年轻的女摄影师Francesca Pozzi用镜头记录了她在旅行路上所看到的自然风景。照片中的天空与山峦犹如蒙上了一层白色的薄纱,呈现出异常宁静和细腻的气质。偶尔出现在画面中的旅客、动物与建筑,使观者不自觉地陷入一种对于自然环境与人造环境、以及人类之间的关联的遐思。
Francesca Pozzi used her lens to record the natural scenery she saw on her way in travel. The landscapes in her pictures appear extremely peaceful and delicate as if being covered by a layer of pale-palette veil. Visitors, animals and buildings that occasionally get involved in the landscape lead to an unconscious reverie about the connection among natural and built environment, as well as we human beings.
Francesca Pozzi出生于1991年,是一名来自意大利的摄影师。2015年她毕业于米兰的意大利摄影学院。近期她在米兰以自由摄影师的身份为多家通讯平台工作,同时也忙碌于参加全世界的摄影竞赛。
Francesca Pozzi is an italian photographer born in 1991. In 2015 she graduated from the Italian Institute of Photography in Milan. Currently she works as a freelance photographer in Milan with different communication agencies, working in parallel to her own projects by participating in international competitions.