发布时间:2020-07-26 19:21:52 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

“城市更新不是简单地把老建筑更换成新建筑,而是通过建筑的更迭构建城市与人之间全新的、深层次的连接。这其中需要的不只是一个空间、一块场地,更需要根植于真实生活中的自然互动。”Aedas全球设计董事Dr. Andy Wen(温子先博士)在城市更新中的深圳罗湖水贝片区,重新定义城市客厅,以210米超高层打造了片区新地标。

Aedas Global Design Principal Dr. Andy Wen designs Shenzhen’s newest 210-metre super high-rise landmark – the SHUIBEI International Center. Shaping the city’s skyline with contemporary urban renewal developments, he states that, “Urban regeneration is not simply replacing old and weathered buildings with new ones, but rather building a new relationship and a deeper connection between the city and its people through these new developments. This connection requires more than just space as it also integrates everyday organic synergy from the community.”

▼项目概览,Overall view ©CreatAR Images

▼鸟瞰,Aerial view ©CreatAR Images



▼项目所在地,Project Site ©Aedas

The site is located in China’s jewellery trade and processing hub in Luohu, Shenzhen. As the industry evolves, the industry’s established business model no longer meets the changes in demand. In alignment with Luohu District Government’s plans in restructuring the city’s industrial area through urban renewal, the Gmong International Building is a strategic and vital aspect in transforming the city.

The project is located on the Southeast side of the Luohu District and overlooks the vast greenery of urban parks to its West. Although high-density commercial and residential buildings surround the project, the development is designed with a circular green space system to ensure that the development is enveloped with a natural landscape.

▼片区的门户工程,A gateway to the district ©CreatAR Images

面对复杂的肌理,Dr. Andy Wen另辟蹊径,以丰富的城市客厅和犹如城市之眼的巨型LED屏重新定义公共性,搭配架空绿化和空中花园,形成建筑-城市-人三者之间的有机互动。


“这是整个片区中最高的建筑,作为天际线与片区门户,它是天然的焦点。当目光汇聚于此,互动就此发生。这个造型独特的巨型LED屏将成为与市民对话的窗口,像城市的一只眼睛,传递倾听,成为城市的文化新地标。” Dr. Andy Wen如是说。

▼裙楼立面上眼睛形状的巨型LED屏幕,an extensive LED screen sits along the base of the building and showcases the city’s vibrant energy ©CreatAR Images

Dr. Andy Wen’s unique approach to the project’s complex texture lends the design a rich and contemporary appeal. The public space is redefined with elevated greenery and a sky garden to create natural synergy between the architecture, the city and its people.

The project’s design incorporates public space on multiple levels. Designed with sky gardens on towers, landscaped outdoor staircases and greenscaped rooftop podiums, the development is equipped with space to accommodate work, live and recreate activities. Extensive greenery is used to integrate into the surrounding neighbourhood and enhance the city’s urban landscape seamlessly. Distinguished by its curved silhouette, an extensive LED screen sits along the base of the building and showcases the city’s vibrant energy.

“The Gmond International Building is the tallest in the area. As the skyline’s focal point, the distinct eye-inspired LED screen is a centrepiece and represents attentive regard for the neighbourhood.” – Dr. Andy Wen

▼夜幕中的水贝国际珠宝中心,SHUIBEI International Center night view ©CreatAR Images


▼设计手稿,Design Sketches ©Aedas

The design draws inspiration from traditional Chinese bamboos to symbolize prosperity and represent the corporation’s virtue and purity. The minimal tower is distinguished by openings along each node as the volume gradually peaks. Inspiration from bamboos closely reflect the development of the surrounding neighbourhood. The podium adopts contours of a wide bamboo leaf and wraps around the commercial portion of the building with a curved outline and LED screen. At night, a stripe of light illuminates the tower and lightens the development with LED lights to echo the city’s urban texture.

▼线条富有律动的裙楼,Curved outline on the podium ©CreatAR Images

“根植文脉并不是形态的照搬,而是非具象化的轮廓中有骨有神的精神内核呈现。”设计在建筑轮廓中巧妙注入道家思想,裙楼的“一”字形态、塔楼的“两片式”造型、“三”级竹节的递进,从根基到顶端,如同“一生二,二生三,三生万物” ,无声传递道法自然的理念。

Firmly rooted in the context of the city, the Gmond International Building embodies originality and innovation. The design integrates subtle Taoist ideologies into the outline of the building. The verticality of the bamboo-inspired building alludes to the connection between Taoism and nature through a well-known Taoist cosmology: “Tao gives birth to One, One gives birth to Two, The Two gives birth to Three, The Three gives birth to all universal things.”

▼夜幕中的水贝国际珠宝中心,SHUIBEI International Center night view ©CreatAR Images


The project integrates Grade-A offices, a jewellery and lifestyle shopping centre, food and beverage, entertainment and various other functions. Office and apartments are located in the quieter towers while commercial and jewellery exhibition centres are conveniently located and accessible through the podiums.

▼塔楼和裙楼彼此独立运营,The tower and podium operate independently of each other ©Aedas

项目:水贝国际珠宝中心 位置:中国深圳 设计及项目建筑师:Aedas 业主:深圳吉盟国际实业有限公司 建筑面积:105,000平方米 竣工年份:2020 主要设计人:温子先(Dr. Andy Wen),全球设计董事

Project: SHUIBEI International Center Location: Shenzhen, China Design and Project Architect: Aedas Client: Shenzhen Gmond International Industry Co. Building Area: 105,000 sq m Completion Year: 2020 Director: Dr. Andy Wen, Global Design Principal


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