Dito Italiano是一家明亮舒适的小餐馆,提供手工意大利面和披萨面团。在入口处,有一处售卖区,摆放着各种意大利产品和由Dito团队准备的各式奶酪。。
Dito Italiano is a bright and cosy trattoria with homemade pasta and pizza dough. At the entrance, a small market space has been set up with various Italian products and a wide choice of cheese prepared by Dito team.
▼餐厅入口,entrance of the restaurant
▼入口logo与马赛克迎宾地砖,entrance logo and mosaic welcome tiles
Dito project is all about gatherings with friends and family. Naturally, creating a unique atmosphere to spend time with loved ones and enjoy it all together, making new traditions and memories. The restaurant’s concept is based on the Italian way of communication with gestures and emotions.
▼从入口望向主要就餐区,view from entrance towards main dining area
▼主要就餐区概览,overview of main dining area
References to traditional Italian gestures and emotions can be instantly found throughout the whole trattoria. The team’s meticulous attention was passionately devoted to walls and kitchen bar decorations by designing bas-relief ornaments which were brought to life by a local artist.
▼开放厨房与吧台区,open kitchen and bar area
▼对传统意大利手势的引用,references to traditional Italian gestures
其中一个引人注目的元素装饰是马赛克镶嵌的地板和柱子。它自然地引入了意大利的氛围,狭窄城市街道和彩绘墙壁使客人立即感到宾至如归。我们的团队为Dito Italiano精心设计了马赛克的草图,并由艺术家Kirill Romanov落地实现。
One of the eye-catching elements is decorated with mosaic floors and columns. It helps to naturally bring Italian atmosphere with its cities’ narrow streets and painted walls, and to make guests instantly feel welcome. Mosaic sketches were thoughtfully designed for Dito Italiano by our team and carried out by artist Kirill Romanov.
▼马赛克镶嵌的地板和柱子,mosaic floors and columns
▼餐桌细部,detail of chair and table
Dito is a place of vivid colours. At the entrance, guests notice yellow walls and red elements of an open kitchen, blue colour can be discovered in bricks and decorative features. All trattoria tables are carefully made of dissimilar materials: blue marble was used for the main room, the lounge goes with malachite coloured glass, and the rest are solid oak.
▼室内充满丰富的色彩,a place of vivide color
▼包间, private dining room
▼橱柜与包间餐桌局部, detail of the table and cabinet
Dito的所有家具都是古董。所有的椅子、架子和桌子被修复和重新粉刷。靠近墙壁的大沙发对我们来说是一次有趣的实验——从远处看,它像是由浅色大理石制成的,但实际上我们用的是织物。这种独特的印花是由STUDIO SHOO团队开发的。
All furniture in Dito is vintage and antique. All chairs, shelves and tables were restored and repainted. A large sofa near the wall has become a fascinating experiment for us — it looks from a distance like it is made of light coloured marble, but in fact we used fabric. The unique print was developed by the STUDIO SHOO team.
▼从包间看向开放厨房, view from private room towards open kitchen
▼卫生间, rest room
Architects: STUDIO SHOO
Area : 196,58 m²
Level: 1st floor
Year : 2022
Photographs : Katie Kutuzova
Manufacturers: Mosaics by Kirill Romanov