Venice's new DFS department store opens at the Fondaco dei Tedeschi this weekend – a much needed addition to the historical Italian city's shopping scene. Photography: Delfino Sisto Legnani and Marco Cappelletti
本周末在威尼斯新开的DFS百货公司Fondaco dei Tedeschi为这座城市增添了另一层华丽的魅力,尽管“商店”几乎没有开始描述这种体验的规模。
方达科位于里阿尔托河的圣马可一侧,占据了整个13世纪的宫殿。这座建筑最初是为德国商人建造的仓库、办公室和住所(见我们10月刊W*211),最近由OMA(负责大规模建筑干预和保护工程)和创建内部零售愿景的杰米·福伯特建筑师(Jamie Fobert Architect)重新设想。
显然,编辑与奢侈品市场的眼睛,股票是一个令人眼花缭乱的300多个,主要是意大利,品牌。古奇(Gucci)和博特加·维内塔(Bottega Veneta)在一家意大利美食专卖店的地面上举行了庭审,而一条红色的红色自动扶梯的螺旋形丝带上升到了楼上,上面有女性时尚和珠宝(一楼)、男士时装和手表(第二层)以及女鞋和美容(第三层)。
四楼是一个出人意料的巨大展览空间,目前正在水下展示,Fabrizio Plessi的迷人视频安装淹没马赛克。尽管如此,从公共屋顶的甲板上看,要看威尼斯的景色是很难的,因为威尼斯的美丽柔美,大运河的弯道也是如此。
重新聚集在菲利普斯塔克设计的阿莫咖啡馆和面包店之间,由Aljo Alalm Silvio Giavedoni领导——在中央庭院,紧邻原始石井。
从字面上看,丰达科代伊·特德斯基(Fondaco Dei Tedeschi)-其成本被谨慎地说是“相当大的一笔”-反映了DFS对威尼斯不发达的奢侈品零售市场的信心。事实上,预计每年有几百万游客会来参观。确切的实际花费将是谁的猜测,但有充分的理由期待丰达科是一个认证的人群。
OMA worked on the building's overall architecture and restoration, breathing life back into the formerly neglected structure
Once the building’s large-scale architecture and preservation works were complete, the Fondaco baton was passed to London-based Jamie Fobert Architects who focused on the commercial interiors
This included concept designs for common and multi-brand areas, as well as the structure of how different brands and spaces interact
Fobert drew inspiration from all things Venetian to create a contemporary space that is full of bespoke elements, from shelving to display cases
At the same time, individual brands worked on their own interiors with different designers
These include well known fashion labels, but not only; on the ground floor the selection includes an Italian specialist gourmet corner
keywords:OMA, Retail architecture