发布时间:2020-05-16 03:30:08 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Saunders Architecture:  该雕塑装置是为斯托克Sti For Øye雕塑公园而设计,该公园位于奥斯陆南部的Vestfold橡树林中。桑德斯与景观设计师及Rainer Stange教授通力合作,为林地过渡性空间打造了一个精彩的装置。其中,桑德斯建议将其打造在场地最高点,具体可采用钢木混材制作,登上装置向东眺望可见Slottsfjellet或城堡岩。 该设计旨在通过设计一个挑高空间,来帮助游客获得更好的视觉体验。

Saunders Architecture:  This sculptural installation was designed for the Sti For Øye sculpture park in Stokke, set amongst the Vestfold oak forest to the south of Oslo. Working alongside landscape architect and professor Rainer Stange in order to create the infrastructure for a woodland walk past a series of artists’ installations, Saunders proposed a series of steel and wooden walkways set at the highest point of the site, looking east towards Slottsfjellet, or castle rock. The design plays with the idea of an artificially facilitated foray up above the forest floor, an elevated viewpoint that would otherwise be unavailable to the visitor.


The design was whittled down from a set of twenty original ideas, a process Saunders calls a ‘form of Darwinism,’ an architectural evolution whereby only the fittest concepts survive. The object presents a unique experience, with the rusted four-tone Corten exterior seemingly harsh against the soft landscape, but as the visitor rises the contrasting wooden cladding of the inner surface creates a surprisingly warm environment to reflect the forest. The glass balustrade emphasizes the thinness of the structure, and the installation forms a vertical element that visitors have to ascend to lift them above the horizontal forest.


Saunders calls this form a ‘one-liner in the landscape,’ a stairway to nowhere that works through the simple act of raising the viewpoint a few feet in the air. The solitary staircase, gives the object a surrealist appearance or a memory of a long lost ruin, the last remains of which still exists in the depths of this remote wood.



As with all Saunders’s landscape based projects, be they residential, sculptural or commercial, the site was intensely and thoroughly surveyed, resulting in a contour map accurate to 25cm. ‘It’s an absurd thing to place a staircase in a forest, but in a flat landscape you need some verticality,’ says Saunders, ‘so it’s important that the object reads well in the landscape.’

The final structure was flown in by helicopter. The careful surveying ensured that not a single tree had to be cut to accommodate the new stairway to the sky, and the ambitions of the project were realised.Meticulously observed as a component of its surroundings, the Viewpoint is the solitary functional object in the art park.

▼项目所在范围卫星图 Satellite map of project area

▼轴测图 axonometric

▼立面图 elevation

建筑师:  Saunders Architecture – 挪威,卑尔根

设计团队:  Todd Saunders, Attila Béres, Ken Beheim-Schwarzbach general contractor and carpenter Timber AS, Anders Frøstrup

钢材顾问和建筑者:  Jotne Mekaniske Verksteder AS, Terje Johannessen, Christian Larsson, Helge Thorsen

景观设计:  Rainer Stange, Dronninga Landskap

尺寸:  30 ㎡, 长11 m, 宽1.2-3.5 m, 高4.5 m

项目地点:  挪威斯托克

项目状态:  2012年1月完成

摄影:  Bent René Synnevåg

Architect:  Saunders Architecture – Bergen, Norway

Team architects:  Todd Saunders, Attila Béres, Ken Beheim-Schwarzbach general contractor and carpenter Timber AS, Anders Frøstrup

Steel consultants and builders:  Jotne Mekaniske Verksteder AS, Terje Johannessen, Christian Larsson, Helge Thorsen

Landscape architects:  Rainer Stange, Dronninga Landskap

Size:  30 ㎡, 11 m length, 1.2 to 3.5 m width, 4.5 m height

Location:  Stokke, Norway

Status:  Finished January 2012

Photographers:  Bent René Synnevåg


挪威斯托克 Sti For Øye 雕塑公园中的森林楼梯 / Saunders Architecture
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