发布时间:2021-06-17 03:57:03 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Martin Malvy学校位于Plantaurel中学旁边的一处前农业用地,距离Cazères旧城中心和火车站仅600米,在以和谐姿态融入周围环境的同时,也为其所在村庄的发展贡献了一份力量。在纵向的地块上,学校的布局呈现为连续的条带状。建筑体量在入口广场的一侧后退,为植被与自然留出了空间。

▼建筑外观,exterior view © Kevin Dolmaire

Sited on former agricultural land next to the Plantaurel secondary school, 600 metres from the old centre of Cazères and the train station, the sixth-form college was duty-bound to blend harmoniously into its environment while also adding to the attraction of the village and to the development of the area by providing families with a good local sixth-form college. On this longitudinal plot, the college is arranged in successive strips. Ordered on the entrance court side, they deform and break rank as one moves back into the campus, leaving space for vegetation and for nature.

▼布局规划示意,urban design © Séquences

▼鸟瞰图,aerial view © Kevin Dolmaire

▼学校的布局呈现为连续的条带状,On this longitudinal plot, the college is arranged in successive strips © Kevin Dolmaire

▼户外景观,outdoor landscape © Kevin Dolmaire

▼从花园绿地望向学校,view towards the school building from the forest garden © Kevin Dolmaire


On the side of the public facade, a completely glazed volume links the three wings of the day-college by means of an arrangement of hanging walkways. This vast, multipurpose circulation space connects the college’s entrance hall, the classrooms and the arts spaces. Called ‘cloud’, this lively meeting place is a fluid space that links people and functions.

▼入口广场,the entrance court © Kevin Dolmaire

▼从一层室内望向广场,view to the entrance court from the ground floor © Kevin Dolmaire

▼悬空的走廊将学校的三栋翼楼连接起来 © Kevin Dolmaire A completely glazed volume links the three wings of the day-college by means of an arrangement of hanging walkways

▼“云”空间贯通了学校的入口大厅、教室和艺术空间 © Kevin Dolmaire The ‘cloud’ space connects the college’s entrance hall, the classrooms and the arts spaces

▼户外空间,outdoor spaces © Kevin Dolmaire


Slightly set back from the public space, two secure outdoor spaces are formed: the main access into the college on one hand, and a courtyard space for exhibitions and occasional receptions on the other. While this arrangement provides a large display window that reflects the ambitions of this sixth-form college rooted in its home turf by highlighting metal and glass work on the public road side, it also ensures the privacy of college life within a secure environment. Although composed of materials that render it entirely transparent, the cloud nevertheless acts as a filter and mitigates undesirable visual intrusion into the college. As part of a reflection on the evolution of teaching methods, the huge hall, the cloud, provides a free space for appropriation by all. At the centre of circulation, at the heart of college life, anyone can sit down, interact with others, and by means of large windows discover the technical and arts teaching going on around the establishment.

▼大厅,entrance hall © Kevin Dolmaire

▼公共空间,public spaces © Kevin Dolmaire

▼二层交通空间,circulation area © Kevin Dolmaire


Providing generous natural light and pleasant views for all, students and staff alike, each space is in dialogue with the surrounding landscape via large windows. The college is a compilation of open spaces like the cloud, the entrance to the library, propitious to thriving and learning; warm and light internal spaces, propitious to exchange and the wellbeing of users; external landscaped spaces, calling for calm and focus.The parallel wings define the pleasant, light spaces from which the class and study rooms, studios and offices benefit. While relaxation and leisure spaces open broadly onto the recreation areas, the learning centre benefits from the vegetal screen and calm of the forest garden crossed by the stream.

▼内部空间享有充足的自然光和令人愉悦的视野 © Kevin Dolmaire Each space is in dialogue with the surrounding landscape via large windows

▼图书室,library © Kevin Dolmaire

▼教学空间,studio and classroom © Kevin Dolmaire

▼休闲室,leisure space © Kevin Dolmaire

▼户外空间,outdoor spaces © Kevin Dolmaire

▼夜景,night view © Kevin Dolmaire

▼景观设计示意,landscape design © Séquences

▼总平面图,site plan © Séquences

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan © Séquences

▼二层平面图,first floor plan © Séquences

▼三层平面图,second floor plan © Séquences

▼立面图,elevation © Séquences

▼剖立面图,section- facade © Séquences

▼剖面图,section © Séquences

Lycée Martin Malvy – Cazères Séquences architectes et urbanistes — données équipes et crédit — données équipes et crédit

Programme / program Construction du lycée de Cazères Lieu / location 27 chemin de la Reye 31220 Cazères – France Maîtrise d’ouvrage / client Région Occitanie / SLP Midi-Pyrénées – ARAC Surface (sp) / floor area 15 400 m2 Montant de travaux / cost 24 M€ Certifications / Labels BEPOS effinergie E4C1 – bas carbone Concours / competition 05.2017 Etudes / studies 08.2017 > 07.2018 Permis de construire / building permit 09.2018 Travaux / building works 12.2018 > 11.2020 Livraison / completion 11.2020

crédits / credits Maîtrise d’ouvrage / client Région Occitanie / SLP Midi-Pyrénées – ARAC Architectes / architects Architecte mandataire / lead architect : Séquences architecture et urbanisme Directeur associé / partner : Marc Pirovano Chef de projet / project manager : Pascale Lécumberry Collaborateurs / team : Gabrielle Ovinet, Anne-Marie Latuille, Basile Pechberty, Leire Linazasoro, Séverine Belmon, Cécile Devemy Architecte associé / associate architect : Fontaine & Malvy Directeur associé / partner : Benoit Malvy Collaborateurs / team : Christophe Boyer Bureaux d’étude / engineers Bureau d’études acoustique, thermique et structure bois, / acoustics, thermics wood structure : TPFI Bureau d’études environnement / sustainable development : F4 Ingenierie Economiste / cost control : Fontaine & Malvy + TPFI Designer – architecte d’intérieur / interior design : Séquences architecture et urbanisme BIM manager : Keyros Paysagiste concepteur / landscape designer : Stéphanie Bordone Fournisseurs / suppliers Technal (menuiseries / external openings), Rockfon (plafond acoustic enduit Mono acoustic / acoustic ceilings), Knauf (ilôts suspendus acoustiques / hanging acoustic panels), Woodenha (traitement des bardages bois par ignifugation wood cladding treatment by flame retardant), Topakustik (panneaux acoustiques bois Topperfo / Topperfo wood acoustic panels) Entreprises / construction companies Colas, GBMP, Lamecol, Midi Aquitaine Etanchéité, Realco, Entreprise de Serrurerie Toulousaine, Oliveira Rogel, Roudie Cassaet, Antras menuiserie, Lorenzi, SP Carrelage, ETR, SPL, Schindler, Bobion et Joanin, Gasparini puits, Alibert et Fils, SPIE, Cassagne, Bichard équipement, Sopromeco, Possémé, ID Verde Photographie / photography Kévin Dolmaire Relations presse / press relation Atelier Regular


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