Bogdan Ciocodeica Studio
位于罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特的顶层公寓,由当地工作室 Bogdan Ciocodeica Studio 设计,设计师运用色彩混搭、时尚家具、简洁的线条,打造出了一个奢华且具独特的室内空间
Designed by local Studio Bogdan Ciocodeica Studio, this penapartment in Bucharest, Romania, uses a mix of colors, stylish furniture, and simple lines to create a luxurious and unique interior space
起居室的设计显得格外高档,灰色的 L 型沙发,黑白条纹地毯,全透明材质的茶几,再搭配两把皮质靠椅,时尚又不乏味
The design of the living room appears all the more high-grade, gray L sofa, black and white striped carpet, tea table with transparent material, match two leather leaning on chairs again, fashionable and not boring
The only exposed structural column in the large space is added with glass veneer to weaken the sense of existence. It is combined with the adjacent black line partition to form a soft separation structure
The recreational area beside the sitting room, decorated brownish coriaceous sofa deck chair, marble grain buys object mesa, the sunshine that passes through from arc French window, let whole area much a languid is lazy breath