom, two smaller rooms and two bathrooms. The space is designed so as to allow several programs and experiences, and to create diverse atmospheres.

▼卧室,the bedroom ©Miran Kambič


▼住宅室内局部,木饰面营造出一种温馨且舒适的氛围,the interior living spaces, in parts clad in warm ash and oak wood, are inviting and comforting ©Miran Kambič

The building and its interior are dominated by a neutral color palette. The tectonic exterior with its silky smooth concrete façade and light terrazzo floors gives the impression of a sculptural piece, whereas the warm and intimate feeling of the wood-clad projecting roof hints at a different atmosphere inside. The interior living spaces, in parts clad in warm ash and oak wood, are inviting and comforting. The wooden furniture and crackling fireplace create an atmosphere of intimacy, despite the close proximity of the urban bustle.

▼住宅外观,光滑的混凝土外墙和轻巧的水磨石地面给人一种雕塑感,exterior view of the house, the tectonic exterior with its silky smooth concrete façade and light terrazzo floors gives the impression of a sculptural piece ©Miran Kambič

▼区位图,the situation ©Arhitektura – Office for Urbanism and Architecture

▼平面图,plan ©Arhitektura – Office for Urbanism and Architecture

▼剖面图,sections ©Arhitektura – Office for Urbanism and Architecture

Architectural office: ARHITEKTURA — OFFICE FOR URBANISM AND ARCHITECTURE Authors: Boštjan Gabrijelčič, Peter Gabrijelčič, Aleš Gabrijelčič Author of art installations and lights: Tanja Goršič, NEW OBJECTS Location and year: Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2020 Photo: Miran Kambič


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