发布时间:2023-11-08 00:31:05 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

近年来,Kamenice村搬来了大量的居民,并出现了几次与之相关的建造热潮。原有的村庄正在被城市化,尤其是在村庄的中心,城市型建筑正在兴起。本项目地块非常靠近Kamenice村的中心,毗邻村庄的主要城市轴线 —— Ringhofferova街。地块的周边已经发展出了多样化的居住空间特征,有家庭住宅,别墅,也有公寓楼。在北侧,该地块毗邻贯穿整个村庄的主要步行路线。因此,落成后的两栋别墅楼构成了通往Kamenice村中心的门户。

In recent years, the village of Kamenice has experienced an influx of residents and the associated construction boom. The original village is being urbanized and urban-type architecture is emerging, especially in the center of the village. The proposed plot is located very close to the center of Kamenice village, next to the main urban axis of the village – Ringhofferova Street. The surrounding development has a diverse character – there are family houses, cottages, and apartment buildings. On the north side, the plot is adjacent to the main pedestrian route that runs through the entire village. The two villas thus create an imaginary gateway to the center of Kamenice.

▼项目概览,overall © Petr Polák


The shape of the plot is trapezoidal with longer sides parallel. The shorter ones, towards the roads, diverge. We used this geometric motif in the basic urban composition of the proposal and placed two almost identical square-plan buildings on the plot, with their external facades parallel to the shorter sides of the plot. The buildings themselves are rotated by 13 degrees from each other. An irregular communal space with original mature trees is created between them. The principle of rotating the buildings is also reflected in the shape of the curved parking space, the roof, and the funnel-like widening access road.

▼建筑与周边环境鸟瞰,aerial view of the project and surrounding environment © Petr Polák

▼顶视图,top view © Petr Polák


In terms of urban operation and function, the site is divided into longitudinal strips with different functions. Along the eastern perimeter, a road leads to the parking lot. On the other side of the parking lot, there is a pedestrian walkway that traverses the entire site from north to south, connecting Ringhoffer Street to the pedestrian walkway on the north. The western strip of the plot is the widest and is used for private housing. The central space with original mature trees evokes the feeling of a park between two residences and creates a semi-private space serving the community life of the residents. Private front gardens are designed in the peripheral parts of the residential zone, in direct connection with the ground-floor apartments.

▼场地入口,entrance of the site © Petr Polák

▼停车场,parking area © Petr Polák

▼停车场的种植顶棚,parking area with planted cover © Petr Polák

▼由停车场看中央绿地,viewing the central green space from the parking © Petr Polák

▼由中央绿地看停车场,viewing the parking area from the central green space © Petr Polák

▼停车场近景,closer view of the parking area © Petr Polák


The central idea of the project was how to place two apartment buildings in an environment of mature greenery, which would not exceed the surrounding buildings and would be in harmony with their surroundings. Two similar villas with square floor plans and diagonally pitched roofs sensitively respond to the surrounding buildings and establish a universal principle in the unorganized development of the village’s wider center. The dynamic facades and the wooden cladding evoke a civilized and welcoming expression of the new buildings, materially connected to the surroundings and nature. The villas are designed as single-staircase buildings – a typology where all apartments on a floor are accessible from one vertical communication space. Both villas have three floors, with the top floor as an attic. There are 8 apartments in each villa, ranging in size from 2+k’ette to 4+k’ette.

▼南立面,south facade © Petr Polák

▼由中央公共庭院看建筑,viewing the building from the central green space © Petr Polák

▼由私人花园一侧看建筑,viewing the building from the private garden side © Petr Polák

▼公寓楼入口,entrance of the building © Petr Polák

▼出挑的阳台,hangover baclonies © Petr Polák


Horizontal structural elements of the buildings – strip footings, ceilings, balconies – are monolithic reinforced concrete, while the load-bearing walls are made of brick blocks. The roof structure, finished with a grey PVC membrane, is comprised of wooden rafters, supported by steel purlins. The external walls are insulated with mineral wool, coated with plaster, and completed with vertical wooden slats from Siberian larch. The covered parking space is made from steel profiles with trapezoidal sheet metal roofing. The roof is extensive green. The access road to the parking lots is designed from concrete grass blocks filled with fine gravel.

▼公寓室内概览,interior view of the apartment © Petr Polák

▼顶层公寓带有阁楼,apartment with mezzanine © Petr Polák

▼室内楼梯细部,details of the staircase © Petr Polák

▼公共楼梯间,public staircase © Petr Polák

▼总平面图,master plan © NEW HOW architects

▼平面图,plans © NEW HOW architects

▼立面图,elevations © NEW HOW architects

▼剖面图,sections © NEW HOW architects


Kamenice公寓楼,捷克 / NEW HOW architects
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