英文名称:England Ludeman transformation
设计团队:Gustafson Porter
设计师:Alexander McQueen
艺术家:M. C. Escher
项目场地位于英国首都伦敦市,是对鲁德门的改造。该项目是由著名设计团队Gustafson Porter完成的。设计团队希望改造后的鲁德门能够与周边环境的联系更为紧密,同时又能够有自己独特的风格。在设计过程中,设计师们十分注重对细节的把控以及表面材料的应用,主要是为了能够让不同的区域过渡的更加完美,同时在本就繁忙拥挤的城市中最大程度地利用有限的公共空间。
英国伦敦老贝利街的一个小广场成为了德鲁门东西走向的一个入口景观,它将老贝利街与周边的Limeburner小巷连接起来。新的连通路线不仅让人们回忆起贯穿伦敦市较为隐蔽的小路,而且在Yorkstone地区传统小路和黑色的花岗岩铺设的广场和通廊之间形成了一个过渡。场地上是一个设计大胆的几何图案,这是设计师从时尚设计师Alexander McQueen和20世纪的艺术家M. C. Escher的作品中获得灵感的。
At ground level, Gustafson Porter’s landscape design for the public realm at New Ludgate seeks to tie the new development seamlessly into the surrounding urban fabric and character. This is achieved by fine landscape details and finishes which reinforce the smooth transition and facilitate the use of this new public space in a tight urban site.
A small piazzetta on Old Bailey marks the entrance to a West-East passageway which links Old Bailey to Limeburner Lane. This new route recalls similar hidden passageways throughout the City of London which create unexpected shortcuts. It marks a transition from the traditional pavement of Yorkstone to a dark granite in the piazza and passageway. This change is made with a bold geometric paving pattern which takes inspiration from fashion designer Alexander McQueen and the 20th century artist M. C. Escher.