设计师Eva Feldkamp毕业于柏林艺术大学,目前作为自由设计师生活工作在伦敦。
Frame/Membrane by Eva Feldkamp
Frame/Membrane consists of a series of suitcases and bags that are constructedfrom frames and covered with flexible textile or leather, to expose or hideobjects inside. Through the membrane, packed items give the product anindividual shape. One can feel and draw a picture of the objects inside, whilethey still are hidden behind the framed skin. The surface gets its specificform from its content. Things can be hidden in the very core of the case,others are displayed just beneath the membrane. The whole product lives fromtension in the limited lines of the framing that, with its clear shape, drawsthe products body itself.
Here’s some more information from the Eva Feldkamp:
Living and working as a freelance designer in London, Eva Feldkamp graduatedfrom The Berlin University of the Arts. In projects she profits from herexperiences while studying at the Design Academy Eindhoven – one semester eachin the department of Man and Living and Man and Well-Being – as well as fromher work within the teams of designers Philippe Malouin, Faye Toogood andStudio Toogood.
Words and photos: Courtesy of Eva Feldkamp
Eva Feldkamp