发布时间:2018-01-09 22:26:47 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


SYBARITE, the London-based architecture and design practice, has designed Yen, a high end Japanese restaurant that opens its doors on 28th November.

▼内部环境,interior view

俯瞰泰晤士河,Yen餐厅就坐落在这一连串的美丽海景之中。它延续了其位于巴黎St Germain dePrès地区分店的光荣传统,将传统日本料理,尤其是传统荞麦面发扬光大。食客们将有机会在现场观摩两位日本料理大师Maruno Hidenori和Katsuki Sakurai的拉面艺术和戏剧表演。该表演一天举行两次,两位大师在定制的透明玻璃空间里为食客带来精彩绝伦的现场感受。两位表演大师Maruno和Sakurai都师从于日本山梨县的“荞麦面大师”Takahashi Kunihiro。

Overlooking the Thames at 190 Strand, Yen will follow in the footsteps of its successful sister restaurant located in the St Germain de Près area of Paris and will offer traditional Japanese cuisine, specialising in buckwheat soba noodles. Guests will be able to experience the art and theatre of the twice-daily noodle preparation by the restaurant’s soba specialists, Maruno Hidenori and Katsuki Sakurai, within a bespoke glass space on show to all the restaurant. Both Maruno and Sakurai trained with the “Master of Soba” Mr Takahashi Kunihiro in Yamanashi, Japan.

▼定制的透明玻璃空间里为食客带来精彩绝伦的美食表演,guests will be able to experience the art and theatre of the noodle preparation within a bespoke glass space on show to all the restaurant

设计师充分尊崇委托方Onward Holdings的诉求。该委托方拥有家喻户晓的日式餐饮系列文化。挑高的天花板强调了室内的明亮与开阔,空间的木质结构装饰呼应了茂密的竹林景观,并试图营造出这种绿林环绕的用餐氛围。考究的枫木材质,以及围绕柱子和天花板的材质厚度和色调明暗的变化,令室内氛围在光影变幻间营造出空间的亲密感。

Sybarite embraced the challenge of the initial design brief set by Onward Holdings Co. Ltd., the Japanese fashion company which includes Joseph and Jil Sander in its portfolio – in cohering with Japanese materiality, design cues and construction techniques. High ceilings emphasise verticality and light, and a timber treescape structure inspired by bamboo forests to recreate a tree canopy effect. The Japanese wood of choice, maple, has been positioned in varying thicknesses and tones around columns and across the ceiling and together, the contrasting widths of the structure allow a play of light and shadow which give the vast space a sense of both depth and intimacy.

▼木质结构呼应竹林景观,the timber treescape structure inspired by bamboo forest

▼枫木材质厚度和色调明暗的变化,maple has been positioned in varying thicknesses and tones

▼吧台,bar table


At the mezzanine level, perforated Japanese inspired maple window screens have been applied internally at the entrance area to provide a greater level of privacy for customers while still maintaining views into and out of the restaurant.

▼夹层空间,the mezzanine


Within the restaurant’s private dining room, ambient back lighting showcases the delicacy of paper used for the Japanese inspired goutenjou (coffered) ceiling. The floor in the private dining room has been designed to mimic traditional Japanese tatami matting using Bolon woven vinyl flooring and black rubber trims – a modern robust twist, fit for restaurant application. Both the private room and mezzanine spaces feature Japanese style metallic hand painted wallpaper by Misha, chosen for the leafy textures which are a subtle nod to the bamboo forest concept.

▼餐厅包厢,the restaurant’s private dining room


A sushi counter has been created from yellow cedar timber, which is traditionally used in Japan for many applications from housing structures to shoji screens. Japan is one of the biggest importers of yellow cedar.

▼黄雪松木寿司台,the sushi counter has been created from yellow cedar timber

▼桌面细节,detail of the table


A standout design detail is a lightweight floating timber staircase that connects the entrance to the main dining floor below. It appears as a full timber cantilevered monocoque construction, however cleverly concealed steel engineering creates a robust structure. Each timber section was carved from a single block of maple timber using artisanal carpentry methods. The staircase was a stylistic addition that Sybarite added to the brief to aid impact on entrance, allowing diners to step off the busy street into an all-encompassing Japanese experience.

▼浮动的楼梯踏板, a lightweight floating timber staircase


Sybarite联合创始人西蒙·米切尔点评道:“我们很高兴能将日式传统设计赋予这个当代环境下的日本餐厅内,并为食客们打造一个餐饮新去处。” Yen餐厅的Cristoforo Santini表示:“能为伦敦带来如此独特的用餐氛围令我们无比激动。我们希望在这个高级日本餐厅里,食客们不仅可以体验舒适的氛围,也能品尝到最棒的日本料理。” Simon Mitchell, co-founder, Sybarite commented: “We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to deliver a design that respects and celebrates traditional Japanese craftsmanship whilst creating a contemporary and timeless backdrop to host the capital’s next restaurant destination.” Cristoforo Santini of Yen, said: “We are excited to bring such a unique offering to London, in a particularly exciting new development. We hope that the restaurant will become a hub of high- quality Japanese food with a great atmosphere and drinks list to match.”


YEN日本料理,伦敦 / Sybarite
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